The Tale Never Ends

v1 Chapter 15: "Xuan'er Shou"

It is no wonder that Fengjiang used his family search several times on Sunday, but did not find this "ten villages". It was no wonder that at that time, the commune was widely spread out, and the various teams were integrated and merged. The village where Fengjiang is located was also put under the jurisdiction of Dahongzhuang Township under the Yahongqiao Commune. He found a Shijiapu only a few miles away. When he went to the village to inquire, there was no new born baby. 1961 was the year with the lowest birth rate of those years, and it was the same throughout the country. Since then, Feng Jiang has been recruited as a special force at school. His two daughters are still young, and no one can go to seek relatives. The matter of finding relatives has become a mental illness for Feng Quan's mother. I can only hope that the other party will find it in the future, after all, it is very close to the place of birth.

In the years after, Fengquan's body has not been very good. After all, he was born in a difficult period, and it is certain that the congenital mother lacks calcium. Fengquan's grandmother had seen it and said that it was a bad name. It was changed from Fengquan to Fengquan, but it had no obvious effect after the change.

When Xiaofeng Quan was six or seven years old, something happened!

At that time, a group of migrant workers came to the river to the west. That was in response to the leader's call "We must cure Haihe". Although it is not Haihe, it is also under national planning. The river worker is in the village house, and a few migrant workers live in the house of Feng Quan's house. There is a team leader in the river engineering, which seems to be a company commander of the militia in the village. Feng Quan called him "Xuan'er Shou" For Uncle Xuan, the uncle's surname is Xuan. In BOE's dialect, Xuan is pronounced Xuan, and Uncle is regarded as income, so in Uncle Quan's mouth, Uncle Xuan becomes "Xuan'er Shou". At the beginning, the author wrote Yes, Uncle Xuan, but after reading it, there is no such feeling of "Xuan'er Shou" in Uncle Quan's mouth. Thinking of the kind of happiness that overflowed his face whenever Uncle Quan mentioned "Xuan'er Shou", I could n’t bear to change it to other phonetic sounds, so I had to give up the surface meanings, select words by sounds, and write “Xuan'er Shou—Author's Note)

"Xuan'er Shou" likes Feng Quan very much. After work, he always makes Feng Quan play. When he has time, he makes Feng Quan a toy or something. Later, he used straw to insert Feng Quan into his spare time. Bird cage, "Xuan'er Shou" holding the cage and asked Feng Quan, do you like this? Go find your grandma and give me some peanuts, and I will give it to you! Feng Quan ran to her grandmother and asked for a handful of peanuts. "Xuan'er Shou" smiled and said, "I don't eat it. You eat it. The cage gives it to you!" When Feng Quan was a child, he only knew that it was Luosheng. This was the first time. I heard the word peanut in "Xuan'er Shou". "Xuan'er Shou" teaches Feng Quan to recite "Little Six Nine" and intends to discern. Feng Quan is very clever and can learn it in one go. What is "reverse planing", "skin peeling", in short, I don't know what that is!

It was summer at that time, when there was no electricity in the countryside. When it was dark, everyone was sitting in the shade at the door and chatting on a small bench. Feng Quan was always tired of "Xuan'er Shou" and shouted "Xuan'er" "Shou" tells stories, and sometimes "Xuan'er Shou" also asks Feng Quan some strange questions, such as where did the man come from, how many hairs are there on the pig, and whether the fever will catch fire. Feng Quan also answered blindly, similar people grew out of the ground and made everyone laugh!

Once, when buying vegetables on the construction site, "Xuan'er collects" and sells vegetables there. Feng Quan was playing while waiting for the sale of vegetables. Feng Quan ran to Xuan'er Shou and whispered, "Give two more to others". "Xuan'er Shou" took the abacus and pulled it. Sure enough, I gave them two more dollars, and hurried on the car to get back. Everyone thinks this is unbelievable. Feng Quan is only six or seven years old and has not yet gone to school! Everyone says it's no wonder he "Xuan'er Shou" likes him! "Xuan'er Shou" has said more than once that this child is not a white child (ordinary person) when he grows up.

