The Summoner

v2 Chapter 134: .Talks at Turquoise Fort

The conversation did not last long. He left the Mystic Mage Tower, took a specially prepared carriage for him, and returned to the territory of the former Bay County along the forest path that was only briefly maintained.

To be precise, he returned to the turquoise fort after 2 days.

The deep night sky is dotted with countless stars.

That is the kingdom of God.

A huge silver disk-like moon hung high in the sky.

The main plane is shrouded in the tenderness of the goddess of moonlight, enjoying this hard-won silence, recovering the physical strength and energy consumed by daytime in sleep, and allowing myself to greet tomorrow with a better posture.

But in the former Bay County, because of the need to defend against the Orc Horde that may burst out of the dark jungle at any time, a curfew and a vertical wall clearing were organized a few months ago in order to take the first wave of the Orc Horde. The impact is reduced to a minimum to prevent excessive losses, so that the forces of the Turquoise family will have the ability to counterattack in the next.

It's just that the curfew and the vertical wall clearing that lasted for nearly four months, a small half year, did not work.

It is not that the offensive of the Orcish Horde is so powerful that it cannot be resisted.

Instead, they did not find the Orc Horde!

That's right.

Except that a half-orc had a small stock rushed out 4 months ago.

For the rest of the time, those half-orc tribes that were supposed to be in droves and rushed out of the dark jungle seemed to have disappeared. Not only did they not appear, even small groups of half-orcs disappeared.

Even some courageous hunters suddenly discovered after the investigation.

Outside the dark jungle.

The outpost of the Orcish Horde ready.

They have completely disappeared from the trail of the Orcs. Seemingly, they seem to have taken the initiative to retreat.

However, after some veteran hunters conducted in-depth investigations, they also found temporary camps in certain orc tribes. There were traces of fighting, corpses and blood were everywhere, not only humans, but also orcs. , Or even the remains of some scattered magical constructs!

This shows that the Orcish tribe should have appeared, sweeping the waves on the outskirts of Qianwan County on the most fierce scale, unconsciously, completely wiped out due to some accidents, and held it without success!

Of course, this is good news for everyone in Qianwan County.

But no one dared to stand up and promise.

The orc disaster is really over!

Who can promise?

In the past hundreds of years.

Unswervingly, there will be an orc disaster every 8 years.

The surging tide rushed out of the dark jungle, killing all creatures that could be killed, looting everything that could be looted. It really flooded the entire former Bay County like a flood, which made people frightened.

This is a brutal alien disaster.


Even the turquoise family can only resist with the help of tall walls and castles.

Not to mention the unarmed civilians?

Although the upper limit of human beings is high.

But the lower limit.

It is also extremely low!

The civilians at the bottom are not even professionals!

Facing the orcs who can be regarded as first-class fighters when they are born, they can only be regarded as qualified peasants or merchants when they reach adulthood. Only after strict training and training can they become warriors.

Therefore, the number advantage, in terms of human beings, is nothing but a professional!

This is the vigilance brought by historical inertia.

Who can really relax?


Therefore, in the face of the orc disaster, everyone is extremely nervous.

Even if you know that the Orc Horde does not have qualified siege weapons and no siege experience, but for the militia defending the castle and the town, during the Orc disaster, the Orc Horde did not try to siege?

Although they were all annihilated and never succeeded in siege, they were still dead.

There are even experiences of losing the city walls!

Not broken.

Rely on the help of the church stationed in the town.

The Church of the Goddess of Agriculture and the Church of God of Order and Nobility are not responsible for the security of the territory on weekdays.

However, in order to ensure the safety of residents and believers, at this time of crisis, they usually come out to help defend the city or solve some dilemmas. After all, the combat knights are more powerful than ordinary people!

This led to the disaster of the Orcs, although the urban defense security of the town was not great, but the pressure was particularly great!

The militia cannot be completely dependent on the church.

The two sides are not a system.

Let the Orcs siege?


Once the orcs were attacked into the town, then thousands of orcs poured in. Can the guardian knights with less than 500 people in the two churches together resist it?

It is estimated that the church is used as a fortress, and it is hard to support and wait for reinforcements!

And at that time.

It is estimated that all the militia will be killed.

Even if they can't die in battle, they will be liquidated when the troops of Turquoise Fort waiting for the counterattack arrive.

