The Survival of the Wild Tribe

Chapter 73

Luo Zhen’s goal is to find all kinds of plants suitable for seasoning as soon as possible. Without seasonings, the food always tastes like something is missing, especially wild ginger, which can drive away the cold and greatly reduce people. The chance of catching cold and getting sick.

Secondly, I want to find various herbs. Now, besides the already exhausted Tai Sui, the only one that Luo Zhen uses the most is Da Ji, but Da Ji can only be used to stop bleeding. If he catches a cold casually If you have a fever, no suitable medicine can be used at all.

This is also the reason why Luo Zhen dare not let young children go out in winter. Even the elderly mother-in-law, Luo Zhen tries his best to keep the other person in a warm room. You know, in this one who lacks medicine and medicine. In the world, wind and cold can also kill people.

There are more than thousands of weeds in the basin alone, and most of them are plants that Luo Zhen has never seen before. It is not so easy to find usable plants from them. Thing.

The big bag of wild vegetables that was dug back last night was covered with soil, and Luo Zhen put it in a big pot and kept it overnight. Early the next morning, he held the big pot and planned to plant the weeds in the fish pond. In the vegetable field gathered up.

The bottom of the fish pond and the surrounding walls were tamped with clay mud overnight. The melted snow water flowed into the fish pond along the newly opened waterway. After only one night’s effort, the fish pond already had ankles. As high as the water, it's just muddy.

Because it is piled high with the soil excavated from the fish pond, the position of the vegetable field is much higher than other places, even if it rains, there is no need to worry about flooding the vegetable field.

The soil above has been loosened long ago, and the roots of the grass in the soil have long been picked up. Luo Zhen only needs to dig a hole directly on it to plant wild vegetable seedlings.

Acao and Axue also came to help. Luo Zhen planned to hand over the task of taking care of these vegetable plots to these two people. They followed Luo Zhen to plant some wild vegetables in flower pots in winter. They already had experience, plus Luo Zhen. The wild vegetable seedlings that Zhen now obtains are all types that are easy to grow, and they don't need to be taken care of. There is no problem with Acao being responsible.

There are not many wild vegetable seedlings in a pot, and it’s worth planting only two plots when planted in a vegetable field. Axue went to the creek and brought two buckets of water back and carefully gave the two new vegetable plots. They poured it all over again. Today, Lu Zhan took a few soldiers to the mountain to chop wood. They were going to build an animal shed next to the fish pond to prepare for raising various herbivorous animals in the future.

In addition to this animal shed, before the next winter, Luo Zhen also plans to build another mud-brick animal house. This time he does not plan to slaughter all the animals he raised at the beginning of winter. To domesticate those wild beasts, it is not enough to go to the wild and catch a batch of them in a year.

Luo Zhen straightened up and looked at the busy people by the fish pond. Once again, he felt that there were still too few people in their tribe. There were few people, and the labor force was naturally small. There were relatively more tasks assigned to each person.

Luo Zhen didn't want to move out of a modern town all at once, but he didn't want to delay the construction progress for several years.

After getting along this winter, people in the Riyao tribe now trust Luo Zhen very much. No matter what Luo Zhen asks them to do, they will be happy to do it and will do it with all their heart. Luo Zhen also wanted to let these primitive people who have been living in miserable life, even often hungry and full, and sometimes unable to guarantee their lives, to live a safe and adequate life.


A stern cry came from a distance. Luo Zhen, who had just planted a round of wild vegetables, was looking for new familiar plants nearby. He stood up and looked in the direction of the sound. The rope tied the hoof, and the other end of the rope was wrapped around a stake buried deep in the ground. The staghorn horse seemed to not understand why it was suddenly **** and couldn't get rid of it, but it still remembers where it is. So he started screaming desperately, hoping that the human who smelled good on his body could come to save himself again.

The distance is a little far away. Luo Zhen can't actually see the struggle of the staghorn horse, but he still remembers the sound of the staghorn horse. Isn't this the one that was injured in his house during winter?

"It was caught by a trap." Lu Zhangang threw a few thick pieces of wood to the position of covering the straw shed, wiped a handful of sweat from his forehead, and said to Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen helped his forehead. He even forgot about the lasso trap. Fortunately, the staghorn horse did not rush to the ice city wall. There were several bow and arrow traps set up there. Arrows would shoot out as soon as they were triggered. This kind of trap is not very accurate, but with the tall stature of the Antler Horse, even if it fails to hit the key, it will definitely leave a little scar.

"Remove the traps outside first, just leave the traps near the tribe." Otherwise, wait for the animals in the basin to come back, I'm afraid there will be sounds of animals struggling for help after stepping into the traps every day.

Luo Zhen and Lu Zhan went to loose the rope for the staghorn horse that accidentally stepped into the trap. When the staghorn horse saw Luo Zhen walking towards him, he became quiet a lot. When Luo Zhen approached, he was still excited. He kept rubbing against each other with his antlers, and was opened by Lu Zhan next to him.

