The Tale Never Ends

v10 Chapter 2: Attempt to join

Lu Shengnan glared at me with a note before asking: "You just said that she and you are neighbors?" I said a little embarrassedly: "Uh huh, actually I live in Building 105." Lu Shengnan suddenly opened his mouth in surprise. After a while, I said: "I depend! Your kid is hidden! There are millions of villas there!"

Lin Feng suddenly found the stubble of bragging b, and immediately patted me on the shoulder. The cow x coaxed and said: "Cut, what is millions? What can my brother bet with someone to win one million! Wuzhong County's famous child theft cult case Have you heard of it? It was done by our brother! One million shots easily! "

Lu Shengnan was blown by Lin Feng repeatedly, and he heard the tomboy rubbing his hands straight, and his eyes were full of little stars. I hurriedly waved my hand and said, "Ah! Don't believe him, he's bragging b. My villa is the wedding room my old lady bought for me, that's the money my old lady spent, it has nothing to do with me."

Lu Shengnan was so wide-eyed when I said so, and said in surprise: "I remember when you said that your dad was a curator of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and your mom was a full-time housewife? Why?" I quickly waved my hand: "Hidden rich Many, low-key, low-key. "Lu Shengnan immediately made an empathetic look, nodded exaggeratedly.

I said that millions of villas are really not what I blew. Since I saw my father ’s treasures in the ancient tomb, he knew the financial resources of his father. After all, anything in the treasure room must be a small one, and it would be more valuable than this villa if you take it out.

Lin Feng had already started to blow up the cow b uncloggingly at this time. He told us that the thing about Bagua Jiao was smallpox. He also emphasized the uncle Zheng Shuang ’s 1 million things, and Chong Xi was on the side to say that one million was in his hands. At the end, Lu Shengnan, a man who miscarried a female child, threw a wink at me: "Wait, are you missing a manager?"

Me: "Go!"

Talk less, the four of us chatted in this shop for a long time, and did not leave until it was getting dark. Lu Shengnan looked for a restaurant, and let me entertain him in vain. After the meal, it was already past 8 o'clock in the evening. Lin Feng and Chong Xi were at the dinner table. They were very surprised at Lu Shengnan, and they meant to join us.

Lu Shengnan seemed to have just met me, with a great admiration: "Wai Yan, I will get mixed with you later, and I will not be bothered to open this classroom! How can you be so excited, how? Me alone? In the future, the three of you will become a group of four, how ?? Chong Xi hit her on the side: "No, no, we have our own skills. My life, my life, my life, I am an expert, Lin Genan. He is proficient in **** north legs. Yan Brother is not to mention that, that is the son of the fairy, the skill is outstanding! What about you? "

Unexpectedly, Lu Shengnan actually said something serious: "I will go thunder! You see, all these fictional novels and movies, there must be a thunder, right? I'm here to go thunder! Rest assured, I Not afraid of changing cannon fodder! "I smiled and said:" Don't! We don't need cannon fodder, or we don't have thunder at all. You don't know about the magic of Cuanxi, the cunning of Chongxi can be done Knowing the spirit world, we have no Lei Ke. "

Lu Shengnan gave a long sigh, and the regret was immediately revealed. I patted her on the shoulder and said: "Don't think about it, our line of detrimental yin and morals, and it's quite dangerous. If you don't pay attention, you will be gone. You don't even have the ability to protect yourself. In this line, isn't it death? "

After Lu Shengnan's soft and hard foam, we finally made a small concession, that is, tonight's action to bring her. Since I don't think Huang Li will make a big name, taking Lu Shengnan to see all kinds of ghosts can also directly dispel her curious years. After all, not everyone can accept the kind of anger that is more horrible than horror movies. If that feeling is placed on an ordinary person, it may be more stimulating than riding a roller coaster ten times in a row.

After leaving the hotel, it was still early. Lu Shengnan proposed to go to the bar. Our brothers glanced at each other and nodded. But after seeing Lu Shengnan's "you treat" look, I suddenly regretted it.

The sound of electronic music in the bar was deafening, and the flashing lights pierced my eyes. The four of us sat on the bar, and the younger bartender poured a glass of wine for each of us. Lu Shengnan threw a sly look at the bartender brother, and then said loudly to the little brother with the music: "Brother, add a WeChat, OK?" I squinted at the landing Shengnan, and I said why this boy Such a woman? It seems that Lu Shengnan likes this kind of cream niche. Turning around to look at us, Chong Xi stared blankly like a potato. I don't think the weather is the type that girls like when they see it. Only Lin Feng is handsome and compelling, but Lin Feng is a tall and heroic type. Now girls do n’t like Lin Feng ’s old handsome guy very much. Isn't there an adjective called "small fresh meat", Lin Feng's words can only be called beef tenderloin.

To tell the truth, Lu Shengnan also looks very beautiful, but that temperament looks too much like a man. Obviously, the bartender didn't feel much about her, and shook his head to Lu Shengnan with a professional smile, saying "no."

Lu Shengnan began to soak up the little brother softly, apparently venting the fire that did n’t make sense to us, and finally asked the guy if he had a girlfriend. As a result, the young man only said one word, and suddenly Lu Shengnan almost cried, "I am gay."

On the side, I laughed happily, and the bartender brother blushed a little. At this time, I also realized that it seemed a little unkind to laugh like this, so I pretended to stop the laugh and took a drink from the glass.

Sip down, I almost vomit blood. At the beginning of the batch, I asked the bartender brother: "What is the wine you poured for me?" The guy looked at me strangely and replied: "Margaret." I frowned, Lin Feng and Chong Xi looked at my expression They were all puzzled and immediately took a sip. Suddenly, their expressions were exactly the same as mine. To tell the truth, this wine is really not something that people like us can enjoy. It is sweet and sour, and sweet and salty.

I smashed it and said, "This wine tastes strange." Lin Feng and Chong Xi both nodded in agreement. Lu Shengnan looked at me with a look at aliens: "You don't even know such a famous cocktail? You are still the second generation of the gods and riches!" I glared at her and said to us one of us It ’s a martial arts master, a **** stick, and an ancient sword and sword spirit. Which one is soaked with a cocktail? If you bring me a bottle of white, I can still drink some famous things.

Lu Shengnan's eyes were a little weird and he said to the bartender, "He gave him a glass he could understand." The bartender groaned for a while and then poured another glass for me. This time the glass of wine is transparent, but obviously not liquor. After all, there is no liquor in general bars, which I always know.

I looked at this glass of wine, and I couldn't see anything from the outside. The wine was transparent and cold, and it seemed to be refrigerated. So I raised my glass and was about to drink it, and the younger bartender reminded me, "Drink it."

I nodded at him, and the whole cup fell down when I tilted my head. The wine inlet, a peculiar feeling rushes into the cavity. It doesn't feel good to describe it, it's pure to describe it. In comparison, liquor is the kind of mixed taste, and people who really drink liquor can always get a sense of life. But this cup is diametrically opposite. The taste after the entrance has an extremely pure and refreshing feeling. In addition, the wine is refrigerated, like a frozen flame swallowed, indescribably enjoyable.

I turned to look at the barman and asked, "Hey, this is good, what kind of wine?" Lin Feng, Chong Xi and Lu Shengnan also looked at him. The bartender smiled and said, "Absolute vodka. Original."

I smiled and nodded, indicating that vodka seemed to suit me. But I do n’t know at this time, vodka has a little stamina, but we have a task for a while.