The turquoise family has never been a family known for pity and kindness. Although all the leaders have a lack of communication with this family, if they do not follow the family’s call, they will be rehabilitated to a lot of bankruptcy, and even God will not know. Ghosts disappeared unconsciously, it is normal.

For example, paying taxes and collecting the two most basic obligations, turquoise castle is very important, almost no one in the entire former Bay County dared to violate, and the offender will not be too good.

Like Harold who was hanged because he colluded with the Angris.

Most people know.

It was definitely killed in violation of the interests of Turquoise Castle!

Of course, the turquoise fort didn't care about it, but it defaulted, in order to let these people know that this castle built on the top of the hill, but govern the territory with authority!

But for Adrien, in addition to authority, there are absolute strength factors.

He understood this from the moment he returned.

"Turquoise family?"

Adrien's mouth slightly curled.

He was sitting in the castle hall, his own chair, quietly eating the supper prepared for him in the kitchen, but in his mind he felt amused by many senior professionals he felt.

Midnight snack is lamb stewed chickpeas, spiced, mellow and salty.

There are also slices of bread baked with salt.

It tastes good.

Adrien soon finished eating, and the servant next to him came to take away the plate.

And just inside the corridor, footsteps came slowly, rhythmically, old Owen’s well-kept figure also came out, came over with a cup of brewed light alcoholic beverage, and placed it on the table And gently pushed to Adrien: "Master, after eating supper, a glass of cranberry wine can also help digestion and sleep."

"Yes, I always like this kind of drink." Adrian nodded, took the drink, and sniffed slightly at the tip of his nose. The elegant alcohol scent filled him, and he nodded in satisfaction: "It feels like a family."

"Really?" Old Owen smiled, slightly bowed to salute: "How should I call you?"

"Me?" Adrian looked at him and raised his eyebrows.

"Yes." Old Owen still repeated respectfully: "What should I call you?"

"Adrien, don't you know?" Adrien smiled. "Who do you think I am?" He took a sip of the drink without any hands and feet, and said lightly: "I can still say who I am at this time." How about it? I’m a member of the turquoise family, Adrien, that’s enough, right, Owen Butler?”

"Of course, but the turquoise castle always needs to know the identity of the person who came." Old Owen smiled and said calmly: "So, I continue to call you, Master Adrien, is it okay?"

"Why not?" Adrian drank a drink. "Why can I still be called?"

"This question doesn't need to be entangled." While in the corridor, there was a steady voice, and Mandel, wearing a Viscount suit, came out, sitting in his place with a burly body, and waved to arrange for Old Owen: " In this case, let all other servants go out."

"Yes." Old Owen nodded and waited around the wall, waiting for the servants who nodded. The servants immediately lowered their heads and left quickly, leaving only three of them in the entire hall.

"Adrien, why are you back?" Mandel said slowly.

"Ah?" Adrian raised an eyebrow. "Why do you ask?"

"Worried." Mandel answered very simply.

"Well, I didn't plan to wait here for too long." Adrien smiled: "I plan to go to the capital, and I want to go back here. Just look around and miss my life."

"Just this?" Mandell looked at his son's familiar face, but there was no hidden fear in his eyes: "If you want to look at it casually, then look at it casually." His tone slightly paused: "Just you plan to go Wang Du, I still want to remind you, it is best to be careful."

"Because of the dark Prince?" Adrian's mouth turned slightly: "I heard something."

"You know?" Mandel said in amazement.

"The Chief Darcy told me." Adrian smiled indifferently. "The chief leader of the Dark Sun Church is said to be the principal behind a series of conspiracies." He said to his father: "You are afraid he?"

"Yes." Mandel nodded after a moment of silence: "Very afraid."

"That's a pity." Adrien shook his head: "Can you introduce me to something that is not afraid of him?" His lips twitched slightly: "Chief Darcy said that he could introduce me to the nobles of the king's capital, but I I always feel that he is not very trustworthy, on the contrary, my father, I can still accept your words."

"I have been away from Wang for a long time, and there is nothing I can introduce to you." Mandel looked at him with a complicated look: "If you want, you can go to your uncle, if you want."

"Uncle Stowe?" Adrien touched his chin. "Good idea."

"But." Mandel said slowly: "I don't recommend you to go to the capital." He said slowly and exhaled: "Of course, if you really want to go, you can go to Stowe, of course, Louis, your friend, and the family behind him, you can also meet and greet you, there is always no harm."