The staghorn horse snorted to Lu Zhan, then turned his head and looked at Luo Zhen pitifully with those big round eyes.

Really saw a ghost, Luo Zhen could actually see the other party's accusation against Lu Zhan from the other party's horse face.

"Don't bully it, it will be my mount from now on." Luo Zhen coughed lightly and bent down to untie the rope. After the antlers got free, they circled Luo Zhen a few times, seeming to understand that the other party wanted to let him go. The idea of ​​making your own mount.

It also remembers that the leader once said that if they are selected as mounts by humans, they can live with humans in the future, and those humans will also prepare places and food for them to live, and they don’t have to worry about encountering them in the wild. Predators are even those orcs who use them as food.

"Did you choose it as a mount? It has just grown up, and its feet are not as strong as the staghorn horses that have grown up early. If it encounters danger, it will not be able to take you away." Lu Zhan said disapprovingly.

At first, the antler horse stared at Lu Zhan, and when the other party talked about it, he lowered his head in frustration. A pair of huge antlers almost touched the ground, and Luo Zhen could feel the other party's sadness inexplicably.

"It still has room for growth. In two more years, it will catch up in terms of physical strength and speed. What's more, it likes our tribe so much. With it, other staghorn horses will feel more at ease when they join our tribe." Luo Zhen stretched out his hand and touched the head of the staghorn horse comfortably, and explained to Lu Zhan.

Lu Zhan curled his lips, but didn't object anymore. He stayed with Luo Zhen anyway. Even if the staghorn horse was useless, he wouldn't hurt Luo Zhen.

The ears of the antler horse moved and found that the pesky human did not continue to oppose it. It raised its head, yelled twice, and then opened its mouth and bit Luo Zhen's sleeve.

"Are you asking me to ride on your back?" Luo Zhen asked suspiciously. I don’t know if it’s his illusion. He found that this staghorn horse seems to be more human than before. When he speaks, the other person’s reaction is like responding. This is the same as when he went to the staghorn horse’s territory before. The other staghorn horses I saw were very different.

Sure enough, the staghorn horse nodded humanely when he heard Luo Zhen's question.

Luo Zhen hesitated for a moment, and turned on the back of the staghorn horse. The staghorn horse happily planed its hooves, spreading all four hooves nearby.

In addition to Lu Zhan's back, Luo Zhen was the first time to sit on this large creature. In addition to his excitement and curiosity, he couldn't help but feel a little worried. If he fell, it wouldn't be as simple as getting injured.

When the antler horse ran up and down, Luo Zhen grasped the opponent's antlers tightly with both hands. Before he could even let the antler horse run slowly, the opponent stepped into another lasso trap not far away. bingo.

Luo Zhen: "..."

Lu Zhan: "..."

Antler horse: "Yeah."

Lu Zhan walked over and grasped the antlers of the antler horse. His strength was very strong. He clamped the antler horse to prevent it from fluttering and struggling. The antler horse had not been a mount, and even if he was able to pass the human nature, he still had wildness and action. After being restricted, he would instinctively struggle. If Lu Zhan couldn't come, it would be sooner or later that Luo Zhen was thrown to the ground.

"Such a stupid staghorn horse, do you really want it to be your mount?" Lu Zhan's words were full of disgust.

Luo Zhen jumped off with Lu Zhan's extended hand. He rode a staghorn horse for the first time. His posture was not standard. In addition, he had no protection. His thighs were a bit hot, but he saw the staghorn horse look like a pitiful one. He didn't blame the staghorn horse for the appearance of confession.

"There is no way to ride for the first time, just run in a few more times." Luo Zhen paused, "but the lasso traps around are still going to be removed." Otherwise, they won't be able to practice riding around here in the future.

Luo Zhen thought that only this staghorn horse came here in advance. Who knew that at a later date, a tall adult male staghorn horse came out of the mountain with dozens of staghorn horses that seemed to have just grown up. Luo Zhen remembers being the head one. The staghorn horse, that was the leader of the ordinary staghorn horse that Lu Zhan had ridden before.

Luo Zhen greeted him. The antler horse leader bent his head and touched Luo Zhen with his huge antlers. It was regarded as a greeting, and it was also a friendly behavior of the antler horse clan.

Luo Zhen didn't regard them as ordinary beasts, and paid a warrior salute to the leader of the staghorn horse earnestly.

Although the time was a bit earlier than I expected, at this time the leader of the staghorn horse brought his clan horse over, obviously to fulfill the agreement made between the two clan before.

Luo Zhen asked Lu Zhan to gather all the members of the Riyao tribe. The soldiers had not yet gone out to hunt, and those who had gone into the mountains to chop wood were quickly called back.

They have long known that they can choose a staghorn horse as a mount. The orc warriors have no reaction on their faces, but other ordinary people have a bit of excitement on their faces. The great witch said that if they have a staghorn horse partner, their combat effectiveness can also be achieved. Turn it over, even if you encounter danger in the future, your chances of survival will be much greater.