The Sun Never Sets In Spain

Chapter 156: Xiyan set sail

Now that the royal family has decided to pay the money, the first step is naturally to make money.

Currently, Alfonso does not have much money in his hands.

Most of the state-owned enterprises are just starting out, except for some resource-based enterprises, they have no intention to pay dividends.

The annuity that the government should give him this year was directly transferred back by him through a loan, and he didn't see a cent of the real money.

Not only did Spain not make much money, but French business was also affected by the war.

Lin Lin finally concluded that Alfonso's income this year is about 2.4 million pounds.

It looks like a lot, but it cost 400,000 to buy the crown a few days ago.

The money will also support the 8,000-member Royal Guard. In order to ensure the loyalty of the Progressive Guard, half of their wages and actions required by the Royal Family will be borne by the Progressive Party.

There are millions of fixed expenses that cannot be saved every year.

The expenses of royal family members are no less than political and military expenses.

Alfonso himself is quite economical, mainly because he can't find much money in Europe in this era. After all, he doesn't like building churches.

The only hobby is horse racing and card playing. Horse racing is still positive.

But Isabella's life is particularly extravagant, and she feels a bit of revenge for consumption after returning to China.

Although he no longer executes others at every turn as before, the money that should be spent is not less.

Most of them were used to repair churches, manor houses, and castles.

Throughout Madrid, there are at least 10,000 people who directly or indirectly serve Alfonso's mother and his two sisters. (At its peak, half of the people in Madrid depended on the royal family to live)

Because of Isabella's existence, the royal family's account balance is almost zero.

Fortunately, Spain is about to undergo education reforms, and all the money that flows into the church's wallets will have to be vomited out after a while.

After thinking about it, Alfonso found Edward and asked him to help contact him. He borrowed 1.2 million pounds from Barclays Bank at a relatively favorable interest rate.

Of this, 900,000 pounds will be invested in Spanish Tobacco.

It stands to reason that the initial production is almost enough.

However, Alfonso wanted to make the stall bigger, so he approached Edward again and proposed that he should fund part of the tobacco planting.

"So you mean I set up a separate tobacco company that only grows tobacco and does not sell cigarettes, but supplies them exclusively to Spain?" Edward was a little surprised.

After the war, the country was urging him to go back, but he didn't expect to get a handful of wool before leaving.

"You said you want me to make a fortune, but this is what you said?"

"Of course." Alfonso nodded, of course.

"Can't you let me invest directly in West Tobacco? You spent 900,000 pounds to raise 42% of the shares, and I can invest another 40,000 or 500,000."

"No, the nature of state-owned enterprises cannot be changed." Alfonso flatly refused: "Forget about the royal family, private shareholding is absolutely not allowed, let alone you are a foreigner."

"..." This is the first time Edward has seen such a strong begging-yes, just begging. In his mind, this business will lose money.

Cigarettes did not officially enter the commercial market until more than 20 years ago, with a large audience, but not many in Europe.

"Have you developed a machine that can mass-produce cigarettes? Or do you have a way to make cigarettes that are irresistible?" Edward asked nonchalantly. He is not a fool. There must be a reason for such an abnormal behavior.

Alfonso does not shy away. Even if the UK knew it, it would definitely be too late to develop a machine.

"Yes, we have developed a cigarette making machine whose production efficiency can reach ten times, or even nearly a hundred times, the current production efficiency."

But after hearing this, Edward not only did not feel relaxed, but even more sad.

"Alfonso, have you ever thought about it. Even if the cigarettes you produce can fill the entire Atlantic Ocean, the number of people who smoke is limited. There are only two nobles I know who smoke, and they still smoke and play in their leisure time.

You spend millions on growing tobacco and organizing companies. Such a small market simply cannot absorb it. "

Edward said that he didn't want his brother to step on the pit, but Alfonso just chuckled.

The current market is not big, but it is only because of the high price, most people have not tried it.

As long as people can try it once, the rate of conversion to smokers is extremely high.

Historically, after American cigarette companies matured, relying on a strong advertising campaign, it took less than 10 years to increase the number of smokers in the United States by nearly 10 million.

This is still the action of a private company, and the end of the Spanish state-owned enterprise, the effect is definitely not the same.

As for Edward's non-addictiveness, Alfonso sneered even more. People didn't realize the power of cigarettes at all these years.

The two nobles seemed to just **** and play, maybe they won't be able to hold back if they don't **** their hearts after a while.

Of course, there is really no possibility of addiction. After all, the physique and willpower of nobles are generally higher than average.

After organizing the language, Alfonso explained to Edward:

"The lives of ordinary people are not as nourishing as nobles, and cigarettes can well regulate their empty lives.

Believe me, as long as the price can come down, this thing is absolutely in short supply, faster than you can ask for money from your mother. "

"Really?" Edward didn't believe it at all, but seeing Alfonso's vows, he still agreed:

"You lost 900,000 yuan, and I have nothing to lose with 500,000 yuan. When you look back, you find someone to see me, and I will give him the 500,000 yuan."

"..." Edward said, Alfonso always felt like he was pitting his friends.

The other party asked himself to send someone, obviously thinking that the money would definitely be gone.

But no matter what, the start-up capital of the tobacco company has finally been resolved.

Spanish Tobacco has also become the second largest state-owned enterprise in Spain, and will become the largest state-owned enterprise in one year.

Alfonso is convinced of the earning power of cigarettes, and even electric lights cannot surpass it.

Under the supervision of the highest level, the employees of state-owned enterprises demonstrated unparalleled efficiency and negotiated the purchase and planting of land in a short period of time.

These millions of foreign investment have directly created thousands of jobs in Greece and Ottoman.

And indirectly promoted the employment of tens of thousands of people.

Practical benefits are better than anything else. The two countries soon discovered that this guy in Spain is very good and capable!

This investment is important to both Ottoman and Greece, and the timing is just right.

Greece has been chasing with Britain during this period, but Britain only hindered Russia's advancement by liberating the small Balkan countries. It did not pay much attention to them and did not give Greece much help.

Greece has been mingling half-dead, and Spain’s investment can be said to be a help in the snow.

The Ottomans are not too different. Although their size is much larger than that of Greece, their political situation is unstable.

Ottoman Sultan Abdul Aziz I made great efforts to expand the navy. Although the navy developed rapidly, it brought an excessive deficit. The country was already dissatisfied with him.

This investment will not only provide him with tangible funds, but also add a clear proof of the successful westernization of the Ottoman Empire.

It just so happened that because of the troubles between Ottoman and Italy in the merchant shipping incident, they were also looking for a new trading partner.