The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 95: Photo familiarity

Tochimura and Shuki never thought that he could develop a soul that would help him to complete his obsession, and he just had to sit and enjoy his achievements.

And this offline is still a girl, somehow, this makes him have a ridiculous feeling.

Of course, he also thanked Chiba Shiori for his reminder. Otherwise, he doesn't know how long it will take for him to react, and he still has this gameplay.

Maybe he can react and come up with this method in the future, but being reminded in advance will allow him to have a deeper understanding of obsession, and without Chiba Shiori's reminder, this ‘after’ may be a long time later.

Kimura and the tree, whose minds were broadened at this time, thought a lot.

The soul spirit's obsession is strange, there must be many things he is not good at, so whether he can continue to develop offline afterwards. For example ... Of course, you must formulate a set of reward rules for offline development, otherwise there is no reason for others to help you complete the spiritual obsession.

However, Kimura and Shu quickly buried this idea in their hearts.

Because there are not many souls, if you want to come across, you can only find or try your luck by yourself. From crossing to the present, except for the evil spirits, he only encountered three good ghosts after playing the game.

Hanazawa Ming River, the old lady of the water-flow duplex apartment, Yuriko Hanoi, and a mourning goddess of nine linen.

This let Kimura and Shu know that they are lucky.

But luck is conservative, maybe he won't be able to touch a soul for a long time?

"Then I'll go first." Since Chiba Shiori was willing to help, Kimura and Shu have not refused, the other party is obviously very interested.

Of course, the other party volunteered to help, but he couldn't take it for granted. Since Shiba Chiba is very curious about mysterious things, maybe after the dedication of Yuriko Hanoi is finished, he can send an item to the other party. Just sending something, he was still thinking about it.

"Okay ... by the way, haven't you been looking for Chiyoko?"

"Looking for me?" Hanoi Yuriko next to him heard his expression, confused. But soon she knew that she was not looking for her. Instead, find someone named Chiyoshi Nishiyama.

怎么 "Why, do you have a way?" After Chimura Shiori and Yuriko Kimura and Shu explained, he wondered. Although Shiba Chiba is an ordinary person, he never underestimates each other. Whether it's a suggestion from a spirit removal website or an idea about observing novelty, it shows that the other party's thinking is flexible and exceeds the standard of most people.

"No." Chiba Shiori laughed. "You can send me pictures of Nishiyama Chiyoko. Maybe we can start from the Internet. When it's okay, I can go to Tianyan and look at the surveillance video for you."

Sky Eye System, also known as video surveillance system. It is a means for human society to maintain social order in modern society, and it plays an increasingly important role in on-site monitoring, case investigation, and subsequent evidence collection.

Japan can be regarded as one of the countries with the highest number of sky eyes in the world. Under the premise of protecting the privacy of citizens, Japanese officials and civilians have installed a large number of sky eyes in various places.

Not only can Japan ’s SkyEye surveillance status be viewed on a specific website with a computer, but even an Apple phone can access the video about SkyEye, and can intercept the video surveillance situation anytime, anywhere. Of course, not all Tianyan videos are publicly accessible, and after all, only a part of them can be accessed publicly.

But even part of it, there are hundreds of thousands of monitoring.

Wu Wenyan said that Kimura and Shu were slightly surprised. He didn't know this. After all, he had only lived in this country for about a year. He did not expect that most of the surveillance videos in the Japanese sky eye system were public, although not all, but they did help find someone.

"Unless in the country, Nishiyama Chiyoko appears in the city, as long as it is daily life, he can always find each other." Shiba Chiba explained. "With the comparison of photos, we can hire professionals online and use machines Screening surveys may quickly find Chiyoko. "

Shiba Chiba knew that after Kimura and Shuki were looking for Chiyoshi Nishiyama, they were also helping each other. This method was discovered by her on the Internet yesterday, and she was surprised to be able to investigate the state-controlled surveillance in China. She didn't know about it before. After all, she was just a high school student. If she didn't take the initiative to understand many things, it wouldn't be clear.

Tochimura and tree looked at Shiba Chiba, feeling sorrowful. If Shiba Chiba lives in the age of rejuvenation, he will be an educated researcher even if he cannot practice, because his brain is flexible. Thinking of him taking out his phone, he would have to send a photo of Nishiyama Chiyoko to the other party ...

However, when he looked at the picture sent by Nakagawa Aya from his mobile phone. A familiar feeling came to his mind ... he was startled. Taking a closer look, in a flash, the person who appeared at noon in Akihabara Plaza at noon appeared, the cos, a woman who was exposed and made him inexplicably familiar.

is her! ?

Because of the inexplicable familiarity at noon, he kept the face of the female Cos in his mind.

Of course, as time goes by, this memory may gradually blur.

I was like this photo sent by Qingchuan Nakagawa. He just took a look at and wrote it down. But with the passage of time, the impression in his head gradually blurred. This is the reason why when he saw the female Cos at noon, a sense of familiarity emerged, but he did not respond.

But ... not right.

Tochimura and the tree looked at the photos and found that the Chiyoko Nishiyama in the mobile phone photo was soft in appearance, although not very beautiful, but there was an intellectual beauty, this temperament was completely different from the charming and charming female Cos at noon. But apart from their different temperaments, the two look similar.

He pondered for a while and then did not send the photo to Shiba Chiba. Instead, hand your phone to the other party.

Shiba Chiba took the cell phone curiously, and at a glance, she was surprised, "Isn't this the Cos at noon? But the temperament is very different, shouldn't it be the same person?" She was also impressed by the cos at noon, because the other party It's too exposed.

"Do you also feel alike?" Kimura and Shuki took the cell phone back and sent the photo to Shiba Chiba, and he slowly said, "I'll call Mr. Muraoka to see the female Cos at noon. The message is sent to you. You can also ask someone to check the monitoring online at the same time. Please record the cost of the request and I will add it later. "

"Okay." Although Shiba Chiba wanted to say that I could pay for the money, I thought about it and ended up not speaking.

"sorry to bother you."

Soon afterwards, Kimura and Shuki bid farewell to Shiba Chiba and Yuriko Hanoi, and he called Muraoka Xingxia as soon as he went out.

As the organizer of the man exhibition, unless it is a passerby Cos, like a female Cos at noon surrounded by many people to take pictures, should it be a famous Cos? This well-known Cos organizer should be registered.