The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 281: Silhouette

When Kimura Kazuo and He Maosheng continued to return to the Yundo Shrine, they saw that Chunyang was waiting for them.

Seeing this, He Maosheng laughed, "Why didn't sleep?"

"Grandpa, how could we be able to sleep. What time is it?" Asuka was dissatisfied, just at the shrine, howling hungry. As a result, Grandpa let them sleep, and they had no choice but to go to bed.

Bu Yi next to him, nodded in depression. In fact, she really wanted to go to see the world with Grandpa, but obviously Grandpa didn't want to take them.

Just before lying down, they heard movement. They knew that it was Grandpa who was going to wait for them to sleep, and then went down to investigate the situation. They could take this into consideration, so they pretended to be asleep and did not wake up. It was just embarrassing them to let them go to bed at eight o'clock.

As modern people, in Tokyo, there is no twelve at night and they don't want to touch the bed.

Chunyang laughed and said nothing, she didn't actually fall asleep, and when Grandpa He Mao came to look for her senior, she knew it, but she didn't wake up. I am low in strength and naturally cannot be willful. I am very happy to be able to explore such strange things with my senior.

He Maosheng smiled and didn't say much. Pass the packed meals to the three people.

The three eyes lighted up, apparently very hungry.

Chun Yang returned the four-souled jade in his pocket to the senior. The four-souled jade had the effect of suppressing the grieving spirits, and at this Yundao shrine, although no strange things were encountered. However, in order to prevent Chunyang from encountering an accident, Kimura and Shu still kept Chunyang's jade in custody in case something happened. He couldn't react.

"You take it." Kimura and Shuji did not take over the thing, he said lightly, "when you go back, give it back to me."

"Okay." When Chunyang heard it, she closed it with joy, apparently this was because the senior was worried about her safety.

While the three were eating, He Maosheng and Kimura and Shu were not idle either.

The situation just down the mountain is really weird. In terms of custom, it is also quite unreasonable.

"Although the Yundo Shrine has been reported in the demon Fuming Palace, it has always been outside the circle. So basically no one came from Sakakami-mura." He Maosheng looked at Sakami-mura below the mountain again. Apparently, this is the intention of Yundao Shrine, and neither the yin yang master nor the witch of Yundao Shrine communicate with people in the circle. The last time the witch came to visit is because she saved the lives of the people in Yundao Shrine. That ’s why I can communicate with the people at Unshima Shrine. Otherwise, even if Unshima Shrine is destroyed, it will be a long time after it is discovered. "

A long time later, maybe years or even more than ten years.

Because no one would come to Sakakami village on purpose, and the village wanted to go out. There was only one bus at noon a day. Even if this isolated Sakagami village is destroyed, no one knows it for a short time.

"It seems that the reason is in the custom of Sakakami-mura." Kimura and Shu added a tone to the custom. He apparently did not believe in sleeping during the day, and it was the custom of Sakakami-mura to appear at night, because it did not conform to common sense. If it is a custom, then there is no need to conceal it in Yundo Shrine. After all, it is a custom, even if it is investigated.

Even if it is exposed, everyone will only discuss it online and will not delve into it. Because there are too many weird customs in this world.

But since it was deliberately concealed, there must be a trap in this so-called custom.

He Maosheng nodded in agreement, but now they are at the Yundao Shrine, not at the foot of the mountain, and they can't reach the investigation.

However, the reason why He Maosheng came to Kimura and the trees in the summer vacation was obviously to prepare for a protracted war. It ’s just that I ’m going to go out to the village to buy some ingredients tomorrow. Otherwise, it ’s not good to go to the foot of the mountain every day to look for Ogami Banjo.

When the three of Chunyang finished eating, they all returned to the house silently.

Flying birds kept sighing and sighing. Obviously there is no entertainment on the mountain of Yundao and no signal on the mobile phone. It is also a delusion to play mobile games online. Even if you play a stand-alone machine, there will be no electricity after a while, and you can only eat and sleep, wake up and eat, or study Fuyu.

At midnight, Kimura and the tree woke up. He reluctantly touched his stomach, he was awake hungry. According to modern people, the food that he had eaten at Sakakami Otome's house can only be regarded as a snack, and he cannot eat enough.

Thinking about it, he looked at Chun Yang who was sleeping soundly in bed, apparently this time the other party was really asleep, not a fake one. He went out silently, intending to see what is special on Yundao Mountain.

In this place, the vegetation is wide and the woods are dense. There must be some wild animals living in it. Maybe I can hunt, get a barbecue or something. Otherwise, if you are hungry, if there is any fighting and you are not concentrated, would n’t it give the enemy a chance?

In the middle of the night, there was no sound at all, and Kimura and the trees could only hear a few breathing sounds from all directions.

This breathing sound was apparently coming from He Maosheng next door. Although He Maosheng is a big Yin Yang teacher, he also needs to sleep. After all, no one can reach the level of not sleeping in this era. At most, the spirit is more abundant than other people, even if they don't sleep for a few days, it will not be a problem, but in this case, the spirit will definitely be weak. Therefore, modern monks will maintain a strong spirit.

Kimura and the tree did not hunt around Yundo Shrine. After all, Yundo Shrine has a thousand-year history in Yundao Mountain. I am afraid that the wild beasts of Yundao Mountain will never come to Yundao Shrine to make trouble.

As soon as I left Yundao Mountain, Kimura and the tree heard a noise, their ears were slightly upright, and listened carefully, it was a chewing sound ~ ~ There is a beast hunting ", Kimura and the tree Surprised eyes. No way, people are iron rice is steel, he is not hungry now, it is best to have meat to hunger.

Pursuing his voice, Kimura and Shu converge, and the beast is more sensitive than humans. Naturally, he will not fight grass and snakes.

However, after walking less than a hundred meters, Kimura and Tree could not help shrinking their pupils when they saw the scene in front of them. Less than thirty meters away from him, under the light of the night sky, a figure was lying on the ground at this time, holding a gray hare in his hand, biting his flesh with a big mouth.

Even if there is no starry sky, the vision of Kimura and the tree can clearly see the situation. The person lying on the ground in front of him is very tall and wearing coarse linen. This is rare in modern times, but Kimura and Shukun know that most of the people in Sakagami are poor and their clothes are made by themselves. So this person should be the person of Sakagami .

However, now the villagers of Sakagami village are holding a living hare, and are not afraid of bacterial infection, they just bite their mouths. Kimura and the tree can clearly see, the blood on the other hand and the blood and meat on the mouth are scary and scary on this night.


The hare's cry went from strong to weak. It was obviously unexpected. Some people caught him and didn't kill it before eating. Rather, he went straight to his mouth, and this kind of torture made him feel painless.

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