The Sweet Life: Secretly Married to a Movie Star

Chapter 125: Miss Xia is too busy

The next day, sunlight shone on Su Jingting through the bottom floor of the building. He opened his blurred eyes and saw a bright light.

Xia Yishan came last night.

She was here to take care of him, and suddenly felt that it was a good thing to get drunk. He still thought about how Xia Yishan worried about him and how to take care of him to coax him to drink sober soup, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

He looked around, and he did not see her in the bedroom, and there was a wedding letter pressed by the bed.

Su Jingting's face became stiff, she wouldn't read this marriage certificate, would she be so excited that she couldn't sleep? Still shy and deliberately hid?

After getting out of bed in a hurry, he didn't care if his pajamas were hanging loosely on him, so he went to Xia Yishan.

Her bedroom





--still none

Stumped downstairs, Su Jingting went downstairs to look for it.

"Mr. Su, morning!" Assistant Sun had already been waiting for him in the living room.

Su Jingting looked and looked, still did not see Xia Yishan, and asked Assistant Sun, "Where is she?"

"She? You mean Miss Xia? She left early in the morning. She said she had something to do with the company today. Didn't she tell you? Maybe Miss Xia is really too busy. She also asked me to bring you breakfast. President Su, the headquarters is still waiting for you to go to the meeting today, and the time is almost there."


Su Jingting returned upstairs, he went to the bathroom to take a shower, put on a clean suit, still thinking about Xia Yishan in his mind.

Unlike usual, he wears a black suit, even his shirt and tie are black, and his hair is meticulously fixed behind his head. The whole person is serious and steady. He has two temperaments with the occasional Su Jingting in the entertainment industry.

Su Jingting took the special elevator directly to the first-level meeting room on the top floor of the F Group headquarters. He has come to a handful of times in a year. This time he made further deployments on the introduction of European brands. This will be the largest project of Group F throughout the year.

The meeting room automatically senses that the door opens, and all the high-levels stand, "General Su."

There are only a dozen high-level people who can come here for a meeting. They are either veteran-level figures of Group F, or figures who have made great contributions to the group. It is not difficult to find that several of them are the heads of large families. They all know Su Jingting. He doesn’t understand Su Jingting’s wandering on the big screen of the entertainment industry, and he doesn’t ask much about his true identity, and his confidentiality work is first-rate.

Even Su Yujie, who is usually haughty, stood neatly.

"The meeting begins."



The meeting lasted for four full hours. After the meeting, Su Jingting had dealt with the documents accumulated for a month. By the time he was finished, it was already midnight.

He finally realized that Xia Yishan hadn't looked for him all day.

Is the little girl shy? Shy all day?

still is……

The bad premonition is getting stronger.

He dialed the internal number, "Sun Hong, check Xia Yishan's itinerary immediately."

Twenty minutes later, Assistant Sun knocked on the door tremblingly.


"Mr. Su, I found out that Miss Xia went to the company to confirm the shooting of a movie this morning, and went to the location in the afternoon. I said that I should go to the location to get familiar and familiar with it first."

What a busy work is this, obviously hiding him in the name of work!

"Where is the shooting location?"

"Sea market."

"Arrange the itinerary and go to the sea market."


With so much work, how can we arrange it? Just give the job to Jie Shao! Poor Jie Shao is about to pull him crying again.
