The Summoner

v1 Chapter 46: . Show off coming outside

Adrien's room is on the corner of the second floor of the castle. As an environment where he has lived for more than ten years, he is basically very familiar with this place. After a few turns, he came to a more familiar corridor.

Behind the first door on the corner is his private room.

Push door.

The door was unlocked, so he pushed open the door and walked in.

Adrien looked at the space of more than 20 square meters, and he was familiar when he left, and the tables, chairs and ground were very clean, and the beds were still neat, which means that no one came in, and there were also servants cleaning regularly.

"Childhood?" Adrien teased at the corners of his mouth: "Is that what you used to be?"


Greetings came from outside the door.

Adrien turned to look at it, the maid in charge of the service in the castle, and nodded lightly, "What's wrong?"

The two maids looked at him respectfully and in awe, and said softly: "Welcome back, young master, there is always cleaning here. No one has ever stayed, you can rest at ease." Said also added: "If you are ready For lunch, you can always greet us, we are still waiting for you in a small room outside the corridor."

Adrien didn’t care about their compliments, and he didn’t feel like a winner when he returned to his room. He just waved casually: “Okay, you can close the door.”

"Yes." The maid bowed respectfully, and closed the door with ease after leaving.

"not bad."

Adrien's mouth slightly curled.

Perhaps his status has been re-consolidated, or he can come back and get the news of being a knight. At least, at the turquoise castle, most of the servants are still very respectful of him. He was still more respected when he was still living at the time, which made him a little playful.

Whether it is respected or not, the most critical factor is whether its own resources are strong.

Strength, authority, wrist.

That's all.

Come to the table, there is a wooden box inlaid with silver patterns.

Open the shell, there are several letters inside, all of which are high-quality envelopes with the best texture. The attribution in the center outlines the signature in a single stroke with graceful strokes-Louis of the Mystic Master Tower.

Adrien's nose was slightly sniffing, and the indifferent jasmine fragrance was indeed the impression of the face, always introverted and shy, so that he was also humiliated by other mage apprentices. In the end, because he couldn't get used to it, he personally solved a few The most arrogant apprentice only avoided him from encountering more "campus" violence.

Since then Louis has regarded Adrien as a friend.


Adrien groaned and looked at the letters without much comment.

The family of Lewis origin is located in Wangdu County. It is said that it has a relationship with the royal family. At its most glorious, it monopolized nearly 80% of the trade in Wangdu County. However, this was a glorious moment 100 years ago. In recent years, it has only been possible to marry the royal family. Only barely maintained the position of the chief financial officer of Wangdu. As for the monopoly of trade, it was the longing for the ancestors.

This is why Adrien chose to make good friends with Louis. After all, there are many friends and many paths, not to mention the most intimate student era. If you can safely embrace this golden thigh of the future, you will have more opportunities in the future.

He never denied his more pragmatic character.


Open the letter.

Most of the content is inquiries or talks.

For example, why didn't you go back to the Master Tower after the vacation? Did you have trouble at home? You already know the reason through Barrett, whether you want to play and relax? What can I do for you? And he was very excited to become a first-level Master.

"and many more!"

Adrien stunned: "Level 1 Master?"

Re-examining the letter, he slowly read: "...I have successfully communicated with the magic net yesterday, and under the care of the goddess of the magic net, I realized all the zero-loop tricks and one-loop spells, Adrien, I The best, closest and favorite friends, this is my happiest moment, I want to share with you, I have planned the future, if I become a Master of the Three Rings, then I will go to you and accept your employment for free, Then I can help you share the pressure..."

This surprised him quite a bit. He knew that in the course of his apprenticeship, Louis, who was not inferior but definitely not superior, was promoted to first-level mage within half a month after the end of the talent test?!

"how is this possible?"

Adrienne whispered to herself: "This guy, Louis... is this a genius?"

He is currently only a second-level mage. Although he has not fully embarked on the path of a mage, after all, it is still beyond the limit of the mage apprentice. After he is connected to the magic net, he can easily use zero-level tricks and a ring of two. The spell of the ring can be regarded as a low-level magician, although it is obtained through golden fingers.

But even so, he also passed the near-death training before escaping from the dead, otherwise where would there be a second-level mage's professional level? It is estimated that it has already become a Stygian scrap that even the soul is destroyed into scum!

Just thinking in my head, there was a soft knock on the door outside.


Someone opened the door and asked, "Are you inside?"

