The Tale Never Ends

v10 Chapter 4: Villa in the dark

This series of flaws in Cao Xuedong exposed his fear for me. Although Huang Li had hidden well before, this Cao Xuedong was not the case. I said with a smile: "Nothing, Instructor Cao. Let's go in and see, what happened to your house?"

Cao Xuedong smiled and said, "That is of course, Lily has already told me, I came back to wait for you. Please come in." Said, Cao Xuedong turned and walked towards the darkness in the room. We quickly followed.

Just when we stepped in, the door behind the door clicked and closed by itself. In an instant, absolute darkness struck, and no fingers were reached. I secretly shouted in my heart, it was really a mistake in drinking. In the state of drunkenness, I was even slow to react, and it was so easy!

Lin Feng scolded: "Wipe, it's a trick! Hiccups!" As he said, one did not stand firm and leaned on the door behind him. "Pun!" Lin Feng did not lean against the door behind him, but fell directly to the ground! I only listened to Lin Feng scolding the street: "Go to the special!" I pulled up Lin Feng and was taken by Lin Feng with the heavy fall. It was so heavy that Chong Xi did n’t wake up, and a black line appeared on my head.

After I pulled up Lin Feng, Lin Feng asked me, "What should I do?" I squinted and pulled out the gourd to release the wolf spirit, and ordered the wolf spirit to look for the smell left by Cao Xuedong.

The six-headed wolf spirits appeared at my feet at the same time. After receiving my order, I bowed my head and started looking for the smell.

After a moment, the leading wolf spirit found something, turned his head to look at me, and then quickly ran towards the darkness in front of him. Several other wolf spirits saw their companions rushed up, and they all screamed and followed. The six wolves lined up in a long line to guide us, and the three of us followed the wolves forward. This feeling I once had was that when Liu Ye crossed me back to ancient times, it was just that the star in the tunnel opened by Liu Ye was shining brightly.

I tentatively lit a cigarette, and then flicked my fingers out towards the distance around me. The lit cigarette flew out with Mars, and disappeared into my sight instantly, plunged into darkness. I did not see the sparks of the cigarette butts hitting the sparks on the wall of the road, nor did I see the furniture illuminated by the cigarette butts, the surroundings were completely empty! My heart is coming! This is not the interior of the villa at all, but I don't know where! This situation is very maddening, absolute darkness, not marginal darkness.

Some people say that most humans have a kind of deep-sea phobia, because it is not known what will suddenly appear in this endless darkness. Fear comes from this. Second, darkness itself is also a source of fear, and nothing can be seen or touched. If it weren't for stepping on the ground at this time, I'm afraid my state of mind would collapse instantly. The team formed by the wolves in front of me was one step away from me, which gave me great psychological comfort. Lin Feng puts emphasis on Xixi, and he can hear his heavy breathing at this time, not knowing whether it is because of fear or because it is too heavy.

I frowned, lit a cigarette again, and took a sip. At this moment, I found that I was really scared, and my hands holding cigarettes started shaking. At this time, I didn't have the Yanyan sword, and the enemy didn't know the details. I was totally unsure.

After about a cigarette, two dim spots appeared at the end of the road led by the Wolf Spirit. Now I have great vigilance about the two light spots side by side. After all, the green beast eyes saw countless times during the last visit to Changbai Mountain!

The spirits of the wolf also felt my vigilance at this moment, and instantly changed their formation in an arrow shape to block in front of me, and when I ordered it, they would shoot towards the pair of light points like six arrows. I tried to calm myself down and walked towards the bright spots step by step. The effect of alcohol was still lingering at this time, and I was still shaking, almost falling over several times. The heart says that this vodka is delicious, but this time it is considered to be a mistake in drinking!

With the low roar of the wolf spirits, the three of us gradually approached the dim light spot. I only saw it when I got closer. The light spots were not monster eyes, but two lights. In front of him was a closed door with two lights hanging on both sides of the door.

Lin Feng and I glanced at each other, Lin Feng swallowed and said, "Open?" I nodded gently. Lin Feng nodded when he saw me, and kicked him on the fan! "Boom" with a muffled sound, the door was kicked directly by Lin Feng! Suddenly a cold wind pours in from outside the door, blowing me a shock. The Wolf Spirit was stimulated by my reaction, and at the same time gathered together, a sharp arrow-shaped team with fangs gritted and stormed out the door.

I looked out the door with caution, but found that there was nothing strange outside the door, and I finally calmed down a little. As my emotions gradually calmed down, the wolves of the wolf spirits gradually disappeared. The six wolves stood outside the door vigilantly, looking out cautiously in all directions.

I walked out of the door and came to the door. Although there was nothing strange outside the door, the scene before me surprised me! Lin Feng walked out of the door following my footsteps, his reaction was not as calm as mine, and he immediately scolded: "I wipe! What's the matter?"

The sight in front of me, the dim street lamp, the green belt on the side of the road, the kind of bad wind, and the word "105" on the house across the road We actually came out of the door that just entered the villa! I mean shit, why is there such a fascination every time! ? When I was in the house just now, I never walked back. Wolf Spirit has been patting the long line to guide us! Not only was there doubt in my heart, but there was a trace of alertness. What is our situation now? This time Huang Li and Cao Xuedong really set us a big set!

With a hint of anger, I turned back subconsciously to the door that had just come out. From this perspective, I suddenly had a cold sweat!

I saw that the door we just broke out of was somehow closed silently! If you look closely, the door lock that was just damaged by Lin Feng doesn't know when it will recover as before, just like it was before we entered! Lin Feng stared at me at a loss and asked, "What's the matter !?" At this time, Lin Fengjiu and I had completely woken up, and my brain began to recover quickly. The first reaction is to take out the phone to see the time. I saw that the time displayed on the mobile phone was 12:30 midnight, and the time was still walking in one minute and one second, and there was no such thing as the time that I imagined stopped.

I bite my lower lip and think, just when we entered the house, it was absolutely real. It should be true now that it came out here. If we say this, we can only change direction unconsciously in the endless darkness in the house, or the direction has been reversed the moment we entered the house. Otherwise, Lin Feng could not fall if he wanted to lean on the door when he first entered.

Thinking of this, I recalled the scene on Sanfengzi Mountain. The law of earth to earth can be ruled out, and it is even more impossible for ghosts to hit the wall. Then there is still only one possibility left, which is the Qimen formation. Just now, I couldn't reach my fingers in the villa, and I couldn't reach the edge. I wanted to make soft hints too easy. As long as the hands and feet confuse the wolf spirit on the smell left by Cao Xuedong, we can achieve our only pointer!

Lin Feng saw me without a word, thinking I had no idea. Without asking my opinion now, I stepped on the closed door. The sound of "Boom Boom" sounded again, and I was awakened and turned to look at it. There was no response in the house. Lin Feng knocked on the door again with heavy gravity, and the sound of "Dong Dang Dang" sounded. With a click, Cao Xuedong opened the door from the house.

"The old platoon is good." Cao Xuedong said while saluting. Lin Feng's eyes twitched! Subconsciously asked: "What tricks are you playing !?" Cao Xudong smiled faintly: "Old platoon leader, you know me? We don't seem to have seen it yet?" Lin Feng sneered: "Hum, don't pretend to be!

Unexpectedly, Cao Xuedong smiled bitterly, his face showing an unknown look. This scene is so familiar, wasn't it just like when we came! ? Look at Cao Xuedong like this, as if we have never seen it!