The Tale Never Ends

v1 Chapter 9: Funeral mode

"At this time, the old man was also in tears. Give me tea, and tell me: 'Teacher, I know you are embarrassed about this matter. I am a boss (coal miner) and I don't say anything. But Things have happened, a piece of white cloth has been dyed black and can't be white again, you can see if there is a way for us to punish the merits, whether it's burning paper, doing things or asking us to do something, as long as Fenzi's cousin can eliminate it The reincarnation of the catastrophe, our disease, even if we can't live without that symbol, we will recognize it! No matter how long, reduce my lifespan for a few years, add to the cousin Fenzi, do you see it? I gave you a head! 'Said Kneeling down and bowing my head, I quickly scooped it up: 'Well, what, you're not sorry for me, as for me? I already told you clearly when I started, if it's solved No, I'll refund the tuition fee! 'These two couples are settled down. I thought for a while and said:' Just a few words from you just now, it also shows that you are kindhearted, if you let you recognize a ghost to do Dry daughter, do you do? ' To: 'You mean let's recognize Fenzi's cousin as a daughter?' I waved my hand: 'No, it is a dead woman, and it is directly related to solving this matter. The so-called recognition of a daughter is on May 7th and 100th , Anniversary, Qingming burn paper for her, insist on three years, do you see it right? 'The two immediately agreed:' This is no problem! 'I nodded:' Okay, that spell you use first, I'll draw it for you if it's bad. One is fine, just a stopgap measure. I will let my son come to you in a few days. You just have to wait. '"

"Back to Guoxueguan, Shi Yan asked me, how did I start this thing? I thought about it, it is not difficult to recall some of her lost souls in this matter, and Shi Yan can do it. The key is that this recall, she is still in a state of amnesia. To solve the problem, she had to start with the cause of her amnesia, simulating the original environment and stimulating her deep memory. Of course, all this needs to recall her soul before doing it. To simulate the environment at that time, you must find a loved one. , I already know who this person is, just asking him may have some minor troubles, but I can still get it! After that, I called Shang Shiyan, let him drive the car, and went to find a good person-him! "

Dad pointed to President Zhang. President Zhang laughed and said: "For these few words, I was under the influence of a few workers under the influence of drunk. I was losing my temper. The two of his grandfather and son were found." Pointing at me and my dad, I continued to say: "I think this must be to find me through the back door. I want my brother to see a doctor. My brother Nie Xiaojun is a well-known thoracic surgery expert. I shouted and said: 'Go! Go! Give me away! No matter what came to me !!!' Unexpectedly, these two men got up and left, walked two steps and stood still. They didn't look back, Laohai Brother talked coldly to the air, and took the next sentence 'Your iron buddy Nie Xiaojun came to see you today. I wanted to give you a surprise. I don't want his driver to be unskilled. He drove a luxury car. Oops. What ’s more, that ’s your rival Liu Wenhua ’s car. What ’s worse is that if there are porcelain antiques in the trunk, you can come to me again. Wenchang National Academy! '"

I diligently poured wine for everyone, and then said, "Several uncles and aunts are eating while listening. Dad, you eat some dishes. Let me talk about it."

I put down the wine ** and said: "I came out with my dad, and as soon as I got on the bus, my dad said to me: 'Call your uncle Quan, after the class is over, the whole hall will be locked and locked, and after the rest of the class After that, all the teachers went to Kaichao Hotel. Today I invite guests and everyone sings after dinner! '"

Just talking about this, President Zhang touched his dad with his hand. "This old abettor, I know that I will come back and beg him, and let me do my pigeons! It seems that Daxian can't just mess with it!" Everyone All laughed!

I went on to say, "We went to the concert hall after eating for a long time, and then we went home one after another. My dad and I just arrived at the entrance of the Guoxue Museum, and the long-awaited Uncle Zhang came out of the parked car and clenched his fists. 'Brother, elder brother's words collided today, don't be surprised, brother!', Dad asked me to open the door, waved inside, and said: 'Please inside. In addition, I am very old, and I will praise you Younger. ', I sat down inside, I was busy making tea, and my dad said:' Let me lose face, as long as the matter can be resolved, it is better than giving my opponent Liu Wenhua a lower thirds! ' At the time, in addition to being embarrassed, I was a little surprised! "

President Zhang took it and said, "Yeah! I used to hear people say that the director of the Guoxue Museum has supernatural powers. I have n’t believed that, and I still joke everyone ’s superstition. As a result, I found out that there seems to be a pair behind him The eyes can always dialysis the other person ’s heart deeply, and the one who is always able to choke is at a loss. "I said in my heart, my dad has magical powers and can know what you think is not false, but choking you. Suddenly, it was because he could not speak.