Adrien frowned slightly. The familiar voice slightly ridiculed the smile on the corner of his mouth. He put away the letters on the table. He looked at the door and said lightly, "I'm here, is there anything, Dorrence?" ?"

The door was gently pushed open, and Dorence walked in, wearing a dark and brand-new apprentice mage robe, his face was very calm, and without the humble emotions and face before, he nodded slightly as a tribute. : "I haven't seen you for a long time, Master. I heard that you are back. I want to come and visit you."

"You?" Adrien was a little playful with this title, and he didn't mean to sit up in a chair: "Could you call me this young master as a servant, shouldn't you be?"

"...You!" Dorrence's immature face flushed suddenly.

"What are you?"

Adrien raised his eyebrows slightly: "Come and show me?"

He smiled lightly and looked at Dorons's immature mentality: "This mage's robe is indeed beautiful, but please note that as a servant of the turquoise family, you can certainly open my door casually, casually Come in?" The tone is slightly lower: "I don't remember, let you in!"

"...You you you!" Where did Durens have seen this provocative language, his face flushed but he also thought of the identity of Adrien, the humiliation of his inner humiliation, but he spoke strongly: "I It's coming to see you!"


Adrien, when he sees it, accepts: "Look at me? What do you want to see me?"

However, Dorons seemed to seize the opportunity and ridiculed: "After I returned to the Master Tower, the tutor said that you did not choose to continue to study the spell because of the C-level talent. When I returned, I found that the inheritance of the turquoise family was manned. Lord Del gave Master Barrett, you are a civilian at all, what is your qualification to fight against me?"

"I'm a civilian?" Adrien smiled, watching Dorenz's chin seemingly show off, a pair of strong toes with a high toe, and said lightly: "So what are you? "

"I am the trainee mage of the Mystic Mage Tower!"

Dorans seemed extremely excited.

He stretched out his hand, a fist-sized ball of light condensed in the palm of his hand in a few seconds, exuding a gentle light, and he also laughed proudly: "This is my future!"

"Brightness?" Adrien raised his eyebrows slightly: "Zero-level tricks?"

"Yes! It's the luminosity!"

Dorans turned off the light ball with a backhand, and his face also had a mocking smile: "Although it is a zero-level trick, it can prove that I am a trainee mage!" He stared at Adrien closely, but did not see the fear or The envious look, with only a blank expression and even a somewhat ridiculous face, made him feel like he was splashing cold water, gritting his teeth fiercely: "How about, Master Adrien, what are you in front of me? "

"I really can't count anything." Adrian looked at his arrogant look and suddenly smiled: "But my friend, Louis, seems to have become a real first-level mage?"

"...He!" Dorrence's face was suddenly embarrassed.

"Is he a genius, right?"

Adrien smiled: "You should also know how close he is to me."

Sitting in a chair, his fingers tapped on the table, and the sound of the drum seemed to shake Dorens' eardrums: "Your talent is nothing more than a B-level. Even if you can reach the fifth-level wizard, you are top-notch, and what is Louis's talent. Coming?" He shook his head regretfully: "I don't know, but if I can get to the first-level Master in a short time, I can't be worse!"

"You can't rely on him forever!" Dorons was already flushed, staring at Adrien and saying fiercely: "Don't you like women?"

"Yeah." Adrien chuckled. "But if someone likes me, there is no way."

"...You are fine!"

Dorence gritted his teeth and turned to leave the room.

It's just that Adrien looked at the door that was closed again, but his face was a bit gloomy: "I can really bully me when I come back this time?" He thought to himself: "It's going to move soon."

He needs to quickly understand the druid spells given to him by nature's pan-consciousness.

At the same time, absorb the power of nature as soon as possible.

no way.

Everyone is making progress.

And if he always plays the role of a pig and a tiger, the end may not be better.

Only by demonstrating his own strength can he effectively deter others, in exchange for time and space where he can grow freely, otherwise the endless troubles will delay his growth.


In Mandel's room, Old Owen was standing by the table and waiting.

The atmosphere in the room is very quiet.

The two were silent.

Old Owen was not in a hurry.

Because Mandel was still reading the classics, frowning at the contents.

After a while, he slowly raised his head and asked Shen Sheng: "Ohne, you have been in charge of the turquoise fort since my father’s generation. It is the most loyal and indispensable part of the turquoise family. Member, right?"

Old Owen nodded: "This is my kindness to the turquoise family."

"it is good."

Mandel clenched his quill pen: "Then I ask you... Is that Adrien?"