The Tale Never Ends

v10 Chapter 25: Waiting and guarding

'S hand with this sword pierced was stopped half an inch on the chest of the Taoist priest, as if held by an invisible hand on my wrist, so that the hand holding the sword could not move at all.

I pulled my arm backwards to signal that I wanted to close, and that invisible power disappeared. Turning his head to look at the crowd, a Dao boy dressed in a robe and wearing a crown came out of the crowd. Although it looks like a child, it can still be seen from the face that the Daotong has the kind of time-honored, unwavering attitude on his face.

Lin Feng and Chong Xi hurried forward to arch their hands, and I said, "Tianshi, it's really embarrassing, and we are also embarrassed." Xiaotianshi flicked and smiled and said, "The poor Dao already knows, but Thank you, Master Yanyan, for showing mercy. "I also smiled, but my face was still hard to hide the unfamiliarity with this little teacher. After all, a child who seems to be only a teenager, and the tone of his speech is not slow or slow, just like an old man, it is really difficult to get used to.

As for the expression on my face, Zhang Tianshi naturally disregarded it and turned to the middle-aged Taoist priest. At this time the Taoist was stupid, and he didn't know how to react, so he stood in a daze. To be honest, if it were me, I would be stupid. Imagine if my dad's master appeared in this image, I guess I was not stupid, but crazy!

Tianshi looked at him, but did not speak to him, but turned and left. Our group of people just watched this heavenly master walk into the crowd again and disappeared into our sight.

The elder sister leaned her head and walked to me and asked, "Who is this little fart boy?" I exhaled: "Zhang Tianshi." The elder sister's mouth grew up, "Ah!" I explained: "There is more than one Master Zhang Tian, ​​but it has been passed down from generation to generation. This is probably the most virtuous one after the first generation Master Zhang Daoling." The elder nodded incredulously and turned to look at the dumbfounded Taoist : "Are you convinced now?" The Taoist priest awakened, and then he woke up and spread to the ground.

Only at this time did Chongxi come up from under the courtyard wall, and stood under the three peach trees again, and asked, "What's the matter?" The three peach blossoms showed up again and fell to their knees again. Language began to tell. Chong Xi heard the chaos in circles and waved his hands repeatedly: "Say one by one!"

But he didn't want to, the Taoist stood up at this time and came to Chongxi behind and said, "Let me ask." Then, looking at the three peach trees, he said: "The people in this family have already joined the demolition team. After the negotiation, the demolition funds have been allocated. Because you have been in trouble, it has not been completed so far. What is the intention? "

I was on the side with Xiao Baihua, and one of them lit a cigarette and smoked, looking at Chong Xi's side. The elder sister was lying on the top of my head and asked, "What is the origin of this peach tree essence? It's worth our efforts, even Zhang Tianshi was shocked?" Xiao Baihua was obviously also interested in this question and turned to look. Me, ready to listen to my explanation.

I chuckled and said, "It's very simple. These three peach trees were actually planted here by us three years ago." The elder sister and Xiaobaihua and Yuanyuan said "Ah !?" at the same time. Lin Feng smiled and said, "We walked back to ancient times, and by chance we collected these three peach essences. Later, we considered the magic weapon of the self-defense of the Chinese New Year's Eve, so we let the three peach essences be the Chinese New Year's Eve. It ’s a self-defense. But we do n’t stay in ancient times forever, we always have to come back. But we have no way to bring the three of them back to the present, so before we return, plant the three peach trees Here, let them wait for us for three hundred years. "

The elder sister opened her eyes and asked, "So, these three peach tree spirits are taller than me ?!" I shook my head and said, "Theoretically, they are not as good as you." The elder sister was even more surprised: "How is it possible!" I took a cigarette and said: "It is not the same as plants and animals. They want to cultivate to your level, I am afraid it will take more than a thousand years." Just nodded to understand.

At this time, Chong Xi and Xiao Yu's side. The three Taohuajing kneeled down on the ground and bowed their heads. The boss said: "The independent has planted us here for more than three hundred years." The second peach said: "A hundred years ago, a village was established here. Our sister three The place where people stood also became the courtyard of a family. "Tao Sansan looked at the old man in the low room and was looking out from the probe." The child was grown up by three of our sisters. Although he promised to demolish the house, he did not rejoice because he was able to get the money. "Tao Boss continued to say:" One day, the three of us entrusted the child with the dream and asked him if he really wanted to demolish this ancestral house.

Chongxi interrupted her and said, "Then the old man said he was not willing, but he couldn't be the master of his children, right?" The three peach blossoms nodded in unison. Chong Xi looked back at the Taoist and said, "Do you understand now?"

Taoist nodded bitterly with a helpless smile, hesitant to speak again, really did not know what to say. I smiled and walked to Chong Xi's side to the three peach trees and said: "You three are back, let's deal with the next things." Then, I looked at Chong Xi and raised his chin to him. Chong Xi also nodded to me, and then took out a rubber band from his pocket and threw it out.

The three peach trees also stood up at the same time, two of them held the rubber bands on both sides, and the other got up and hugged the legs of the two above, and the three people formed a y shape. When it fell into Chongxi's hands, it became a slingshot.

That ’s right, when we first conquered these three monsters, we transformed them into a slingshot for the Double Eve. In this way, Double Eve really has its own magic weapon.

The moment the slingshot fell into Chong Xi's hands, the noisy sounds all around suddenly sounded, and time began to flow again. Everyone was puzzled, not knowing what happened, as if the fighting we just experienced and what Zhang Tianshi had just happened all happened in a moment.

I looked at Lin Feng and Chong Xi and smiled at each other. Then I first turned around and walked towards the small room. The old man in the house saw someone coming and greeted him with a walking stick. Because I do n’t know what we mean, the old man ’s face is full of worry. I smiled at the old man and said, "Senior man, we all know everything. You see it is good or not. Since you don't want to move away, we will let the developer cover it again for you. After finishing it, you will live. Do you think it's okay here? "

The old man's face appeared confused, and he looked subconsciously towards the courtyard. When the old man's eyes swept past the peach trees where they used to be, I obviously saw a surprise in the old man's eyes. I smiled and said, "You don't need to find it anymore, they are here." As he said, Chong Xi took off the slingshot from his waist in coordination. When the old man saw the slingshot, his tears fell. Then only the voices of the three peach trees heard: "Children, don't cry. I've waited for the person I'm waiting for. I'm afraid I won't be able to stay with you in the future. But rest assured, our master will make the decision for you."

The old man nodded with tears, and I smiled at the old man and said, "You don't have to be sad." Before I finished, the old man waved his hand and interrupted me, "I know. These three peach trees I have been in this yard since I was playing very early. I have never seen any fruit grow on these three trees. When I was a child, I asked my grown-up why this peach tree does not grow peach. I do n’t know why. Later, one day I was playing in this yard, and I was so tired that I fell asleep under the peach tree. I dreamed that this peach tree told me that they were in What about people like this? When did people wait, when did they grow? "The old man's voice was ambiguous, perhaps because of his age.

Speaking of this, the old man did not continue to speak, but went back to the house with a cane alone. The figure of the old man seems so lonely, the children do not return, and the only one who can accompany the old man is the peach boss and their three sisters. We took the peach tree spirit away at this time, and the last trace of life in the old man's life was also taken away by our group of people waiting for it.

Thinking of this, I have a little bit of tolerance. The little white flower standing next to me frowned and said nothing, but Yuan Yuan and Xiao Yu behind her were not as strong as her, and they were already crying.