The Supreme Equipment Bar of Online Game Doomsday

Chapter 1188: Once again

"Oh." So Either Jian walked out of Ye Ning's room very obediently.

Click! Ye Ning pressed the button of the door lock once, and it was regarded as locking the door. An old man came to talk to you in the middle of the night and it was disgusting, okay?

Ye Ning didn't immediately go to sleep because of any sword ‘driving away’. Take a 10.1-inch tablet from the table beside the bed and turn it on.

Taking advantage of the short time it was turned on, I took a sip of water. After booting up, Ye Ning picked up the tablet, and now only this tablet in the whole room is light. Fortunately, Ye Ning has locked the door. Talking about sister doesn't scare him to death.