The Tale Never Ends

v12 Chapter 6: Shame

Talking about the female ghost's previous life, although she thought her brother was sensible, she was so shy that she could only refuse her brother's request. But the younger brother said immediately that his sister didn't need to worry about the capital. Despite her doubts, her sister agreed verbally.

After the groceries were rolled out, the younger sister-in-law got up early and greedily worked late. I wake up early every day to cook and wait for the family to finish the meal and go to the shop with my husband. No one in the world can do anything with teenagers. And where is the younger sister-in-law at that young age? The elder sister began to doubt the younger sister-in-law since then, and the doubts in her heart worsened, and she began to doubt whether the younger sister-in-law was a human.

Soon after, the old man in his family lived a long life, and his brother made some money at the shop. The younger sister-in-law and her husband discussed and wanted to hold a birthday banquet for the elderly, and invited relatives and friends to celebrate the birthday. This is a filial act. I don't want my sister to take a chance to invite a priest because she suspects her sister-in-law is a monster. Start the ceremony at the birthday banquet, trying to make the younger daughter-in-law appear. The priest stepped tightly, and his younger daughter-in-law was forced to jump to the room, pointing at the priest and cursing: "I have been greedy and diligent since I was married, and I have respected my in-laws to take care of your husband. I have done nothing wrong. You The dog will not do anything with you if he takes the mouse to destroy me! "

However, the old man sneered: "She and her men have different paths. When they die, they dare to say something clever!" The two fight in one place, and the younger brother-in-law is not good at fighting.

After his younger sister-in-law left, the younger brother died of sorrow and became ill, and soon died of Huang Quan. The second old white-haired man gave the black-haired man excessive sorrow, and soon gave up. Although both his brother and his parents expressed their forgiveness before death, helpless facts are facts, and cause and effect are cause and effect. The fault of this matter is no change, no matter how regret the sister.

The younger daughter-in-law was originally ordered to repay her gratitude. This matter was originally a half-cent setup, and she didn't want to be broken by her sister. At that time, Half Immortal practice was not deep, and now practice has been completed, find the sister's life to come to retaliate. In fact, the daughter-in-law of this old man, the grievances of the female ghost in this life were all set by Banxian. This is called karma, and there must be karma.

Talk back to the old man's family. Early in the morning the birds chirped, and the villagers in the house dared to push the door out. However, no one even answered the door and knocked on the door. Someone pushed with courage and the door opened. It turned out that the house where the three young strangers lived was already empty. The old man's family has never been haunted since.

From the westbound more than 40 miles, there is a big river. The water surface of the Tongbang Iron Bottom of this river is wide, and it is necessary to distribute water year after year, but the residents on both sides have ancestors irrigated the land with the water of this big river, so this big river is not only a disaster for the residents on both sides, but also a source of survival.

On this day, the younger son of villager Zhang Laohan worked in the field by the river, and it was getting dark before he returned home. The old man went to the field to find that his agricultural tools were thrown in the field, but people were not there. The old man shouted along the river, and there was the shadow of his son, and the child disappeared.

Old man Zhang lost his son, ran back to the village to find the villagers, and searched along the river all the way, but there was still no trace. The next day, the old man had several good water-bearing properties. The boat was salvaged in the river, and no body was found. In this way, the old man's young son can't see anybody, die without corpse, and disappears for no reason.

The matter of the old man ’s loss of life has not passed, and news of the disappearance of humans and animals has also been heard in the nearby village. The government finally intervened and went down to investigate, but there was still no progress. Several times, monks and priests were invited to practice evangelism, and there was no effect.

On this day, the patriarch Zhang Yuan's son also disappeared. The head of the Zhang family is very powerful in the local area. He led his family to find a torch on the two roads all night, but there was no progress at all. While worrying, the river saw three strange people coming from afar. It is strange to say that it is not because of strange looks. All three are young, one is handsome and handsome, one is a scholar with a negative sword, and one is five short. All three were winged, but the costumes were strange, and the three people dressed from head to toe were unseen in life. The three of them talked and laughed along the way, and walked in with them. Some people who knew him lay in the ear of the patriarch and said, "These three people are the gods who have passed away in recent years. They are" no end, three must. " Save people, why do n’t you ask them to take action! "

