The Sweet Life: Secretly Married to a Movie Star

Chapter 590: Spend money to buy

Liang Qiaoen took out a document to Xia Yishan, "This is a staff dormitory distributed by the company, a high-end single apartment, and the door code is written in it. You can move in at some time."

Xia Yishan took a look, Jiangnan Garden, a great place!

The single apartment with excellent privacy is also such a good place for artists to live in Huanya.

"Do all Huanya artists live there?" Xia Yishan asked curiously.

"Not all. The previous artist did not live there. By the way, Qi Mingcheng also lived there. If I remember correctly, he should be a neighbor with you. You can put him here if you move in."

"Oh, it's okay, then I'll take a few days to move in and talk about it!" Xia Yishan said.

When Liang Qiaoen got the news, she felt that there was something wrong. When Xia Yishan said that, she remembered something wrong.

"Didn't you live with King Su? Did you make it difficult for you to move to the dormitory?" Liang Qiaoen told the truth.

"What is embarrassment, I also need my own independent space! Besides, it is inconvenient to live in Su Jingting all the time. It just so happened that the company assigned me a house, and I can live there occasionally." Xia Yishan currently Financial resources, buying a better house is still more difficult.

Besides, the income of being an artist is quite stable!

At least now!

"Then you pick time to move in."



After get off work time came, Su Jingting, who had been busy for a day in Group F, left early and went directly to the special parking lot of Huanya Entertainment to wait for Xia Yishan.

While Xia Yishan is not going to film now, Su Jingting is taking her to and from get off work.

He arrived a bit early, so he opened the window and smoked a cigarette.

He is usually busy with company affairs, and Xia Yishan is also busy with his career. There is really not much time to meet.

However, he respected her.

No matter where Xia Yishan goes, as long as she needs him, he can go there overnight.

He has already instructed Assistant Sun to arrange a private jet and leave as soon as he needs to go in an emergency.

This is what he arranged for Xia Yishan to go to Wushan.



Xia Yishan hummed a small tune and got into the car in a good mood.

"Have you got a satisfactory role?" Su Jingting guessed!

"Not yet, auditioning the day after tomorrow."

"What script."

"Have you heard of "Legend"?"

Su Jingting really heard, "Directed by Guo Hao?"

"I heard that yes, how come I don't seem to be familiar with Director Guo?"

"The play he directed is not bad. In his early years, he made a popular one, but it has gone downhill in recent years, but the role selection is still the same."


"Well, when you go home, show me the script, and I will help you analyze it?"

"Great, it's great for Teacher Su to have you!" Xia Yishan was moved, and did not forget to share the happiest thing today with Su Jingting, "You know what, Lao Liang told me today that the company wanted to praise me for this award , Arranged for me to live in an apartment."

Su Jingting said, "!!!"

After Su Jingting got the actor that year, he was still busy with the affairs of Group F, which was handled by Ye Xin, so he had no idea when the artist developed to when the company would arrange apartment accommodation.

It's like a high-level package.

He didn't expect this at all.

Unexpectedly, now it's Xia Yishan's turn!

So Xia Yishan is moving away!

How does this work!

"You want to move?" Su Jingting asked Xia Yishan.

"Yes, otherwise you are not in Yujingyuan when you are on a business trip. It would be inconvenient for me to go alone. Besides, the company's arrangements can't help but be in vain!"

Su Jingting really shot himself in the foot. The house allocated by Huanya Entertainment was also funded by Group F!

Isn't it that he spent money to build a house outside for his wife?

Spend money to buy sins!


Su Jingting has a headache!

Fortunately, he still felt that Xiang Hao was safe in the morning, and now he takes back this idea!

Xiang Hao is too unreliable to do things!

Su Jingting tried to persuade Xia Yishan, "Don't move, do you bear the heart that I live alone in Yujingyuan?"

"But you used to live alone in Yujingyuan!"

When you lived alone before, you didn't say anything!

Why are you hypocritical now?

"It used to be different, wherever I live without you is the same. Now it is awkward where I live without you!"

"You are talking about love!" I can't accept it.

"I will let Xiang Hao take it back immediately!"

"Don't!" Xia Yishan compromised, "How about you come and live together? Anyway, it doesn't matter where you live, I will leave you a bed? Don't you just want to be too young?"

The single small apartment I lived in before had only one small bed, so I couldn't squeeze two people!

Su Jingting could only sleep on the sofa.

"Yes, but..."

"But what?"

"You must choose a big bed this time, with a better material."

Su Jingting said this directly.

Xia Yishan is almost ashamed!



Xia Yishan was busy exploring the role of Frostfall the next day, and Su Jingting took the time to give her some guidance.

The next day, Xia Yishan went to the audition, and it was Liang Qiaoen who accompanied her.

Xia Yishan was selected to perform one of the highlights, and was told to go back and wait for the news.

With Liang Qiaoen's experience, 80% is no problem!

Two days later, Xia Yishan got the news that she was chosen to play the second female role as Frost.

That day, she happened to move.

Said it was a move, in fact she just went to show her face, Su Jingting had asked Assistant Sun to rearrange the house in Jiangnan Garden within two days.

As long as it is something Xia Yishan is used to, Jiangnan Garden has a copy.

Sun Zhu ideally, Xia Yishan is still a 19-year-old female college student, specially invited young designers to design very girly!

When Xia Yishan entered the house, she also sighed that being Su Jingting's assistant is really not easy.

There are two pink flamingos in the corner, they are also drunk...

And the big bed in the bedroom is really big!

She also heard Assistant Sun secretly reporting to Su Jingting.

"President Su, according to your request, the workers have processed all the walls to ensure good sound insulation. This bed is also the best. Are you satisfied?"

Su Jingting nodded, expressing his satisfaction!

Sun Hong was relieved.

Xia Yishan on one side, "..."

Special, you two don't go too far!



A week later, Xia Yishan will go to Wushan for shooting, Su Jingting will also go on a business trip, and the two will not see each other for a long time.

The night before leaving, neither of them slept much. Fortunately, Su Jingting was still thinking about Xia Yishan's shooting needs, leaving no obvious traces.

Xia Yishan's plan to get up early the next day to make breakfast for Su Jingting has also died!