The Sun Never Sets In Spain

Chapter 195: Equatorial Guinea and Gabon

The first ship transaction went smoothly. As long as the Cartel Feda arrives in South America, the situation of chickens pecking at each other will be completely changed. When Chile and other countries come to Spain, they will have some confidence to raise their prices. It's a complete buyer's market.

On this trip, the Peruvian envoy not only signed a contract to buy a ship, but also finalized the previously agreed struvite deal. The Spanish Agricultural Group has already organized staff to set up a subsidiary in Peru.

In the past, 70% of the struvite exported by Peru went to the United Kingdom. Now, with Spain as an additional trading partner, it is also a good thing for Peru, at least it does not need to be constrained by the United Kingdom everywhere.

On the other hand, Napoleon III had already left France, and Prussia clearly rejected his request to send rescue troops. He fell out with the other party on the spot and was driven out directly.

After four days of running around, it has now landed in Valencia.

Na Si is overseeing the construction of the casino there, and the father and son have never seen each other goodbye.

Nasan didn't come to Alfonso, but just informed him.

The reason is not difficult to understand, just feel ashamed.

Moreover, it is useless to see Alfonso. Spain has shown a long time ago that it is unwilling to interfere in the internal affairs of France, and now it is even more impossible for him to make a comeback.

After all, it's just too much. Spain has more than 200,000 troops in the country, and France adds up to nearly one million. How can this be fought?

Alfonso estimates that the other party will go to the United Kingdom after staying in Valencia for a while, and at least there is hope of resumption in the United Kingdom.

If you stay in Spain, you can only rely on others for the rest of your life.

The French drove the emperor away, but domestic unrest continued.

It is clear that France does not really want to ignore Russia's invitation.

At the beginning, a single South France had never been counseled to fight against Prussia alone. Now that Austria-Hungary has entered the war and Paris has returned, there is no reason to back down.

Most of the delegations from various countries attending the St. Petersburg Conference had just arrived. During this period, the Franco-Prussian war did not cease, but intensified.

Prussia cut off the source of supplies to Paris again, and Paris also launched a breakout war again.

However, from Alfonso's point of view, although France's fighting spirit is strong, Austria-Hungary obviously does not want to fight, and with Russia eyeing it, France will most likely have to pay a price.

Shaking his head, Alfonso stopped thinking about foreign affairs for a while. He was watching carefully with a map of Africa.

He planned to do something to divert Britain's attention. After much deliberation, only the colonial plan could affect several European countries at the same time.

As long as the United Kingdom and other European countries face each other, Spain may be temporarily spared.

And he is also very interested in colonization. The rich resources of the African land can arouse the greed of anyone.

As you can see from the map, the whole of Africa is almost blank.

Spain occupies only a small piece of the Sahara, a few cities in Morocco, part of Equatorial Guinea, and a few scattered islands.

This is not bad. At present, only Spain, Portugal, England, France and the Netherlands have territories in Africa, and they are not very large.

All added up to about 10% of the total area of ​​Africa.

The main reason is that most of the countries that control Africa are only used as transportation hubs, and the utility in other aspects is not very obvious, so it is okay to occupy a coast.

There are many territories that can be developed in the whole of Africa at this time, but Alfonso decided to start with Equatorial Guinea after thinking about it and gradually expand to the surrounding area.

To the south of Equatorial Guinea is Gabon, which has not only oil, but also manganese and uranium ore, as well as some gold.

The main thing is to stay away from the British sphere of influence, so as not to collide directly.

There are only a few settlements established by France in Gabon, and the French government pays no attention to it, and it is estimated that they have almost forgotten about it.

It is not easy to conflict with people, not to mention that the famous Congo is to the east and south of him. At that time, with Equatorial Guinea and Gabon as strongholds, it will be easy to introduce Britain through Congo.

Alfonso made up his mind and immediately informed Campos of the matter. The other party agreed, but asked a question:

"Then how do we move people there?

At present, the country is stable and life is relatively rich. Who would go to Africa to feed mosquitoes? "


This is indeed a troublesome matter. The main reason why the progress of European colonization has stalled these years is that Africa has a harsh environment and many diseases.

Especially near the Equatorial Guinea in Spain, no dogs really go there.

But Alfonso wasn't particularly bothered by it, there was always a way.

"Propaganda that Gabon has gold?"

Campos waved his hand and said: "This reason has been used by all countries. Without a specific example, the public may not go to the beach in this muddy water."

The people are not fools, and who will take their lives to fight for nothing.

"This..." Alfonso frowned. Both Gabon and Guinea have gold, but they are not particularly large. Guinea can probably be ranked 7th and 8th in Africa, while Gabon cannot be included in the list.

But if gold doesn't work, no one will go to Africa in a frenzy.

Fortunately, not everyone in Spain lives a happy and prosperous life. At this time, the hundreds of thousands of Italian refugees scattered in Spain, although barely able to survive, are just barely.

Difficulty communicating, and without any assets, Italians are often paid 30% less, even for the same jobs as Spaniards.

As long as the interests of these people are large enough, it is still very likely that they will go to Africa to get lucky.

The cost may be high.

However, now is not the time to care about costs. At this stage, all countries have not turned their attention to Africa. This will not be the case in a few years. One step at a time.

As for the alienation that the Italians might have caused by going to the colonies, it was not taken into consideration.

Whether a colony is loyal or not to the mother country is mainly related to the situation, and has little to do with what they say.

Alfonso thought for a while and said: "The first group will organize about 2,000 people and transport them to the Equatorial Guinea colony. The government will pay for the settlement and provide loans and weapons. Some people are willing to go."

"Ah this? The cost is too high." Campos' first reaction was to refuse: "A person needs 3,400 pesetas to settle down, as well as loans and weapons, plus transportation costs on the way, a colony. The cost is around £50.

2,000 people is 100,000 people, and if this number of people throws them into Equatorial Guinea, they will bubble up at most. "

Campos was full of resistance, not because Spain couldn't come up with the money, but because he couldn't see the benefits of colonizing Africa.

South Africa, Ghana and other places rich in gold have long been divided up, and Spain does not need black slaves. It is not better to invest this money in two factories.

"I have made up my mind." Alfonso didn't want to explain too much to him: "You will see the usefulness of African colonies in ten years, so hurry up and do it."