The three of them were walking, and suddenly they saw a person across from them greeted him and bowed their heads. The people behind him also knelt and knelt. The three men hurriedly stepped forward to support him, and the negative sword young man smiled and said, "I don't know what happened to Lao Zhang's gift," the patriarch Zhang replied: "Old surname Zhang is the patriarch of this family. Because There are often animals missing along this river, and the dogs were killed yesterday, and no one died or corpse died. The method of asking the Master several times was invalid, and I heard that the three Immortal Masters are "no end, three dead". Please go. Please see the Master Yunyou today. It is the well-being of the people in this village. The old masters and the whole family please the three masters to save the small people from fire and water! "

Led by the negative sword youth looked at the other two partners with a bitter smile, and did not know why the three smiled bitterly. But Wen Nabengjian young man picked up the old patriarch and said: "So late to give it a try." When the old patriarch saw the three seniors readily agreed, graciously invited the three into the village, with hospitality.

In the old patriarch's home, the young man with a sword took a sip of tea and said, "Now the sky is still early and full of vigour, and evil spirits dare not show up. We will go to the riverside to see when the sun is falling." Thinking, after a few moments, I raised my hands and pinched and asked the old patriarch: "How many households have lost humans and animals? Can they all be found?" . The Yingwu youth and the five short statures looked at each other, and the Yingwu youth immediately inquired about the details of the loss of humans and animals in each household. After asking the question, the negative sword youth nodded.

Shortly stated that when the sun was west, the three mages got up to observe the river. The patriarch asked how many people were needed to follow and what items to prepare. The young man with a negative sword only said that people were too noisy, but the demon did not dare to show up. Then only the elder patriarch took a few entourages to follow, and looked at them from afar, the three of them could be by the water. As for the items, there is no need to carry them. Although the old patriarch did not know exactly what the three young seniors were, he still dared not ask the exit.

By the river, the old patriarch and Jia Ding watched from afar. I saw that the negative sword young man took out a palm-sized gourd from his arms and faced the water. A black figure shot out of the gourd, and the sound of "dong" shot into the water. Immediately, the three young masters didn't know what magic weapon to put out in their mouths, and bursts of white smoke spit out of the three mouths. The three seemed to be chatting leisurely, and both the staff members and the family members were baffled.

About half an hour later, the negative sword youth took out the gourd again, a jet of water was ejected from the water, and a black gas at the front of the water column was sucked into the gourd. I saw that the scholar put the gourd close to his ear, as if listening to the sound inside. For a long time, the three discussed with each other, and the young men of five short statures laughed and left the water to walk to the old patriarch. The old patriarch hurried up and asked, "How? The monster has caught it!" That negative sword youth said, "How can it be so easy, you need to make some preparations and prepare some magic instruments. Go back and discuss slowly."

The crowd returned to the patriarch's mansion together, and the young man of the sword said, "You must prepare nine sturdy cows, take stocks, and three cattle rushers. You can build a high platform by the water's edge, and you need to be tall and tall. You must also create a magic weapon. Are there blacksmiths, carpenters, and butchers in the village? "The old patriarch nodded and replied:" Carpenters and blacksmiths are in the village, but the butcher can go to the outer villages. "Negative youth nodded:" So, first Bring the carpenter and the blacksmith. I draw the magic tools into a picture book, which are created by the carpenter and the blacksmith separately. "

At this point, the young man with five short statures stood up and said: "I will distribute some other small pieces." He looked at the Zhangfu housekeeper and said, "You go to prepare three dustpans, half a liter of fine salt noodles, Put a bowl of cumin in a dustpan. A bowl of chili noodles and a bowl of pepper noodles are put together in a dustpan. Prepare a few jars of good wine and a few large bowls to bring the mother and child of the village over two years old. All Everyone who is present prepares a wooden stick. It must be cut from a living tree. What shape will it cut? I will demonstrate it for a while. I will also prepare some wooden sticks. I will also demonstrate what shape to use. Some dry wood. "

The butler of Zhangfu nodded again and again, and quickly went to prepare. The butler went out to face the carpenter and the blacksmith who came to see each other. The two saw the hurried appearance of the butler, knowing that the demon catching was of great importance, and unconsciously accelerated their pace.