The Summoner

v1 Chapter 48: .Dispute in the castle hall

In the evening, the turquoise castle, the dinner was held as scheduled.

Hundreds of candles have been lit in the hall, making the interior of the castle with the main defense as bright as the day.

The specifications of this banquet are undoubtedly very high, but the overall atmosphere tends to be quiet, because the banquet did not invite the bards to help, nor did they invite the entertaining jugglers, not even the guests.

This is a banquet mainly for family dinners, but the specifications are extremely high.

Adrien walked into the hall.

He came a little late.

Some people on both sides of the long table arrived first and were seated.

Looking around, the first one on the right is his younger brother Barrett, sitting there with a sad face on his face, even if Dorons at the first one talks about something with him, he just nods his head lightly and does not answer. .

The first to the bottom left is unexpectedly Loved.


The corner of Adrian’s mouth curled up slightly: "Lovefield?"

Loved also saw him come in, just want to say hello, but glanced at the opposite Barrett and Dorrence, and finally did not stand up, but barely squeezed a stiff smile to him: "Good evening, Adri Master En."

"good evening!"

Adrien’s smile is a bit playful: "Is that so far?"

"...Uh." Loved's lips moved, but his guilty bowed his head and he didn't dare to continue talking.

As for the Dorons on the opposite side, he had absolute hatred and contempt for Adrien. He proudly raised his chin and almost unkindly commanded Lofid: "The dinner is about to start, you, go Give Master Barrett a glass of water!"

Loved looked at Adrien with embarrassment, but slowly stood up and grinned reluctantly: "I...just go!"

"Go here?"

Dorrance sneered unkindly: "Don't hurry up yet?"

He was very high-spirited, as if he were the master here: "Also, pour me a glass of water, and wait for honey, hurry up, don't rub it like a slug !"

"...Yes!" Loved's face flushed suddenly, but he had to stand with his head down and walk towards the side.


Dorons sneered, looking up at Adrien with contempt and provocation: "When you are a dog, you must be like a dog, and the humble civilians dare to be on the dining table that nobles deserve to enjoy?" He also said in his words. With a lot of dissatisfaction: "I really don't know how the old Owen guy made it, even let him sit opposite me!"

Regarding Dorons's provocation, Adrien certainly understands this enthusiasm. The source is his brand-new apprentice mage robe, but he can't help but laugh lightly: "Good talk!"

"Of course!" Dorrence smiled complacently: "Master Barrett is an A+ talent, and I am a B+ talent!"


Adrien seemed to praise: "Then your family in Mopan Village will definitely be proud of you?"

Durrence's smug smile suddenly stiffened, but Adrien didn't end the speech, but still nodded admiringly: "I remember your father, who was once a servant of a knight in the castle, right? Competing for the mine on the border, dedicated to the turquoise family, fighting heroically, and finally jumping with the other three knights of the other lord on the cliff and ending up, winning the victory of the mine competition, is also a worthy of remembering The warrior, you have to say, as his son, you have the blood of his bravery!"

"...You you!" Dorons's face was already extremely red, the whole person was shaking with excitement, his face was extremely embarrassed, and even looked at Adrien's eyes as if to choose someone to eat.

"Oh, right!"

Adrien tilted his head in doubt: "What is your father's name?"

Dorans creaked his full teeth and stared at Adrien fiercely. The words seemed to be squeezed out of the teeth between the words: "...You! Very! Good!"

"Of course!" Adrian leaned on the back of the chair with a smile, spreading his hands: "I am very healthy!"

"Water is coming!"

Loved came here with a tray.

However, there were three glasses of water in the tray. He placed one in front of Barrett, who still kept his head down and silent, and another in front of Dolens. He just wanted to walk towards Adrien, but a vicious sentence came behind him: " and many more!"

"Ah?" Lovefield turned awkwardly: "What else does Mr. Dollens tell you?"

"There is still a glass of water."

Dorans asked indifferently: "Did you drink it yourself?"

Lovefield glanced at Adrien with embarrassment: "...No."


Dorrance's mouth curled up: "Did you drink it?"

Without waiting for Lofid to answer, he directly extended his finger and ticked: "Bring me the glass of water. Now I feel that my hands are a little dry and I want to wash my hands." His tone was cold: "What do you think? kind?"

"...This." Loved stood speechless while standing still, but when he looked at Barrett for help-like eyes, he found that the heir of the family head just turned his head down and didn't know to think about it. What, I had to look at Adrien with helplessness, but found that the young master was also looking at him playfully.


