The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 97: Old customers

Tochimura and Tree returned home to prepare, and soon came to the water-duplex apartment, and continued to make up for the sisters of the ancient bridge.

Today's make-up class is obviously the same as before. The four guys were very restless and absent-minded in class, especially Guqiao Qiunai, who spent almost two hours wandering, and from time to time he laughed, making him speechless.

Even Xia Wei, the ancient bridge, became uneasy. Obviously, although Guqiao Xia Wei made up his mind to study hard, whether he could persist or not was a question.

At last, Kimura and the tree, who could not bear it, drew the ancient bridge Qiu Nai's palms with a ruler, and the pained partner burst into tears and did not dare to swim. Everyone else took this seriously, but Kimura and Shu knew that this seriousness was also fake, and everyone was in a daze.

To be honest, Kimura and Shu recently came to make up lessons and gradually got to know the four girls. Knowing that although these people have poor academic performance, they are good enough in other aspects, and it also allows him to take back the idea that the four have no meaning in his heart.

Guqiao Chunyang insists on practicing kendo every day. He has n’t stopped day after day. Although he does n’t know how strong his strength is, if he keeps practicing like this, the foundation will surely be very strong. For the love of kendo, the other side is sincere.

Dong Guqiao Donghe also often read books about seiyuu. When he was okay, he practiced his voice and never stopped. And in order to practice her voice, she gave up a lot of food. For a foodie, she really needs a lot of perseverance.

The hard work and persistence of these two people are commendable.

The ancient bridge Qiu Nai seems to be a dead house, but it is a technical house. This guy is developing a game with his online friends silently, listening to Guqiao Xia Wei saying that it is about to be completed.

As for the ancient bridge Xia Wei, it seems that there is nothing special. However, Yanagawa Izumi and he reported that the number of [Kimura and Tree Support] had reached 30, all of whom were girls.

概念 What is this concept? This is already a class size in Japan. His Fengjian Department is no more than forty people, and this is a group of people who have gathered for more than a year. But how long did Guqiao Xia Wei form a society? Is there a week?

The most important thing is that these more than thirty people are well-organized in the ancient bridge Xia Wei. [Kimura and Tree Support Department] Although it is loose but orderly, and everyone in the community likes Guqiao Xia Wei, this is incredible. After all, all girls are girls, and girls are more torn than boys.

When the former Shimu Village and Shu went online, I saw a post from a landlord saying that they had eight people in their dormitory, but there were five discussion groups, and they were divided into several factions, which made them look like spy organizations. In the post, many girls also revealed the intrigue of the girls' dormitory, which made them shudder.

Guqiao Xia Wei can manage [Kimura and Tree Support Department] like this, it is inseparable from the ability of the other party, and can make the members like it, which indicates that the other party's personality is very attractive.

Tochimura and Shu sighed, even if the four of them are even worse, their future achievements will not be too small. Of course, if the results are still good, it will be perfect.

I do not know why, Kimura and Shu suddenly thought of Shiba Chiba.

Although he does not know how Chiba Shiori's grades in school are, he may not be too bad. After all, Shiba Chiba's mother is the director of teaching. If her academic performance is not good, I am afraid her parents will not let her write light novels.

八 At 8:30 in the evening, after Kimura and Shu's lessons were finished, he left.

No matter what the Guqiao sisters are, he has to fulfill his responsibility as a tutor. But in this case, he has to think of a way. If this goes on, the four guys' results will not be bad.

After I left, Kimura and Shu took the elevator to the eleventh floor. He remembered very well that the old man was walking toward the room of 1105.

I wondered, instead of passing by the first time, he let out the old man's soul in Sun Moon Sword, and the old man started mumbling as soon as he came out, and then slowly walked towards room 1105.

Seeing this, he put the sun and moon sword in the corner.

After sorting out his mood, Kimura and Shu came to the door of Room 1105, and he lightly pressed the doorbell.

"Who are you?" Ten seconds later, Yamamoto Xiaoyang saw Kimura and the tree through the cat's eyes, and his face was slightly pale, doubting. At this time he did not find that the soul of an old man was beside him, and a word was repeated in his mouth.

I heard the sound, Kimura and Shu breathed a sigh of relief, and seemed to be at home. His eyes were sharp and his voice was low. "I'm a policeman, you can call me Kimura. I want to ask you about a man named Reina."

"What kind of pity, I don't know, you're looking for the wrong person." Yamamoto Xiaoyang heard the stage name, and his voice was obviously flustered, and he denied it.

Feeling the chaos of each other, Kimura and Shu rejoiced. It seems that the other party really knows Rieko Takamatsu, and Rieko in the old population with a high probability is Pinai.

For a moment, Kimura and Shuji were totally thoughtful, but had to confirm further.

"Oh?" Kimura and Shuji sneered, "You don't know Reina, do you know Riko Takamatsu?" Yoshimoto Yamamoto continued to say, and he continued, "Riko Takamatsu is involved in physical trading. You are one of the customers. You Don't deny that I can come here, it is the investigation. "

"I really don't know what Rieko is." Yamamoto Xiaoyang calmed down, although he was flustered, but still with fluke.

"I don't have time to talk about it. Now I open the door and I understand some situations." Kimura and Shu impatiently said ~ ~ You don't need to worry about it, your situation can be fined at most. But if you continue to deny it now, I will conclude that you and Takamatsu Rieko are in a cooperative relationship, and in cases involving physical trading, you need to go to jail. "

"This ..." Yamamoto Xiaoyang heard it, panicked completely. He knew that if he didn't open the door, there were many ways for the other party to enter the door as a policeman, and he might as well tell the situation honestly.

When I saw Yamamoto's door open, Kimura and the tree were slightly surprised. He didn't expect it to be that simple, thinking that the other party would argue a few more words, or look at the documents or something, he was ready. Now it seems that although the water-flow duplex apartment is a high-end apartment, the quality of residents is still uneven.

After Tochimura and the tree entered the door, Yamamoto Xiaoyang flattered slightly, "Police Officer Kimura, you look so young."

"I'm twenty-eight years old." Kimura and Shuban faced coldly, "You can rest assured, I just came to understand the situation."

"Yes, I must know everything."

I soon came to the living room. Although Yamamoto Xiaoyang had calmed down, he was still a little restless on the sofa. After all, this kind of thing was really unbearable, but fortunately, he was at home, giving him a sense of psychological security.

Mo Ermura and Shu sat next to him. He picked up his pen and notepad and asked a few questions. The situation he learned was similar to that learned by Xingxia Muraoka.

理 Takamatsu Rieko, stage name Rina. Contact information is changed every so often. But before changing the contact information, she will inform the trusted old customers of the new contact information.

Yamamoto Xiaoyang is one of Takamatsu Rieko's regular customers.

Tochimura and the tree recorded while casually speaking, "Recently, has an elderly person died in your house?"