The Supreme Equipment Bar of Online Game Doomsday

Chapter 1191: Tail

Still silent

A busy tone appeared on the phone one minute later, which meant that the woman had hung up the phone.

Ye Ning lay on the bed tossing and turning. He couldn't sleep no matter how he fell asleep. He kept thinking about the new boss. It was too sudden. There was no warning. What if that person is like the fat man Meng.

People will always be affected by some external things, especially if you have become accustomed to that pattern, and suddenly one thing is added or one thing is missing, you will always feel uncomfortable.

Ye Ning fell asleep and awakened from dream, fell asleep and awakened from dream, and did not settle down until three o'clock in the morning.

The dreams he had were all about the new boss. He had dreamed of Sister Feng, of any sword, of Liu Chuanfeng, of Lin Xiao, and even of himself. It was this dream that made people even more foolish. It was too realistic, and Ye Ning thought it was true.