The Sword of Galaxy

Chapter 20: chapter 20

20, ptr20

The next journey was a torment, for Heinrich and for Gavin. So when the airship stopped, they sighed in unison.

"Your Majesty, we have reached the gate of the Palace of New Versailles ... Hmm ?! What is going on with you ?!"

Heinrich's nose was swollen and his face was swollen, and the dry blood in the two tubes under the nasal cavity seemed quite ridiculous. The security officer watched him come down with a stunned look, as if someone owed him five million: "It's okay, I fell."

Guardian: "..."

You must have hit the front with a "pop!"

Heinrich stared in many strange eyes, and opened the rear hatch, and stretched out his hand to carry Gavin out.

Gavin is actually uncomfortable. Heinrich's coat has a strong pheromone atmosphere. Comrade Biaron's sheets are stronger and more direct. He smoked with panic and shortness of body along the way. He just hated why he couldn't. Hit a wall and fainted.

Gavin is a person who is calmer and calmer on the surface and more turbulent. Compared with the emperor's pure resistance to the impulse, his psychological activity is much more complicated: Why is Lao Tzu affected by pheromone, am I really? No, no. Even though I am already, am I "the kind" that obeys lp's nature and is gentle and docile? !!

He was wrapped in Heinrich's coat, and at the same time was held by Heinrich in his arms, his eyes seemed to be owed 50 million.

"Listen," said the emperor, striding towards the palace steps, in a voice that only the two of them could say, "I don't want to mark anyone, I think you probably don't want to be marked either. It's easy, as long as you obey You wo n’t be harmed in any way. In the future, you can find which lp you want. It has nothing to do with me. "

"You only want mecha Phoenix," Gavin affirmed.

"Very clever, but I only need the cockpit of the Mech Phoenix." Heinrich frowned and asked, "Have I heard your voice?"

"You heard it wrong."


The New Versailles Palace is built of all-white moonstone, as if exuding a soft light. The interior of the palace is well-organized, with few furnishings. A wide area of ​​pale silver ground on the doorway is clean enough to reflect people.

The emperor passed through the lobby, and at the end was a row of circular glass domes. Through the glass cover, you can see that the negative floor is a laboratory that contains a lot of biochemical instruments. The elevator behind the door takes them straight into the ground. A few researchers in white coats are waiting on both sides.

Gavin noticed the emperor's intentions instantly.

He wanted to study Phoenix's spiritual link and find a way to take out the cockpit without disassembling the mech.

"We will give you a certain amount of brainstem stimulation through imitation spirit plugs, which may be a little painful." Heinrich leaned over and placed Gavin on the alloy bed, saying "but if you are not struggling, A few seconds passed. "

Gavin stared at him: "I have a question."


"Why do you want the cockpit?"

The emperor was silent for a while, and slowly said, "For the future of the country."

Gavin noticed that he was talking about the state, not the empire, and the two words had very different meanings in the common language of the empire. But he didn't have much time to ask, because Heinrich closed the glass cover and made a squeak.

Gavin was sealed on an alloy pusher, and a robot arm protruded from the outside, pushing him into a huge operating chamber like a coffin.

"The spiritual connection between the driver and the mech is actually achieved through bio-electromagnetism. In the ancient Earth era thousands of years ago, people could not explain the wonder of this electromagnetic, so it was called the soul."

Countless electrodes extend from the operating compartment and connect to the rectangular computer square array and connect to the floating screen. The researcher turned on the screen and motioned the emperor to look at the complex lines of various colors:

"It is almost like this to" draw "the soul through a specific spectral language. After the operation starts, we can see the deep-memory picture in the target's mind, and the degree of clarity depends on his mental threshold.

"What we have to do now is to scan his" soul "and make a copy, then strengthen the radiation, let the crest exceed the spiritual threshold of Marshal Silia. Then we can forcibly connect with Phoenix, order it to turn on and send Cockpit. "

"Is it harmful to the human body?" Heinrich frowned.

"We will try our best to avoid-young and healthy are rare, and no one wants to hurt him."

The emperor was solemn: "Please do it."

The researcher nodded suddenly.

Of course they would do it, even if the emperor didn't say it. The nature of lp has a desire for protection. Even if the emperor lives for hundreds of years and is still a member of the dead group, they have to let this survive.

After a long preparation of the test, everything was finally ready. The researchers injected the stimulant into the needle tube, and a few inches of alloy needles slowly protruded from the operating cabin, aiming at the top of Gavin's head.

Gavin's whole body hoop was tightly fixed, and he couldn't even turn his head slightly. He could only watch the needle peep down.

