The Sweet Life: Secretly Married to a Movie Star

Chapter 636: Gamble among women

Yi Hanxuan felt that there was a block of air in his chest, and he couldn't breathe out, and he couldn't swallow. It was very uncomfortable.

She fainted on the set and was pulled away by an ambulance, was filmed in the hospital, was discharged from the hospital, was provoked by the agent, high-profile and Xia Yishan attended the same banquet, bought the navy to tear Xia Yishan...

She did everything she could, but Xia Yishan happened to be like a okay person, even if she was scolded by Cheng Xiang, she didn't fight back at all.

Yi Hanxuan set the victim as the victim. If Xia Yishan didn't fight back like this, how could she show her weakness.

It's really a headache.

At the banquet, the people she had good friends with all said Xia Yishan, almost the whole audience looked at Xia Yishan, but she still did not act, if Xia Yishan stood up like a bitch!

Ideals are beautiful, reality is cruel!

Not long after Cai Mingliang came, he let go of Yi Hanxuan and went to look for beautiful women again!

Seeing this, Yi Hanxuan first greeted Yiyi who cared about her with a smile.

When the greeting was almost done, he walked directly to Su Jingting.

Hanzi silently saw Yi Hanxuan coming, greeted her female companion, and walked directly to Xia Yishan.

In this way, Xia Yishan is similar to Sharon, with Su Jingting on one side, Han Zimo on the other, and two men on the other.

Yi Hanxuan smiled and toasted, "Emperor Su, President Han, hello, I will do it first."

She directly ignored Xia Yishan in the middle.

Su Jingting made it clear that he didn't want to talk to Yi Hanxuan, and regarded her as air.

On the contrary, Hanzi, who has always been a gentleman, smiled silently, "Miss Yi is really strange, didn't she just leave the hospital, why is she still drinking."

Yi Hanxuan hurts his face. Drinking is always not good.

Yi Hanxuan didn't care about Han Zimo's words, "On such occasions, just drink a little wine."

She said what Chao Hanzi said silently, but her eyes were looking at Su Jingting.

Her obsession with Su Jingting is no longer a secret.

Xia Yishan still didn't speak, just picked up the wine glasses, and Su Jingting tacitly clinked them.

Before drinking, Su Jingting took it away and replaced it with juice. Xia Yishan drank juice instead.

In Yi Hanxuan's eyes, such a tacit move is simply jealous and can no longer be jealous!

Why is Xia Yishan, a junior, also delusional to grab Su Jingting's heart!


Yi Hanxuan did not realize that she could not provoke Xia Yishan by any means, but was irritated by Xia Yishan.

Besides, Yi Hanxuan and Xia Yishan are already in conflict. It is a miracle that they can appear at the same banquet, let alone stand so close to say hello.

Everyone's eyes are on this side, watching the two strange girls in the entertainment circle!

Afraid to miss some earth-shattering scene!

Those paparazzi-born media also watched them for a while, and they couldn't figure it out until they knew that Yi Hanxuan and Xia Yishan had come close to talk.

But this is definitely the headline of tomorrow!

When Yi Hanxuan saw that Xia Yishan and Su Jingting ignored her, Han Zimo sneered at herself again, and a flash of hatred flashed in his eyes, and immediately changed to a smiley face, "Xia Yishan, you are such a good method. It made me still have a face. it's here."

There is no sound around, is this just about to tear?

It's so amazing!

Xia Yishan also smiled, "I thought Miss Yi was going to ignore me to the end!"

As soon as Xia Yishan's words came out, the smell of gunpowder became strong!

Obviously, Xia Yishan has the upper hand, but there are two heavyweights around her!

"How could I ignore you!" Yi Hanxuan said nonsense with his eyes open.

Xia Yishan nodded, "OK, if you say I hurt you, you have to show evidence."

"Evidence? There are more than one extra person in the crew who saw you go to the dressing room. It is already hard evidence. I didn't want to care about it, but the agent and the fans disagree, so they told everything, don't you Would you mind!" Yi Hanxuan said while holding a red wine glass and taking a sip, there is nothing that Xia Yishan would mind!

After waiting for the banquet, Actor Su knew what kind of person Xia Yishan was, and he would be extremely disappointed in her!

"Iron proof? Are you sure?"

"Of course, I’m sure it’s you. We didn’t get along when we were at Uniasia Entertainment. Now we belong to different agencies, but we happen to be in the same crew. If we don’t get along, we can’t hide everyone from you. Your motives are harmful to me. irrefutable evidence."

Xia Yishan smiled brighter, "If it weren't for me, what would happen to you?"

"If it weren't for you, I would just quit the entertainment circle and never step into the circle again.

"Good." What you want is your sentence.

"Xia Yishan, I'm sure it's you, as long as you can't show evidence that it's not you, then from today, you get out of the entertainment circle!" This is also one of Yi Hanxuan's purposes, as long as Xia Yishan does not appear in the entertainment circle, it will take a long time Then she will be forgotten, but when she is rich, she will die Xia Yishan, which is easy.


Xia Yishan confidently agreed, and looked at the lively humanity of the entire banquet, "Thank you all to be a witness!"

"it is good."


Su Jingting and Han Zimo responded together.

"I took it all!" Su Yujie shouted while holding his mobile phone, "No one is allowed to deny!"

These three important people have said it, and of course the others have said it.

Yi Hanxuan approached Xia Yishan and said in her ear, "Xia Yishan, you forced me, who told you to grab Su Jingting with me!"

After speaking, Yi Hanxuan went directly to the stage, stood in front of the microphone, choked up and said, "Guests present, I'm very sorry, I'm taking up everyone's time. Let me show you a video."

Yi Hanxuan projected the video that had been prepared on the phone on the big screen behind him.

——I saw Xia Yishan enter the dressing room yesterday, and I was still surprised that when work was over, why did she go in?

——I saw it too

——And me, she is wearing a costume, I can't read it wrong

Yi Hanxuan continued, “This was accidentally recorded by the crew’s camera on the day of the incident, and everyone present at the time can prove it. I didn’t want to care about it. The reason for releasing such a clip was just because of my betting appointment with Miss Xia Yishan. I want to stay in the entertainment circle, for myself, for my family, for the love of my fans, I can’t just leave the entertainment circle like this. If I can, I would like to implore Miss Xia Yishan to raise her hands and stop embarrassing me. I am Yi Han Xuan has not been in the entertainment industry for a day or two. Who am I? Old people in the entertainment industry know that whether I am in Huanya or overseas Chinese, I just need to be serious about filming, and those who understand me will naturally understand!"

Yi Hanxuan said that she was diligent and conscientious, choked up in tears several times.

As soon as she finished.

There was no response from others, and Xia Yishan was the first to applaud.

Her applause was crisp and powerful, resounding throughout the banquet hall.