Later, there was a chat, "Xuan'er Shou" mentioned that there was a temple not far from his house, and the monks had already been assigned to the production team to work. Feng Quan ’s grandmother is more superstitious and feels that Feng Quan ’s health is not very good. Since he “Xuan'er Shou” knows the monk, it is better to let Feng Quan “recognize a master”. Here we need to explain to the audience that there is a custom in the old society called monk jumping over the wall, that is, some parents send their children to the temple in order to protect their children from disasters and feed them well. Before, go to the temple to hold the formalities of vulgarity, as if the child had been a monk, protected by the Buddha, and then vulgar. "Xuan'er Shou" When they came out of the river, the production team hadn't prepared the baskets yet. They took a part of it and used it in the middle. "Xuan'er Shou" wanted to catch a carriage back to the village to lift the basket. Grandma Fengquan entrusted "Xuan'er Shou" to handle the matter. At that time, Feng Quan heard that he would go to their home with Xuan'er, and he was very excited. "Xuan'er Shou" spread some wheat straw on the car. Feng Quan thought it was fun on it, and fell asleep after he was tired.

Feng Quan woke up when he came to the home of Xuan'er. He shouted "Xuan'er Shou" and said he wanted to pee. "Xuan'er Shou" stopped the car and took Feng Quan out of the car, letting him urinate behind the dustpan willow beside the road. The child has always been particular about it, knowing that he is bashful, he would not let go. Here we need to explain the situation of that place. On the side of the road is a ditch. There is a place where two cement pipes are buried in the ditch and then filled with soil to form a small bridge-like thing for agricultural vehicles to get off the ground. On the other side of the ditch, a row of dustpan willows was planted, and Feng Quan went to the back of the wicker, and there was no ditch on the other side of the road, because the other side was a depression. At this moment, something went wrong

At that time, there was a strange thing in a commune. There was a man named Yang Baoshan who was whimsical and launched a "coup" to seize public facilities such as post offices and shops. At that time, during the ten-year movement, there were three armed forces. The military management committee was characterized as a riot and resolutely suppressed. At that time, the PLA soldiers were brought in, and the gang was arrested, but this head Yang Baoshan became a fish in the net, and when he fled, he carried a gun in his body. !

The Military Management Committee together with local organizations issued a wanted order. There were armed militia guards at all intersections, and the passing pedestrians were closely checked. The transferred PLA was also stationed at a fixed location, waiting for orders at any time. At that time, the militia gathered instead of trumpeting, but through the sound of gunfire, the militia armed with guns would gather like that at any intersection.

At this time, Yang Baoshan was hidden in the green gauze on the side of the "Xuan'er Shou", because he hadn't eaten for three days, and his hungry eyes were blue. He suspected that there was something to eat in the "Xuan'er Shou" car, but he suffered from not eating for three days However, with no energy to snatch, even frustrated, he shot directly at Xuan'er Shuo. "Xuan'er Shou" was shot on the spot and passed out. Yang Baoshan took the opportunity to ruin the car, and Feng Quan was frightened at this time. After all, he was only six or seven years old. Without a sense of strategy, he ran behind the dustpan willow. Yang Baoshan fought twice and failed to hit him. Shooting training! At this time, gunshots sounded around. The warehouse was panicked and grabbed the cloth pocket of "Xuan'er Shou" containing dry food, and got into the green gauze tent and ran away.

Yang Baoshan's gunshots alarmed the surrounding militiamen. When the militiamen arrived, Feng Quan was crying with "Xuan'er Shou"! At this time, "Xuan'er Shou" had awakened, and blood was gurgling. "Xuan'er Shou" pressed the wound with the clothes in one hand, and held the hand of the cadre of the brigade in the other hand. The child is the landlord, please coax it, and be sure to return it to safety! "The cadre of the brigade turned back to the car, jumped into the car, and slammed the animal with a big whip, and carried" Xuan'er "like crazy Close "to the county

Later learned that when he was sent to the hospital, because of excessive bleeding, "Xuan'er Shou" still went. The Revolutionary Committee at the time used his martyrdom to pursue the martyr! Feng Quan was sent home by the military jeep that night. Feng Quan, who was frightened, left a psychological shadow and often burst into tears in his dream. Later in university dorms, I was often joked by my roommates because of this.

Said that Feng Quan's apprenticeship didn't work. It took a few months to slowly come out of panic. Of course, he didn't completely get rid of the nightmare, but the number of nightmares gradually decreased.

Later, Feng Quan still went to the riverside to play every day. In the past, he went to the construction site to find "Xuan'er Shou". Now that "Xuan'er Shou" is gone, the river workers have all completed their tasks and withdrew. Feng Quan's habit has not changed. However, it was this habit that allowed Xiao Fengquan to meet someone who influenced his life

Chapter 16