The Supreme Spy

Chapter 573: Weird bone spur

Qin Yang waved the Seagod's sword in his hand and smiled: "If I didn't have this sword, I wouldn't dare to go out, but with this sword, I can try it."

Colonel Harry frowned, his eyes a little worried.

Connie took Qin Yang's arm anxiously: "But it's dangerous outside. Are those monsters waiting outside?"

Qin Yang smiled comfortingly: "Don't worry, I will try it on the platform. If you don't go far, it won't work. I can retreat back. Colonel Harry and the others can cover me."

Han Qingqing bit her lip and looked at Qin Yang worriedly. She knew that Qin Yang was doing this for everyone, and it could be said that she was forced to do it.

In the cave, everyone has four or five lighting equipment in their hands, but the combined duration may be less than a day, and there is no food or anything, because they are basically on the soldiers.

If the rescue hasn't come after the lights are all off, there is no food or water, and those monsters that can see in the dark attack again, who can stop it?

"Be careful, you can't, just retreat quickly!"

Qin Yang smiled gently at Han Qingqing: "Don't worry, I will do what I can. I won't be a hero. Maybe it's lucky. I killed some monsters, so we don't have to wait here."

Qin Yang carried the sword and walked to the door. Harry Allen and the others moved the box away enough for one person to pass. Harry and the remaining soldiers raised their guns, ready to support Qin Yang at any time.

Qin Yang walked out of the door, a low roar suddenly sounded in the darkness, and his pair of faint blue eyes gradually approached in the darkness.

Qin Yang didn't leave too far, and directly picked up the powerful flashlight that fell on the ground and handed it to Alan who was waiting behind him.

Then came the kettle, the expedition lamp, and the food bag. These monsters were obviously more interested in flesh and blood. These high-energy sealed food bags were not seen by them.


When Qin Yang walked a few steps to pick up something, a monster came out from the darkness with a low beast roar, and directly volleyed towards Qin Yang's throat.

Qin Yang's nerves are in a state of alert at any time, and the practitioner surpasses the hearing of ordinary people, so that he can clearly hear the movements of the monsters in the dark, and even roughly know the number of them, which should be about twenty.

"Be careful!"

In the sound of Colonel Harry's warning, Qin Yang's side of his body instantly shifted to the spot, allowing the beast that had passed the attack to chop off the long sword in his hand.

The Seagod's Sword, which was urged by the internal qi, was even sharper, and it landed directly on the monster's neck, and then neatly chopped off the monster's head.

What a sharp sword!

The scale armor that can withstand the reduction of the bullet's power can't stop Qin Yang's sword of the Sea God!

Qin Yang's heart suddenly became strong, his figure shifted, and he moved along the direction of the rock wall. This way, he could avoid being besieged from all sides, but the sword in his hand pierced like lightning again.

Under the light, the sword shines like electricity.

Every time a sword is taken, a monster is bound to die or be injured. The sharp Seagod's sword makes Qin Yang more powerful.

This scene made everyone in the cave bright and shocked.

Allen was dumbfounded, his eyes admiring: "Too great, how did he do it!"

Connie's eyes were also bright, she said softly: "He is a Chinese practitioner, very powerful!"


Allen opened his eyes wide, and suddenly he saw another two points of worship in his eyes: "It's no wonder that we are so lucky. Fortunately we have him this time. Otherwise, I am afraid we have all become food for monsters. No more dead bodies."

Everyone looked at the stumps and broken arms scattered on the ground, and there was endless fear in their hearts. The group of monsters charged just now. If Qin Yang hadn't pulled out their swords, I'm afraid the two of Harry had also been killed, then the rest of themselves Isn't it waiting for the lamb to be slaughtered?

Even guns can't stop them, do you and others still have the power to resist?

Han Qingqing didn't say a word, clenched his fists, and stared at Qin Yang who was fighting outside. While worried, he also had two points of pride.

He is such a good man!

Qin Yang slayed three monsters cleanly and severely injured one monster, and then retreated to the entrance gap, so that he only needed to face the monster directly in front of him.

The monsters are obviously also wise. Seeing their companions be **** beheaded, even if they are brutal, they dare not step forward.

"come on in!"

Qin Yang didn't come in, and said in a deep voice, "There are only about twenty monsters here. I am going to kill some more now to see if I can make them retreat. Even if we don't retreat, our defense pressure will be less."

Harry warned with concern: "Then be careful, safety first. As long as we have food, water and lighting, we will be able to survive the rescue."

Qin Yang said: "Well, I know it!"

Qin Yang rested for two minutes, then walked outside again, and the monsters in the dark rushed over again.

Qin Yang fought cautiously, blood splashing everywhere the sharp ocean sword went, and Qin Yang killed three or four more in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was horrified at the sight, but they were also full of expectations.

Looking at Qin Yang's posture, he could really kill all these monsters.

Even if you don't kill all at once, but kill three or four each time, even if you don't kill all of them a few times, shouldn't the remaining monsters dare to get on?

However, just when everyone was delighted, the mutation became steep.

When Qin Yang took a step forward and cut off the head of an approaching monster with a sword, the corpse of a monster with only the front half of its body on the ground behind Qin Yang suddenly moved.

It raised its head, and its strong feet supported it vigorously. Its body, which only had the front half of its body, flew directly. A long bone spur on its head pierced Qin Yang's back directly.

Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they exclaimed almost simultaneously.

"Be careful!"


Qin Yang also heard the movement behind, but he was clearly sure that there was no monster behind him just now, so he basically didn't take any precautions from behind. When the incident happened suddenly, Qin Yang couldn't completely dodge it.

Qin Yang tried his best to turn his body to the side, and then the bone spur above the monster's head instantly pierced Qin Yang's shoulder.

Qin Yang only felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, his body rolled to the side, and the monster had no support point, so he suddenly fell from Qin Yang's shoulder.

Qin Yang stood up, his right long sword struck out horizontally, and directly split a monster that had taken advantage of the opportunity into two.

Qin Yang retreated to the entrance with his hind legs, and his eyes fell on the half monster that sneaked on him.

The sneak attack was obviously the last blow of the monster's surplus. Now it fell to the ground and there was no sound. But what made Qin Yang's eyes pause was the bone spur that pierced his shoulder from the monster's head, which turned out to be like noodles. It softened, and fell softly on its head.

How is this going?