The Sweet Life: Secretly Married to a Movie Star

Chapter 806: Two sisters fight

Su Jingting's big hand touched Xia Yishan's head, "Well, I'm here, not afraid."

Xia Yishan was held in Su Jingting's arms, staring at the two pillows on the ground, the chill in his eyes was enough to shock everyone.

Even Xia Qihua felt the strangeness of Su Jingting, his son-in-law seemed not to be bullied?

Xia Qihua subconsciously rounded it off, "Jing Ting, Zhirou is ignorant."

Wan Yuning can talk a lot, and she doesn't want to be a child to a junior like Su Jingting, but who makes her baby girl like Su Jingting!

"Jing Ting, it's just two sisters quarreling, it's our two old ones who didn't watch..."

"The two sisters have to fight for a fight. If you grab a man, do you have to draw their swords?" Su Jingting's words made Xia Qihua and his wife blush!

"Jing Ting, this..." Xia Qihua thought of the value-added shares that Su Jingting had given, and did not dare to go too far.

With a wave of Su Jingting's hand, a bodyguard directly robbed Xia Zhirou.

"What are you doing, let go of my daughter!" Wan Yuning was anxious, "Xia Qihua, will you let your daughter be bullied? Just say something!"

"You let me go!" Xia Zhirou was also anxious, she was almost ill!

Seeing this, Xia Yishan gave Su Jingting a hand, "Forget it..."

Su Jingting looked at Xia Yishan suspiciously, did she forget it?

Xia Qihua directly said to Su Jingting, "Jing Ting, Zhirou is in a bad physical condition and can't control her emotions. Please forgive me. Zhirou and Yishan are sisters, so it's better not to be too stiff. Yishan, you also persuade Jing Ting, Zhirou is your sister!"

Xia Yishan ignored him, just took Su Jingting's hand, "Let's go back, I want to go home."

Su Jingting knew that Xia Yishan was sad.

He is a man who makes his own woman sad, so how willing.

Su Jingting said coldly, "If there is another time, don't blame me for being polite. I have the ability to give you everything, and naturally I also have the ability to take everything back. If you don't want prosperity and wealth, just try!"

Su Jingting threatened Xia Qihua and Wan Yuning, he had qualifications.

Xia Yishan recognized this family, and he recognized it.

Xia Yishan didn't recognize it, nor would he recognize it!

With the convenience given by Su Jingting, Xia Qihua has transformed into a high class society. Everyone knows this.

Su Jingting picked up Xia Yishan and left.

He hugged her like a baby.

Xia Yishan could bear it because of his blood relationship, Su Jingting could bear it because of Xia Yishan's face, but Sun Hong who came with him didn't want to bear it.

When he followed, Su Yujie also called out his father to show off for his sister-in-law, but his identity was not suitable for him, and he was ordered not to come to the company.

Su Yujie didn’t come, but he told Sun Hong. If the Xia family embarrassed his brother and his wife, let Sun Hong kill the Xia family on his behalf, don’t be polite. You can’t say anything that should be cursed. Did he not know that the Xia family is right? Xiao Shanshan does not look like her!

Sun Hong is confident, provocative, and imposing, "I said Mr. Xia, the Xia family is not short of money anyway, so that the daughter has a problem in her mind, so she doesn't know how to cure it! Anyway, we are the same father as Mrs. Su. Born, although we can’t find a good husband for help, it’s okay to find a good doctor!"

" have a brain problem!" Wan Yuning was anxious!

"It turns out that there is more than just a brain problem? My god!" Sun Hong yelled exaggeratedly and left, so arrogant and anxious.

Xia Jia Ji Fei Gou jumped.


Xia Yishan was carried into the car, and Su Jingting sat beside her, watching her silently.

Xia Yishan saw that her car was driven away by Sun Hong, and a group of people left in a mighty manner.

Seeing that Su Jingting seemed to be angry, Xia Yishan pulled his sleeve, "Don't be angry, I... I'm actually fine."

Su Jingting sighed, "Shanshan, what should I do with you?"

Xia Yishan, whom Su Jingting knows, can beat people and protect herself.

But today Xia Yishan did not resist, and even let Xia Zhirou go in the end.

People have weaknesses, and when they are weak, they tend to collapse.

Just like Su Jingting's weakness is Xia Yishan.

As for Xia Yishan, she also has certain weaknesses in family relationships.

"I..." Xia Yishan lowered her head and poked her fingers. "You know that I was picked up at the age of 18. It was Xia Zhirou's accident that made them think of me. In fact, I know that they have always regarded me as a replacement for Xia Zhirou. It’s just people, it’s just that I’m the daughter of the Xia family, which makes them satisfied. But today, their family of three looks at me like an intruder. I admit that I’m injured.”

Xia Yishan didn't even mention Dad and Aunt Wan, and replaced them with two words.

"Why, I have to feel sad if I am injured."

"Wan Yuning said, Xia Zhirou has depression, and Xia Zhirou had taken medicine before you came."

This was unexpected by Su Jingting, "Are you sure?"

"Listening to the two of them is like what Xia Zhirou has suffered. I have to ask Yan Lang to check to be sure." There is such a person under Xia Yishan, and it is easy to check Xia Zhirou's past.

"She had better really have something!" If Xia Zhirou pretended to be something, Su Jingting would let her really have something!

"Furthermore, Xia Zhirou clearly knew that I was Summer, but didn't expose me, indicating that she has no problems in her mind and is very good at calculating."

"You think, what if Xia Qihua and Wan Yuning knew you were the CEO of SE?"

"Think I am upbeat?"

"Hold your thigh tightly!" Su Jingting's words successfully made Xia Yishan smile, who was unhappy.

"Su Jingting, what you said! If they know that you are the person in charge of Group F, wouldn't they be admirable?"

Seeing Xia Yishan smiled, Su Jingting squeezed her face, "It's not easy for you to smile."

Xia Yishan took the initiative to plunge into Su Jingting's arms, "Oh, as long as you are there, I am very happy every day! Buzz Buzz Buzz, it's nice for my husband to have you!"

"Where am I!"

"You are not only my husband, but also my teacher, uncle, brother, and dad!"

Su Jingting, "..." This high hat is enough!

Xia Yishan raised her head, "I want to kiss."

Su Jingting directly hugged Xia Yishan, turned around and straddled him on his lap, "Come by yourself."

"Well, you are still lazy about this. For the sake of your hard work before, let me try?"

"Come." Su Jingting looks forward to it!

Xia Yishan lowered her head, blocked Su Jingting's lips, bit by bit, learning what Su Jingting was like before.

The driver who drove, "..."

Two, this is not autonomous driving, I am a big living person!

He actively pressed the button, the partition landed and blocked!