The Tale Never Ends

v10 Chapter 19: Goodbye those three

To tell the truth, when I first saw this person, I didn't recognize who this person was at all. It wasn't until I recognized that the dirty shirt he was wearing was my clothes. This man turned out to be the three!

The Trinity dress looks like a migrant worker. My shirt was worn on him as if he hadn't washed it. There were two holes in it. But it can be seen that those three have a great affection for the shirt I sent him. Although he did not wash it, both of the broken holes were carefully repaired by him. When I moved the chair, I rubbed my hand with oil. When I was just about to wipe my body, my movement suddenly stopped. Then I stretched the oil hand down and rubbed it on my trousers, but did not wipe it on the shirt. on.

I was a little surprised, why did those three suddenly appear here. The three saw me looking at him suspiciously, and then smiled embarrassedly: "Little Grandpa, don't come unharmed." The voice is still so unpleasant, just like the broken gong.

At this time, Xiao Baihua and Lin Feng also saw the three, and they were all surprised. However, Xiao Baihua and Lin Feng knew about the last three things in my house, so they were not wary. The elder sister and Chong Xi are still racing desperately at this time, and they simply can't take care of the other person across the table.

It happened that the owner of the barbecue restaurant came to the kitchen after holding a plate of gluten and a sausage with chicken wings. After seeing those three moments, the boss was stunned, and then he smiled and asked me, "Little waiter Yan, Do you know? "I looked at the three embarrassed faces and said," Yeah, this is my friend. I'm a construction worker. I usually don't pay much attention to the image. Don't mind. " He smiled apologetically to the three and said, "Oh, boy, I'm really embarrassed. I don't know that you are a friend of Xiao Shiyan." Then the three smiled friendlyly to the boss without saying a word.

The boss turned around and left. I picked up the skewers from the table and handed them to the three. They asked, "What is the boss doing to you?" The three swallowed the skewer, or took the skewers. string. Then he wiped his mouth embarrassedly and said, "I don't hide from you, I haven't eaten for several days." I nodded and motioned him to say while eating. It seemed that those three were hungry, and they ate gobble.

While eating, the three said: "When I came here, the boss regarded me as a flower for dinner, but did not let me in. I wanted to wait for you here, but I just crouched outside the door and waited." I tilted my head and said: "Wait for me?" Lin Feng immediately became alert: "How do you know we will come here?" The trinity smiled and said: "I am a shaman, even if I enter the Guan, I can still talk to the five tribes. Fairy family communication. I learned about the whereabouts of the little uncle through the gray fairy. "I" Oh "nodded, and then asked:" What are you looking for us? What about your Lord Belle? "

When I asked this, the three had just finished eating the last skewers in their hands. I saw the three expressions solemn, full of prayers, suddenly stood up and faced me. "Punch" kneeled down! I was stunned by the kneeling of those three, and all the other diners in the store looked at me, causing us at this table to be at a loss. Chong Xi and her elder sister also stopped the competition, looking at the three kneeling on the ground with surprise.

At this time, the restaurant in Dingbo gradually calmed down, and some people whispered, "How is this dirty person? Well, isn't that the Murong Shiyan of the Metaphysical Museum? Is that person offending him?" Murmured: "You don't know, Murong Shiyan is said to be (some skill), the person who wants to eat is probably evil, so Murong Shiyan caught!"

Everyone's comments made me blush, and I said it was not a good thing to be too famous. At this time, some people started to take out their phones, and they didn't know whether they were recording or taking pictures. I hurried forward to get the three up, who would have shaken my arm and shook me off. Then, with a thud, a head was knocked on the ground, and the sound of the forehead hitting the ground was heard by everyone at the scene! Full of uproar, everyone burst into a pan!

Lin Feng patted his head and sighed: "It's over! Ming'er is going to make headlines again!" Xiao Yu and Yuan Yuan saw the three for the first time, they were all dumbfounded. wind. Xiao Yu was soft-hearted and poked Chong Xi and said, "Come on, let him get up, you see how pitiful he is." Yuan Yuan pouted and said, "You didn't see Hua'er Sister and Yan Brother, what did you say? Worry about it! "She had a big heart.

