The Supreme Equipment Bar of Online Game Doomsday

Chapter 1151: particularly

I just said that, you just listen to it, if you feel good, you can change it, if you feel bad, I will change it! "

Seeing his panicked look, Duan Xingrui couldn't help but chuckled, and said: "Okay, you two, don't I just kick him, you two can't even make it!"

"Sister... Your kick is too shocking for us, you are not a man, you don't understand." Duan Xingchen said with a sad expression on his face.

"Is it that exaggeration!" Duan Xingrui's voice was a little puzzled.

"Yes! Of course there is! Today is enough for me to have a nightmare for a lifetime! Xingrui, do you know, when you move your leg now, I will be trembling!" Duan Xinghao said bitterly, in fact what he said in his heart was "Dan "Trembling is right!