The palm of your hand tapped on the desk and made a soft sound.

Dorrance's face was extremely ugly: "I let you, give me, send the water over!" He stared at Lofid fiercely, and all the fire that had been brought to him by Adrien was passed to him: "You ,have you understood?!"

"I..." Loved humiliated in his eyes.


A waiter came next to him, also young, and was a friend of Dorons before.

Bent over and played a round softly: "Captain Lovefield is the sheriff after all, he is not familiar with this kind of work, I will pour water for you, there is your favorite thorn date honey in the castle, I will give you some Enter... eh?"


But a still hot cup of water splashed directly on his face.

Dorenz didn't even look at the former friend next to him, nor did he care about his shocked face, but just swept the wet chest from head to neck, the corner of his mouth curled up with a nearly crazy smile, but his eyes were wearing With high contempt: "To call me Mr. Dollens and call me at the same time, please use "you" this honorific!" he slowly said: "Also, I don't like inferior thorn date honey, Understand?!"

"...Bright...Understood!" The servant looked at Durrence's eyes without lifting his eyelids, and finally turned into a gloom and humiliation in his eyes, but also nodded his head and said softly: "Yes Duolens Mr!"

"As long as you know!"

Dorons looked at Na Lofid again: "Can you give me that glass of water now?"

Lofid gritted his teeth, scanned the brand-new dark apprentice mage robe, and looked at the still expressionless Barrett next to his eyes, and finally lowered his head and walked over to put the glass of water in the tray on the table: "Please use !"


The corner of Dorrance's mouth was slightly curled.

Looking at Adrien sitting opposite, the hatred and provocation in his eyes was hard to hide: "As a first-level mage, I need to keep my hands clean." He reached out and dipped the water in the glass, and then he Rubbing your hands is like washing your hands, just wipe the tablecloth and wipe it: "This feels much better!"

"Yes!" Lovefield gritted his teeth and lowered his head back to his seat. The whole person shivered slightly, and his face had become extremely red. This humiliation came from the civilian servants who once looked down on him, which made him feel humiliated!


Adrien was still calm.

He stretched out his hands and waited for the servant who was waiting at the corner of the wall to clean up: "Bring me a glass of water!" The tone was abrupt. He looked at Lofid, whose head was still down next to his eyes. Have a cup!"

"Yes!" The servants quickly brought two glasses of water in front of Adrien and Lovefield.

"People need to be more careful."

Adrien chuckled in his glass.

Looking at Lofid with a complex look next to him, the tone was plain: "Some people just can't do it. Like a nouveau riche, they're arrogant as soon as they have some ability. Is there really anything that will happen in the future? I don't think it is necessary. !"

"Humph!" Dorans knew his mouth was bad, but snorted coldly without answering.


Loved nodded surprisingly.

The complexion of his face was eventually replaced by his hands full of green muscles. He clenched his fists tightly and grinned reluctantly, thanking Adrien: "I understand, maybe there are some things I think too much, I really appreciate it."

"Well." Adrien glanced at Dorrance, lowering his head and chuckling, but his eyes were full of indifference.


For a moment, not long after, Old Owen was walking outside the hall behind Viscount Mandel.

This immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the hall. Even Barrett, who was still in his soul, was dragged by Dolens and reacted. He quickly stood up and all bent over to caress his chest.

"Viscount Mandel (Master)."

Mandel went straight to his throne and sat down.

Looking at the left and right Adrien and Barrett, he nodded lightly: "Okay, let's sit down." He also looked at Old Owen: "Tonight's dinner, please come to supervise you, you can do well, I feel relieved."

"Thank you for your trust." Old Owen bent over to salute, then stepped back and nodded to the servants in the corner.


With the signal, someone in charge will call softly.

The servants immediately moved and quickly came to the table with the wooden tray prepared, and placed the fine silver tray on the table. This is the appetizer, boiled with pigeon minced and boiled, Equipped with a digestive medicinal berry growing in the dead swamp, the whole has a sweet and sour taste, which is quite appetizing.

The silver knife and fork are also prepared, placed in front of everyone, and placed in a thin velvet cloth dyed in light blue. It looks extremely luxurious, almost to the level of luxury, and it is just one-sided reflection of the noble life.

But no one started eating and drinking directly because they were still waiting for the next words.

Opening remarks for the main mandel.

"I am very sad."

Mandel's expression was solemn.

He looked at Adrien and then to Barrett: "Just a few days ago, an accident raided the turquoise family, so much so that my love, Susan, Adrien and Barrett’s mother, suffered an accident. , I am extremely sad."