I continued the narrative and said: "Dad told Uncle Zhang at the time, let Nie Xiaojun and Yang Xiaoshan come in too! Uncle Zhang was shocked again."

President Zhang interjected at this time and said, "This is absolutely unexpected. Later, I asked the two of them, and they absolutely don't know Lao Haige. How did Lao Haige know their names and what happened? Later I realized that this It ’s just the little witch who sees the big witch. If what happened later is not what you saw, you will kill me, and I wo n’t believe it! "

I smiled and said: "After that, Uncle Zhang called the two of them in. My dad said to the three of them: 'I will help you settle this matter. The three of you have to follow me to Liu's house, Mr. Zhang and Nie. The doctor can say nothing or apologize. But because Xiaoshan is the perpetrator, you have to listen to me. If you let you kneel, you have to kneel. If you kowtow, you have to kowtow. What's it called, I guarantee that all of this will not violate the ethics and integrity, and it will not exceed the scope of what you should do. Do you think you can agree? 'Yang Xiaoshan has been ignorant for many times. He heard that it can be settled and agreed. "

"So we took Uncle Zhang's car and ran to Liu's house. Liu Wenhua recognized Uncle Zhang's car. When Uncle Zhang came to him, he immediately raised his face. But we had the opportunity, and today we have to take some **** (difficult). At this time, I was pulling the posture and waiting for the boom! My dad was in front, I was next, and then Yang Xiaoshan, and Uncle Zhang went behind them, and my dad didn't say anything. As soon as he turned around, he pulled Yang Xiaoshan to Liu Wenhua, The command said: 'Kneel down and call your second uncle!' Liu Wenhua immediately gestured a basketball game pause gesture with his hand: 'Slow! What a stubble this is? What is the second uncle? Who is he! My dad said to Yang Xiaoshan: "I will report to my home!" Yang Xiaoshan said in a bluff: "My name is Yang Xiaoshan. My dad ’s name ca n’t be remembered. My mom ’s name is Liu Xiurong. My dad died. My mom took me in the aisle (remarried). When I arrived in Mazhuangzi, my mom was killed by the earthquake. Afterwards, my dad's uncle always hit me and I ran away. '

"Only speaking of this, Liu Wenhua, a big old man and an elder man, started crying like old ladies. While crying, he grabbed Yang Xiaoshan's clothes and checked his birthmark. Then he sat on the ground and scolded:" You Little bastard, where did you die after so many years, you made your second uncle find it hard! Just because I did n’t see you, your uncle died and did n’t close your eyes. They opened in various postures, some 'yi, yi, yi', and some woo, woo, woo, really funeral! At this time, there was a young man shouting, 'Old man is coming', see the third son Liu Wenli When he walked in, a young man told him, 'Xiaozi is back', and Liu Wenli paused, pointing to the opposite house in a different tone and saying, 'I'll go there!' Family: 'What's going on there, no? Come and see this house! 'Liu Wenli:' What do I do in this house ', I can't say a word anymore, and the knots that have been deposited in my heart for many years have surged up, leaving him at a loss. He instinctively wants to hide, How sad is it so easy to escape! He wants to hold back, but tears Obedient, a string of fall down. Altogether entered the room, Yeer Sa hold together, we cried together. "

"Dad waved his hand and motioned for us to go, so Uncle Zhang, Uncle Nie, Dad and I quietly retreated. As soon as we got on the bus, President Zhang couldn't wait to ask Dad, 'Which song did you sing about? 'I hurried to the front and said,' Uncle Zhang, let me drive. I have also had the addiction of driving a good car. When you come back, concentrate on listening to my dad talk about the ins and outs! ' After unscrewing, I took a sip and said slowly, it ’s a long story. "