The Supreme Equipment Bar of Online Game Doomsday

Chapter 212: Imposing rolling

Because of his family's reasons, Liu Xing's domineering character has always been. If you think of a woman you like, you must get it. For this reason, Liu Xing has done a lot of shameful things.

Therefore, even if he saw Lin Dong stand up, he didn't take him seriously, but Lin Dong's arrogant words immediately angered Liu Xing, who is naturally domineering.

"Just give Lao Tzu a quick fuck, or hum, or believe that I will let you never see her." Liu Xing threatened with a smirk.

"Do you know who my dad is? That's the seat of the city's public security bureau. Brothers who are acquainted quickly get out. If I really get angry and move my relationship, then it won't be so easy to talk."

Originally seeing Feng Xiner's good-looking, I just wanted something new in my heart. If Feng Xin'er deliberately refused, it would be over.

But the appearance of Lin Dong really aroused the fire of jealousy in Liu Xing's heart.

Moreover, Lin Dong's handsome face was also a reason for Liu Xing's resentment. That handsomeness really crushed Liu Xing.


With a sneer on Lin Dong's face, he handed Liu Xing a big-eared melon seed.

"Huh, life and death!"

There was a crisp sound in the air.

Liu Xing's puffiness and the body that has been soaked in wine and meat all the year round, how does this compare to the sturdy body of Lin Dong who has taken the top-level deboning and cutting pulp?

Even if there is a group of Liu Xing, it is probably not Lin Dong's matter.

Liu Xing did not expect that Lin Dong would dare to do it directly, and he was stunned for a while.

"Hold the grass, you **** dare to beat me?"

Liu Xing was born with wealth and fate, and his father was the seat of the Public Security Bureau. He was the second generation of a living official. He didn't expect to eat a turtle today.

The student girls I used to fancy were all caught by hand, even if they had a boyfriend, they were all scared off by their identity.

This situation has also been encountered today.

In an instant, Liu Xing was furious: "Wait for Lao Tzu, you can't get out of this tea restaurant today!"

The voice just fell, followed by another loud voice


A voice rang, and then.


With Lin Dong's strength, Liu Xing's face rose at a visible speed.

Liu Xing is also really stunned, where is the arrogance that was before, now he is extremely embarrassed!

There is no aftertaste for a long time.

"I hit you today, so what?" Lin Dong sneered at Liu Xing.

Maybe Lin Dong in his previous life might really be killed when he encountered such a rich and powerful official second generation, but at this moment today, there is absolutely no problem playing the second official official.

Because Lin Dong is now going to be an invincible man!

Let alone the second-generation official, even if the second-generation official's father comes, how can he shoot him flying!

This is derived from inner self-confidence, this is a kind of strength crushing.

Looking at the tall and mighty Lin Dong, Liu Xing, who had been beaten, recalled that the first time he came here, he wanted revenge. This revenge is not revenge for non-gentlemen!

But looking up at Lin Dong's icy eyes, Liu Xing felt empty.

That was the fear from the heart. Lin Dong's aura was really too big and completely crushed Liu Xing. Liu Xing was really afraid of that was a danger signal from his heart!

This kind of aura is generally only possessed by those with high authority.

Now Liu Xing is completely blank in his brain, and he dare not say anything about the scenes he thought before.

It's really Liu Xingxu!

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