Then his skull was cold.

It felt indescribable, and after the pain of the drama Liè was numb-the existence of the needle was so clear that he felt that the entire skull gap was slowly opened.

The brain tissue was gradually pierced, and Gavin trembled, and began to struggle frantically!

"Don't move!" Roared from the communicator: "It's going to be off!"

The metal hoop was tightened suddenly, and the huge force fixed Gavin deadly to the point where his muscles could not be tightened. Those few seconds were endlessly long, Gavin was pale in front of his eyes, and his consciousness was hazy.

His soul seemed to float, looking down and looking down, staring coldly at himself.

Is this me He wondered.

"What am I? "I" come from nǎ?

In the long river of time and consciousness, why did such an "I" happen?

Gavin closed his eyes and wondered how long it took before he opened them slowly. The sight before him had changed. He seemed to be standing in a corridor where the front and back could not be seen. The cold through-wind was blowing from the dark, licking his neck like a snake letter, and his nose was full of salty and humid water vapor.

He realized it was some dusty memory.

... but this is n?

Gavin tentatively moved forward, but only encountered a chaotic black mist. He had just wanted to go forward, but suddenly his hand was grabbed.

"--Congratulations you deceived the old guys who had vegetarian meals in the corpses, but I can see through you." A pale man approached him, his whole body of black armor almost blending with darkness: "I know your trick."

Gavin somehow thought he was familiar, but he couldn't remember who he was anyway.

"You are a two-sided liar, and you have your place in both light and darkness. But from now on all myths will be broken, because my eyes will stare at you, and I will always monitor your every move- "

The man smiled awkwardly, but then Gavin interrupted him:

"It doesn't matter, Yunes. To me you're just a rat in the sewer."

He turned and walked in the other direction of the promenade, followed by the roar of the man behind him: "Wait until the day you are defeated by me, Silia!"

Celia didn't look back or even look.


The scene changed suddenly, and the dark promenade went quickly, and I didn't know when it was full of sunlight.

Gavin opened his eyes and found himself in a very different hallway: the sun was streaming down from the glass windows, everything was shrouded in a warm halo, brilliant and unclear.

Outside the window was a flat playground in the afternoon. Several soldiers were sweating to do physical training. The sun was shining on their bronze-colored muscles, and even sweat was shining.

"I've found that you haven't had much poisonous tongue lately," said a man wearing a Lieutenant General around him lazily. "Are you starting to cultivate your own body, Master Marshal?"

"What you said recently started from two hundred years ago."

"Well ... it hasn't been that long, the joke of sexual decline you told at Speaker Constance's birthday reception makes me still remember ..."

"You should make a note of it occasionally, Kaleyan," Silia said mildly. "I usually have this kind of joke in my heart now."

"... so you often vomit in your heart now?"

Celia turned to Lieutenant General, and after a while he slowly said, "I am indeed now."

Calleyan's face was full of eye-catching expressions, and Silia smiled slightly at him, then turned to look out the window.

The breeze is mixed with the strong plant breath of summer, @@ 扑 过 树尖. Kaleyan accompanied him to watch the training for a while, but couldn't help but said, "I thought you would find some good soldiers. Who knows that you found these things that don't know what ..."

"You were not so mean when you were my guard."

"Did you not? Well-what do you think of the two newcomers?"

Celia smiled and shook her head, seemingly helpless about the issue. After a while, he finally said, "Aaron is just as talented as you, and you will find out later."

"Disagree. What about the other?"


"Well, that little white face."

The young man's face emerged from Celia's mind, which was indeed very handsome, but the masculine temperament was also very obvious, and he did not see any potential to be a white face.

"Personally, I don't like him very much, but he has higher talents ... in terms of leadership."

Kaleyanchi said: "You want to say he is handsome?"

"You can say the same."

"Then why don't you like it?"

"... I don't know." Silia paused in Karejan's unexpected gaze, slowly: "But it doesn't matter, I don't like too many things ... it doesn't matter if he is more than one."

Why don't you like it?

This problem is too complicated-or if you live too long, many difficult problems will become simple, and many simple problems will become very complicated.

Silia was lying on the operating table, and the bright lights kept him from opening his eyes. The vomiting rushed all the way from his stomach to his throat, and a few seconds later he suddenly got up and spit his heartbreaking vomit.


"Master Marshal!"

"It's okay Silia, it's okay! It's all a normal rejection reaction ... get him some water! Hurry, towel!"

