The Supreme Equipment Bar of Online Game Doomsday

Chapter 752: Don't say a word

"How does Mr. Lin Dong know?" Fan Tuan was a little surprised, because she hadn't said yet, how did Lin Dong know the question she wanted to ask?

"I guess," Lin Dong kept a smile, making people unable to understand his thoughts.

Fan Tuan looked at a young boy who was more than seven or eight years younger than herself. She was in her thirties and twos. This man looked only twenty-three or four, but his speech and manners were no weaker than the two President Lis in their forties.

More an invisible mystery.

Like a noble prince, drinking tea in this corner.

That tea is a little bit of tip, not high-end, the most top-notch.

But under the taste of the prince in his painting, the picture seems to be the supreme top quality.

The observant Fen Tuan found that the light lines on his brows showed his dissatisfaction with the tea, but his good education made him slowly put down the tea cup.

The smile on his lips is unabated.

Some were conquered by the men in front of them, even if they didn't see his full face, dressed in sunglasses with his already young face, they should be unruly teenagers.

At this moment, it seems calm and introverted, sitting quietly.

Can't see his eyes, under the shade of sunglasses, people invisibly have more respect for this person.

"Are you a man or a woman?"

Fan Tuan is a lot of curious people, except for Lin Dong in front of him, of course, he is more curious about the wizard "The handsome is not handsome".

"You can ask the marshal about this."

"Oh, it would be fine if the question is right. How often does the boss go online? I don't know. The only two times I chatted with him, he almost never went online."

Speaking of this, the dough is complaining.

There were two drops of sweat on Lin Dong's forehead. He originally wanted to write about earning faith points, but he didn't expect it to break out.

He didn't take care of it either, because the books to be distributed were regularly and quantitatively distributed.

Logically speaking, the editor should be very happy about such a thing, at least she doesn't need to remind her.

Now the performance of Fan Tuan is that if you can't say anything, just hand in the manuscript and don't care.

It feels like her editor is just a decoration.

At any rate, other authors will communicate with the editor, how to write, or some matters on the shelves.

Lin Dong is good, no matter what.

As he said before, don't care about the money.

Only after half of the article was published willfully.

This way I don’t know how much money I made!

Who calls him capricious!

The submission was faster than anyone else, but there was no exchange at all afterwards.

The fan group as an editor is very shocking.

But there is no alternative.

——After half an hour——

Li Wen looked at his brother Li Wu. They insisted that it’s not easy until now. Of course, they will not resell easily. But if the price is more satisfactory, it doesn’t matter if they reopen another one. They have spent three years from the first 100 Wandao's current website with a market value of 10 million, not much in three years, but it is also their efforts.

"Mr. Lin Dong, we have discussed it, please!"

Lin Dong entered the chairman's office again amidst the entangled face of fans.

"Two President Li, how are you thinking about it?"

"As Mr. Lin Dong said, it can be sold, but it depends on Mr. Lin Dong."

"Okay!" Lin Dongdao, "Mr. Li is happy, Fei Ge has a market value of 10 million. It is a four-story building here. I also buy it. As for the employees, if you buy it, you can consider whether to stay or leave. Go, now, two President Li, make a price."

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