The Supreme Spy

Chapter 365: Can't be treated as not seeing

"Brother, I didn't expect your master, Mr. Mo, to be so powerful. He is a master of Zhonghai."

While driving, Yu Guangcheng smiled and sighed at Qin Yang who was sitting in the passenger seat.

Qin Yang smiled and said, "How can it be such an exaggeration? My master is just one person after all. It is nothing more than helping more people and more friends."

Yu Guangcheng smiled and said: "You are only twenty years old, younger than Mr. Mo at that time, and you will definitely be more accomplished than Mr. Mo in the future!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Brother Yu, don't praise me like that, I'm just a student."

Yu Guangcheng smiled and said: "Anyway, if there is anything Big Brother Yu can help, please speak up."

Qin Yang thought for a while and said, "I really have something to ask Brother Yu for help."

Yu Guangcheng said heartily: "You said it."

Qin Yang said softly: "I would like to ask Brother Yu to help me pay attention to some health care product processing factories that are not well managed and ready to sell. I want to find a suitable acquisition."

Yu Guangcheng's eyes lit up: "Brother, you want to buy a factory?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yes, just reading is a bit boring, so I'm going to do something."

Yu Guangcheng readily agreed: "Okay, you can tell me more about the specific requirements. I will ask someone to find it for you, and I will find a suitable one for you."

Qin Yang had thought about this a long time ago and consulted with professionals. The secret ternary soup he wants to make is similar to canned food, and the requirements for machinery and equipment are not too high. Only some individual equipment needs to be customized.

Qin Yang said his request again, Yu Guangcheng took it down, and said with a smile: "Your request is very simple. There are many manufacturers that do not manage well, but you can buy one without too much money. Are you ready? Open a factory to make canned food?"

Qin Yang nodded: "It's almost the same, try it first, wait until it starts, and then grow bigger."

"Okay, I will arrange it, and I will let you know if there is a result!"

"Okay, trouble Brother Yu!"

If someone else is twenty years old, he would say that he wants to buy a factory to play so big. Yu Guangcheng must feel that the other party is looking for death, but after knowing Qin Yang's origin, he dare not underestimate Qin Yang, nor feel that Qin Yang is. Playing tickets or losing.

At the beginning, Mr. Mo entered Zhonghai alone and stirred up the situation in Zhonghai, but he finally left. Now that Mr. Mo’s disciples re-enter Zhonghai, what excitement will they bring?

Lei Jianjun wanted to know Mr. Mo but had no chance, but now the Lei family befriended Qin Yang, and even because of Lu Junyi's relationship, they are now a family. No matter what storm Qin Yang causes, the Lei family will definitely be involved.

Qin Yang deserves help no matter from an emotional point of view or from a point of interest.


"Hi, boss, long time no see, do you miss me?"

When Qin Yang arrived at school, He Tianfeng walked over with an exaggerated smile and said hello to Qin Yang.

Qin Yang laughed and said, "You are not a beauty, what do I want you to do."

He Tianfeng looked sad: "Boss, you are so unfeeling!"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Are they both here?"

"I'm here, but the third child can't wait to see my girlfriend. You know, a day is like a three-autumn one. I've missed this winter vacation. It's not lovesickness.

Qin Yang chuckled and said, "You said the third child, aren't you the same?"

He Tianfeng said triumphantly: "I am naturally different from him. How can a man with self-control and determination like me behave like him."

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Well, you're awesome, anyway, it's been a long time since everyone, let's have a dinner together tonight."

He Tianfeng smiled and said: "Okay, hot pot with beer, happy for a long time! I will shout in the group later, ask Han Qingqing and the others?"

"Call it, there are so many people, otherwise, if you two are spreading dog food there, what kind of hot pot do I and the fourth child have? Just eating dog food will not be enough!"

"Haha, okay, I'll call them in the small group!"

The two were talking when Qin Yang's cell phone rang.

Qin Yang picked up the phone and took a look, smiled immediately, and connected to the phone: "Do you have a wind ear? Just as we were discussing an evening dinner and hot pot, your call came."

Li Siqi's grinning voice rang on the phone: "I can pinch it and it will count. If you are separated for a winter vacation, you will definitely have a dinner when you meet again. I'm bored. I'm going to have a meal."

"Okay, come here, and have hot pot at night!"

"Okay, I'll be here in a while, and I will meet you first."

Qin Yang hung up the phone and smiled at He Tianfeng: "Li Siqi, she has to come too."

He Tianfeng smiled: "Boss, the hero is sad for the beauty pass, it is the most difficult to accept the grace of the beauty!"

Qin Yang laughed and said, "Let's talk, let's talk, anyway, I won't feel comfortable if you don't tease for a day!"

He Tianfeng picked up his mobile phone and shouted at the evening meal. After a while, he suddenly came over.

"Boss, there is a new situation."

Qin Yang asked strangely: "Why, can anyone not come at night?"

He Tianfeng shook his head and put the phone in front of Qin Yang: "You seem to have a new competitor appearing, and your strength is strong!"

Qin Yang's eyes fell on the phone, but it was a post on the school forum. He also brought a few photos. In the photo, a handsome young man was handing a bunch of lilies to Wen Yuyan next to a gorgeous Ferrari. .

Li Yunhao!

Qin Yang's pupils contracted slightly, so when the school just started, did he directly attack?

It's just that this guy is very cautious. He actually gave lilies instead of roses. Presumably with his mouth, Wen Yuyan couldn't find a reason to refuse.

"This guy is very handsome, he looks like a celebrity, where did he come out, he doesn't seem to be a student in our school."

Qin Yang said, "He is not a student, he is the son of Wen Yuyan's father's friend, named Li Yunhao, from Su Zhou, from a very good family background."

He Tianfeng was taken aback for a moment: "Do you know the boss?"

Qin Yang explained: "Didn't Wen Yuyan celebrate her birthday before? I saw it once at his birthday party."

He Tianfeng said anxiously, "Isn't it the front foot that drove away the evil The tiger came again on the back foot? Wen Yuyan's father's friend's son looks like this, so it must be very interesting to see the car he drives. If he is rich, he has a great advantage."

Qin Yang frowned. Of course what He Tianfeng said was the truth, but the other party ran to the school, and Qin Yang saw it too, but pretended not to know anything. This seemed a bit of a problem.

Qin Yang thought for a while, picked up the phone directly, and dialed Wen Yuyan's number.

"Qin Yang, are you at school?"

Qin Yang smiled and said, "Yes, we have a group of classmates dinner at night, are you interested in being together?"

Wen Yuyan smiled and said, "Your classmates have a dinner together, it's not suitable for me to come."

Qin Yang blinked: "It's not like you haven't seen it before, not just those people. By the way, there is a business. I want to talk to you."


Well, there is another chapter from Kavinka. It will be very late. Let's get up tomorrow.