I saw those three refused to get up, but had no choice but to squat in front of him, and asked: "Brother, what are you doing? It's embarrassing to have a large audience!" Save Chen Belle! "

Once the words came out, the audience suddenly boiled again! Although other diners can't understand the meaning of those three, they can also hear that these three are pleading. At this time, many diners began to coax: "Save him!" And also shouted strongly: "The boy has gold under his knees! Murong brothers, everyone kneels down and begs you, don't save anything! "

At this time, Chong Xi bit the sign and asked the three: "What happened to your family's Chen Belle? Do you know that we and your Belle are not friends, how come to think of begging us to come?" Feeling embarrassed, he knelt down on the ground and said, "Little Grandpa! Chen Belle was arrested by those people! They knew that Chen Belle had broken the contract and told them about your matter to you, so they captured Chen Belle! The power is weak, and here is the place within the Guanguan. There is no ancestral ancestor to help me! In desperation, I can only ask for your help! "I thought and asked," Who are you? "The three answered without hesitation: It ’s the person who told Master Chen Beller about your news! ”I asked again:“ Which one of the three parties? ”The three shook his head blankly. Obviously he did n’t even know that it was Shang Gu who took McKin away. The people on the side are still descendants of Chiyou.

I asked again: "Are there any characteristics of those people?" The three thought for a while and answered: "Yes! Although the looks are different, but the temperament is exactly the same, like a model carved out." I said: "Those people looked cold and indifferent, right?" The three nodded excitedly: "Yes! It's them!" I nodded and expressed my understanding. The heart said that these three, really have some brains. I said why he didn't go to the Metaphysics Museum to find us, but had to go to this large place to meet me. He was right in the face of the large public. As long as he knelt down and asked for it, the masses who didn't know the truth would definitely encourage me to agree to the request. As a result, due to the pressure of the speeches of so many people present, I can only agree.

I sighed and turned to look at the crowd on the table and said, "What do you think?"

Lin Feng shrugged and said, "Anyway, we are going to find their trouble. I don't mind solving it all together." Chong Xi said while chewing on the chicken wings: "I really want to see if this Lord Beller really has the appearance of an emperor. "My elder sister said:" The one named Jin Qichen is an optional character, and it doesn't matter whether you save or not. "Xiao Baihua said:" I listen to you. "Yuan Yuan, if nothing had happened, also chewed the chicken wings, and even Unexpectedly, I still need to answer. Xiao Yu's eyes said with tears: "He is too pitiful, Brother Yan, you can help him!"

I snapped my mouth and said to those three with some helplessness: "Okay! Your Lord Belle has given me some useful information, this time it is my return to him!" I promised the three, and I was overjoyed. "Boom," he knocked again. I quickly pulled him up and put it on the chair.

All the people present applauded like a mountain tsunami! There was love, and there was a good call!

I raised my hand and pressed it around, signaling that everyone listened to me. When the surroundings were quiet and all the diners' eyes were on me, I bowed to all around: "Everyone here, listen to me. Everyone is just looking at this matter, this brother begged me to work , I have promised. It ’s just that, ”I said, I looked at the man who just cheated and said,“ This man ’s words are right. The man has gold under his knees, and my brother, a migrant worker, knelt down to beg me. This Things are not glorious, so I hope everyone here will leave some face to me, this migrant worker brother, and don't talk nonsense. And, what we just said also involves some secrets, and everyone knows what I do with Murong Shiyan. So, I hope you can keep your mouth shut after going out of this door. I know that many friends have photographed this scene just now, and I hope to give me a face, and do n’t spread it! I would like to thank Murong Shiyan here! " He arched his hands towards everyone present.

"Wow!" Applause from the mountain tsunami. At this time, someone coaxed: "Brothers rest assured! We don't talk nonsense!" People on the other side also echoed: "Yes! Rest assured!" I just sat down with confidence, and when I looked back at those three, he was already full The tears on his face resembled the mud on the face.