The Sun Never Sets In Spain

Chapter 131: British mediation

The international situation is changing rapidly, even if the sponsoring country is in it, there are some who can’t see the future, let alone all bystanders?

The confrontation between the two alliances has aroused heated discussions in Europe, and Britain is the first to respond to this.

Their current policy is the balance of power in Europe, through checks and balances between countries to free up space for colonizing Asia and blocking Russia.

Obviously, a great war will completely change this balance of power, which is something Britain does not want to see.

And even if it is really going to fight a European war, Britain hopes to win universally, because Western France is a colonial empire, and winning Europe may further threaten their colonial hegemony.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the North-South Alliance does not have the slightest chance of winning-it must be admitted that Prussia's performance in the Franco-Prussian War is quite amazing, but they cannot deal with France and Austria-Hungary at the same time.

As for the little brother Italy, he is not even Spain's opponent.

Amidst this concern, the United Kingdom urgently contacted countries, but only Italy clearly expressed its hope that the United Kingdom would mediate.

For the rest, even Prussia and France, which were endangered by the war, had a tougher attitude than the other.

France asked Prussia to withdraw from South Germany, and Prussia asked France to return Alsace Lorraine.

The bottom line of the two countries is not only very different but also involves the fundamental interests of the two countries. Whoever fails to achieve it will collapse. It is as strong as the United Kingdom and dare not promise them at will.

Pfao and the United Kingdom can be regarded as players of equal strength and can talk on an equal footing, and the United Kingdom cannot touch them.

But for Spain, a country of average strength but huge maritime interests, the British Prime Minister thinks he can still speak up.

They approached Alfonso on the second day of the establishment of the "Solidarity Agreement" and expressed their willingness to mediate the war between Spain and Italy.

They promised that Rome would belong to the Papal State, and Italy could use a small area as its nominal capital.

At the same time, Italy will abandon its claim to Rome, and Spain can permanently station its troops here.

In other words, Italy accepted the terms of the Rome Conference.

Don't think about it, it must be Italy who appealed to Spain for peace on the pretext of Britain.

For them, agreeing to such conditions means that all the sacrifices they have made before are in vain, and the national sentiment mobilized for this cannot be invested in the war, but will backfire themselves.

There may be nothing wrong with the Savoy royal family, but the cabinet is definitely going to be reorganized.

And as the most compromised, cowardly and incompetent cabinet in Italian history, it will be nailed to the pillar of shame in history.

Obviously, this proposal before the war is far from reaching Alfonso's psychological expectations.

He didn't really do it for the Papal State.

If the goal is simply to preserve Rome, there is no need to cause a full-scale war. There must be a more moderate solution.

That is, the United Kingdom, and Alfonsouli would ignore him if he wanted to be the peace ambassador in another country.

But even in Britain, it was impossible to let this battle go in vain. Alfonso tactfully rejected the ambassador's proposal, and instead put forward a new request-Sardinia should be handed over to Spain.


"...So that's it. The Spaniards want Sardinia. I don't think this request is excessive."

At 10 Downing Street, the Foreign Minister, Earl of Granville, reported the results of their work to the Prime Minister.

The current Liberal Prime Minister William Yurt Gladstone listened quietly. Without answering the foreign minister's words, he asked, "Since it is not too much, has Italy been informed?"

Granville showed a little annoyed look: "Italy is unwilling to cede the land, and even if I let them pay to replace it, they are also unwilling-even in the name of redeeming prisoners of war."

Gladstone nodded: "Then it will end. Italy does not want peace. Since they all want to fight, let them fight first. After a while, they will know that losing the war is a price. ."

There was a bit of dissatisfaction with Italy in the words.

Indeed, judging from the current situation, Italy will lose the war without any suspense, especially after the two groups really start the war.

Just cutting off a Sardinia suspended in the Mediterranean Sea is considered a more tolerant treaty in the eyes of the United Kingdom.

And as long as Italy let go, there is still a lot of room for maneuverability.

Loss of money can offset part of it, and even Gladstone is certain to convince Spain to implement this treaty by establishing a Sardinian protectorate in Sardinia, which will weaken Italy while not strengthening Spain.

Who would have thought that Italy would only be willing to restore its pre-war territory, and would not give anything else.

Then the war can only be allowed to continue. The mediation will be discussed later. Judging from the attitudes of Spain and Italy, the British believe that the situation is still under their control.


In fact, Italy also has a bitter knowledge. From the prisoner-of-war incident to this war, Italy’s national honor has fallen again and again. It is nothing for the old nation-state like France, but for the new Italian regime, this It is to maintain the root of the existence of the country.

They were really afraid that cutting off Sardinia would be the beginning of the collapse of the Kingdom of Italy.

If you can't cede the land, then you pay, but they are poor and in vain, and they can't get a penny.

Italy itself is the poorest among the great powers, and the successive days of wars and army expansion have brought the deficit to a very serious level.

Not to mention the embargo imposed by the Solidarity Agreement a few days ago, it set off a wave of business closures. For the first time, factory owners and workers stood on the same front and marched together to demand that the government stop the war.

Many capitalists have stated in the newspapers that if the war is prolonged and the embargo issue cannot be resolved, the possibility of transferring to a foreign country cannot be ruled out. After all, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain.

The parliament is considering granting them a weekly subsidy to stabilize people's hearts. As for more unemployed workers, the government is temporarily unable to manage.

Therefore, Italy is currently suffering from internal and external difficulties, and there is almost no liquidity in its accounts. What can be used to satisfy Spain's appetite?

The double blockade on land and sea alone is enough to bring Italy, a resource-poor country, into collapse.

After much deliberation, the Italian high-levels agreed that a big victory must be played to obtain a decent peace condition, and it must be fast, before Fao declares war on it!

Victory on land has proven impossible or difficult to achieve through previous battles.

They turned their attention to the navy.

It just so happens that Spain has a fleet that has been harassing their coastline, and the home port of this fleet is in Rome.

Although Spain’s General Port is tightly covered, Italy also has its own methods of detection. It is entirely possible to set up an ambush to wipe out this annoying harassment fleet. Now... just wait for an opportunity.