Edna crouched close to the operating table and held him tightly, wiping his cold sweaty face with a hot towel. A few minutes later, Silia finally exhausted and stopped vomiting, her voice hoarsely changed: "... help me."

Kaleyan rushed forward, and together with Edna helped him to the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the corner of the operating room. A completely unfamiliar face was reflected in the mirror, with clear eyes and clear features. Silia looked at it for a moment, and asked hoarsely, "Who is this?"

"The gene catalysis program will start soon, and it will return to its original shape in at most half a month ... This is you, Celia." Edna trembled. "You are still you, just changed your lp body, Nothing else has changed. "

Silia was silent for a moment, then shook her head.

"You shouldn't wake the dead from hell, Edna. There is no next time."

However, there is no empty talk next time, and no one's life and death can be truly controlled by himself.

The scene changed again. Twelve years later, Silia was lying in the desert of Saturn, and the broken wings of the Phoenix reflected a cold moonlight.

The last drop of solution had been injected, and his vision began to blur. The last scene imprinted on his mind was the millions of stars in the night sky and the nine-day galaxy across the sky.

If this fails, he will usher in real death.

However, he did not know whether he wished for failure or success. Heinrich's wailing still sounded, but he remembered the lush mint flower field in the breeze on the egret star.

I really want to go back again.

If I can go back again ...

The night wind lifted layers of dust and sand, engulfing Phoenix and the cockpit into the ground. Silia's eyes were dark, and he saw the way to another world, meandering from under his feet to nothingness.

... is this the final curtain call?

He thought so, and walked to a distant distance.

The memory picture that was very clear on the screen suddenly began to blur, and after a few electromagnetic interference, it was completely dark.

At the same time, in the operating cabin, Gavin suddenly became extremely convulsive, but then the needle quickly withdrew, and the glass cover was opened with a bang!

Heinrich pounced on him and hugged him in his arms, his whole body and his voice trembling in the drama liè: "Silla! It's all right Silia, it's over, everything is over, I know you will come back ... ... "

He groped for the wound left by the metal needle between Gavin's hair, and trembled and kissed the hair. Gavin couldn't hear anything. He was convulsing and struggling with intense dizziness, and then his heartbreaking retching started.

"Did you come back to meet me? Did you come back to see me?" Heinrich kissed his cheek ardently, and his arms were too hard to swell, but he seemed to have caught the life-saving straw. Don't let go: "I know you will come back, this time no one ... never again ..."

His eyes were like crazy sleepy beasts, full of despair and blood, so that no one dared to take a step forward.

"Let's ... let go of me," Gavin felt a pain in his ribs even when he was dizzy, and couldn't help but start struggling: "pain ... let go of me!"

"--Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" Researcher Yu rushed forward: "Please let go, a brain scan shows that there is something in his brain! It is a signal receiver!"

Heinrich's pupils tightened instantly.

"It is a used receiver that can be placed in the human brain to receive soul electromagnetics!" The researcher was so excited that his voice changed sharply: "——This is the top secret technology of the Alliance fifty years ago. , Your Majesty! Can I show it out?! "——

The author has something to say:

I found that many students did not understand the plot, so I explained: The emperor found that Gavin could connect with Phoenix, and he wanted to copy his biological electromagnetic (that is, soul) to control the Phoenix. In the experiment, they scanned Gavin's brain. The scene deep in Gavin's memory will be displayed on the screen. Because the Marshal's spiritual threshold is high, the picture is very clear, so the emperor saw everything and knew everything.

The signal receiver was mentioned in Chapter 10. When refraction of the soul, a resonator needs to be implanted in the body brain, and a receiver is implanted in the replica brain. Gavin has a receiver, which proves that he is indeed the marshal's soul ~

I'm sorry I tried my best but still didn't write the plot of stew in chapter 20 ...

In fact, I changed the order of the plot, because if the emperor fleshed out without knowing or doubting Gavin ’s identity, it felt a bit inconsistent with his personality logic. You must know that the emperor is very disciplined and very principled people. So the stew plot was postponed until after the experiment ...

Originally, I did n’t make three changes in v, so I promised that the editor would have to make double compensations today, but because the number of words in this chapter is bursting, it ’s really not finished until now. It ’s 11:30 local time.

俺 The time difference now is two hours, which means that updates every night around 10:30, in fact, it is 12:30 here! !! [Tears suddenly fall ...

熬 Boil for another half an hour and then go to sleep after the beginning of the next chapter. See how much you can code tomorrow. Anyway, this chapter counts as arrears. Tomorrow will not work the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow will not work Sunday, I will definitely make up this chapter ...

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