The Tale Never Ends

v10 Chapter 7: Burst

My mind tightened instantly, a flash of light flashed. I quickly unlocked my phone and turned over my dad ’s phone, and broadcast it without hesitation!

The dad on the other side of the phone seemed to be sleeping, and vaguely agreed. I hurriedly asked: "Dad, what time is it?" Dad paused over there. He should have looked at his watch, and then said, "A little later in the night. What's wrong?"

I told my dad about the general situation on my side. Dad still said vaguely on the other end of the phone: "Eight gates, it's simple. Look for the eye, break it and you're done." I Anxiously said: "I know! But I can't find the eyes now!" Dad said impatiently over the phone: "Are you blind?" Then he said with a little helplessness: "You are in the battle I look east with my spirit eyes. "I continued to ask:" The position in the array is chaotic, how to distinguish which direction is east! "Dad replied:" Go north, south, south, left, west, right, and don't control the position of the array. You look normal. "

According to what my dad said, I opened my spirit eyes and looked at the so-called east.

In the dark, a sloppy anger flows from the direction I looked at. A sigh in my heart, I really saw it! Lin Feng asked: "What did you see?" I said, "I didn't answer," but continued to ask Dad on the phone: "Then what?" Unexpectedly, no more voice from Dad came from the phone. . Looking down, it turns out that Dad has hung up the phone! I was angry and laughing in my heart, and I said that my father didn't care so much, he didn't care about his son's life.

Shrugged helplessly and looked in the direction where the anger came. In the dark, you can vaguely see that the place where the qi gathers has a gimmick formation formed by the qi, and I think that it should be the sight!

I pulled up Lin Feng, pointed in that direction, and did not speak. Lin Feng asked: "Where are you heading this time?" I nodded and walked with Lin Feng in the direction of anger.

Probably walked a kung fu and gradually approached the group of anger. Only then did I see that all the darkness was covered with grievances, flowing in all directions. And the source of these angers is the anger burst not far in front of him. If I expected it to be good, then the anger should be where Cao Xuedong is.

Sure enough, when I walked towards the group of anger again, I obviously saw the group of anger move in the other direction, avoiding my course of travel. Until we reached the position where the group of qi was just there, the group of qi had moved to another direction and stood side by side with us, which seemed to be about five or six meters from us.

Lin Feng saw me stop and stopped. Just want to ask me why I stopped, but I just saw my hand behind my back is knotting. Lin Feng and I grew up together, and when I saw it, I immediately understood my intention. Obviously I have discovered something, but I didn't say it immediately. Lin Feng and I glanced at each other, and each received confirmation from each other's eyes. Seeing that Lin Feng pretended to put his hand into his arms as if nothing had happened, I knew that the position was where the dart set was.

Several fingerprints were printed, my right hand was pinched, and then the other hand was quickly raised. The group of not far away stunned, but did not react. Obviously, I didn't know that I had found him, but I still stood there as if I were observing my actions.

I did n’t get used to it at all, and raised my hand to offer a flame spell, and the flame quickly hit the group of anger like a bullet. With a "bang!", The flame hit the group of anger and ignited at the same time, and the dark environment was illuminated by the fire. We saw that it was the personal shape that burned not far away, and it seems that I guessed it well. This group of anger is the eye of Cao Xuedong!

At the moment when the flame burst, three sounds of breaking through the sky flew from my side! Lin Feng's darts also flew in the direction of the fire, and the sound of "poo poo" came from three sounds of metal in the flesh, and a scream was heard in the fire. Then I saw that the fire light instantly became smaller, and the anger began to move quickly in the darkness. It seems that the darkness is not absolute, but the light of the mobile phone and cigarette butts is not big enough. Such a burning flame can still illuminate the vicinity of the fire source, at least the burning flame can be seen from our direction. Although it is blurry, it can still be seen clearly, and the burning fire is moving.

Lin Feng scolded: "I wipe your grandma! Stand still!" As he said, he pulled his leg up and chased in the direction of the declining fire. But I didn't expect that Qiankun in this formation had already been set, and Lin Feng couldn't keep up. Seen from my direction, Lin Feng didn't even run three meters away, but Cao Xuedong had already run almost invisible. Chong Xi was thrown to the ground by Lin Feng and made a "slam".

However, Chong Xi, who fell to the ground, did not wake up, but turned over with a snoring! But while turning over, Chong Xi's hand was hammered on the ground and said a dream: "Which run" almost at the same time, I saw a burst of fire running towards us from the opposite direction!

Me, Lin Feng and Cao Xuedong, who were all covered with fire, were stunned and looked at each other for half a second! Lin Feng reacted first and jumped up in two steps! "boom"! A skillful mandarin duck kicked on the door of Cao Xuedong. Cao Xuedong was running too fast, and he was still continually flapping the fire on this body. It was too late to brake. With a scream, "Boom" fell to the ground and passed out.

After Cao Xuedong fainted, I saw that the grandson had been burned with many serious burns all over his body. I hurriedly collected Yan Mantra, otherwise it would not only break the phase, I am afraid it will be bbq. After the flames went out, I crouched down with Lin Feng and found that none of the three darts hit the point. Two of them stuck in the shoulder and one was embedded in the collarbone. I glanced at Lin Feng and Lin Feng asked me, "What's going on?"

I bit my lip and looked at Chung Xi who was still snoring: "Whether this kid is a genius or a fool! If I read correctly, it should have been Wu Shu's shrinking away just now! This kid was just dreaming Inside this is the powerful technique of shrinking to the ground! "Lin Feng screamed with wide-eyed eyes:" Ah !? You mean that he just shrank away on the Big Eve? How could he? "

I smashed it and said, "When we first saw Wushu, the first few of us had briefly talked about the mystery of shrinking and walking, but when I went to give Wushu New Year's greetings, Wushu only told me meticulously. I talked about the method of shrinking and walking. But do n’t forget, Brother Lin, Chong Xi ’s accomplishment on Qiankun ’s position is countless times higher than mine. During the spell, Chong Xi already knew the mystery of this. It was just that Chong Xi was usually too dumb and did not understand the key points. But the principle of shrinking away was already understood in the subconscious, so this time it will be exhibited. . "

Lin Feng was shocked and unbelievable. In fact, I was also shocked in my heart. Even on the eve of this day, Cui Xi would learn to shrink and walk in a dream. This is so unbelievable that I have to admire this kid.

We stood up and looked around, only to find that we were still in the dark, as if we hadn't broken this method at all. Lin Feng looked at me and expressed his doubts. I smiled, and then took out the gourd. To know that I have not actually seen Cao Xuedong before, I have no way to take the anger and soul out of him. But now it's within easy reach.

Seeing that Cao Xuedong's soul was sucked into the spirit gourd along with the hostile energy, all the spirits in the spirit eye were dragged and continuously sucked into the gourd. Covering the gourd, I said to Lin Feng: "The formation must be broken to break the formation. When the formation is a living person, the only way to force the formation is to kill the person who is the formation. So we do not kill him. It's impossible to break through. "As I said, I pointed to the door behind Lin Feng.

Theoretically, the definition of killing a person is to separate the person's soul, so at this time I took Cao Xuedong's soul equal to killing him. After Cao Xuedong's soul was removed, the house also changed back to its original appearance. We are now in the living room on the first floor of the 104 villas. There was nothing in the living room, empty. Behind me was a staircase leading to the second floor, and behind Lin Feng was a door, with two lights on both sides of the door, flickering.