The Tale Never Ends

v12 Chapter 8: Hu's Worry

Finally one day, a group of people came in front of the house, all holding knives and a sedan chair. Headed by a skinny person, about forty years old, he sneered at Hu Shi: "I can't find it all, I originally fled here. Obediently follow me back to avoid the pain of the skin!" Hu Shi shouted: "I don't want to marry that fool!" The thin man scolded: "Toast without eating and drinking, then blame me!" Said, reaching for Hu's.

However, at this moment, a crackling sound made a whip hit the thin man's hand. The thin man withdrew his hand with a cry.

It was only then that everyone realized that there were three people around me who didn't know when they appeared, all of them wearing strange clothes. A tall English hero, a scholar with a negative sword, and a short stature. The whip was hit by the tall young man of Yingwu.

The thin man was stricken by this whip, and it was already a flesh. While grinning his teeth, he shouted, "Who are you? Where did you come from? Take care of yourself !," said the person who turned and greeted the person who brought them, "Give me!" The guide hits north. "Pappa" whip a few times, and those people were beaten in a blink of an eye, and they fled with their feet in a panic.

Saw that the young men with negative swords from the three took a small gourd with a big slap from their arms and made a sacrifice in the air. The gourd turned the gourd mouth downward in the air and shot a black gas. In a blink of an eye, there were six huge fierce wolves in front of those people, their teeth grinned, and they surrounded the group!

The negative sword young man slowly walked down the hillside, Hu hurried forward, knelt down and knelt: "The fairy master is on, the younger generation gave the fairy master a head!" The negative sword young man paused for a moment, thinking for a moment. Only then said: "After you were abducted, your father and mother washed their faces in tears all day long and asked me to look for them. Since they are married, why don't they go back with half a letter?"

The Hu family was also stunned. He turned to look at the husband and in-laws. Then he looked back at the negative sword young man and said: "The lesson learned is. The little girl is illiterate. Qianfan was abducted. Opportunity. Now that I have just settled down, I have n’t had time to ask someone to write a letter. ”The young woman with a sword nodded.“ At the time, I surveyed and learned the details of the robbers. The three of me angered the mountains and robbed. The gangster confessed that you were bought by a northern merchant. I pursued it all the way, knowing that the merchant had died, and you were resold again. After several searches, I knew that you were here. Your father asked me to take you back, and now you have Remarrying, I am not easy to force, do you decide to go with me now? Or do you plan to stay? "

Finally speaking, at the end of the speech, Hu's body trembles obviously. Upon seeing this, Yang Gongzi stepped forward and hugged Hu's family tightly, and said in unison with Hu's family, "Willing to stay." Negative Young Man walked slowly to her mother Yang and asked, "After this woman married, she took care of the housework. Respect for the elderly, but what's wrong? "The old man said quickly:" No! No! My daughter-in-law is very diligent and chooses one hundred miles away. "The young swordsman relieved herself and exhaled to the old lady:" So, I will teach you in the future! "

The three young people turned back and walked up the hillside. They seemed to feel that something was wrong, and greeted Hu Shi: "Come and come, I tell you to tell you!"

At this time, the thin man was still shouting in the distance: "Her family took my money, she is mine! I can't afford to have both money and money" and saw the short young man rushed up while scolding the street, grabbing the thin man and scolding : "Your grandmother's, what's her family? They are also brought by kidnapping! You don't have to abduct women on weekdays," he said, "popping" a big ear post, "You haven't even asked you to settle for Weichang!" Say, rounded off another big ear post

Everyone's attention is on the two of them. Negative Sword Youth and Hu's words are completely unheard of, and I can see that the book is vivid. But Hu's came forward and heard it really, only listened to the negative sword young man said: "I know that you are a fox in the mountains, but seeing that you and Yang Gongzi are in love and harmless, and marrying Yang Gongzi is also daily Diligence. You donated silver to let go of the cruel and weak women, and changed the role of impersonating the blind date as a kind act, so it helped you get to this round. You have to start the good and end the good. After thinking for a long time, the negative sword young man said awkwardly, "You are a member of my fox family, and the family need not be pregnant. I can't help you in this matter."

Hu's face blushed when he heard his words, turned around and ran back after giving Wanfu. Although the lively folks in the distance did not hear the words of the young female sword, but after seeing Hu's nods, everyone guessed it was also a word of advice. An old man praised: "In the end, the people who know the book of gifts are so virtuous, and their mothers and family members also ask how to be a wife."

Negative Sword youth walked to the thin man, at this time the thin man was still being added by two other young people. The negative sword youth waved his hand to signal the dwarf youth and the Yingwu youth to stop, saying, "This man has done all the bad things. This kidnapping is also an accomplice, and it is no longer suitable to stay in the world to kill others." "Wife and small" The young sword in the hands of the negative sword young man paused and said: "Since there is still an old mother, you can serve your mother. When your mother's life is over, it is also the day you leave the world. Remember, every breath you take The meal I ate was all mine. "The thin man quickly kowtowed his thanks! I saw the negative sword youth swinging the gourd, and several evil wolves disappeared. "Let's go too. No matter what bad things you will do in the future, you will immediately chase your life and break into hell!"

These people hurriedly kowtowed and ran away. Yang Gongzi's family thanked each other, and did not go back without looking back.

At the same time, in this mountain, there is a farmer named Song San who is the only child in the family without siblings and his parents are deceased. Why is the only son named Song San? All because of Song Lao Zhang, the father of Song San, had escaped from the famine. Seeing whether there is any main mountain to be reclaimed, we left dozens of acres of reclaimed mountain to eat by the sky, catching up with the rainy years, we can also harvest some food. There are already two nephews in his hometown. Song Lao Zhang did not know the characters, so he named his son Saner.

At that time, there were Liu family who also came to flee. Due to the proximity of the two places, the farmers are helping each other when they are busy, and the relationship is close. The Liu family has a daughter, and the two have a very good relationship, so they decided to get married.

Unexpectedly, the Liu family had a young woman who grew up and was quite beautiful. This Liu family gradually became regretful. It was just years of friendship, and the folks knew it, and it was inconvenient to regret getting married. At this age, the two eventually became relatives.

'S land is different from the watered land under the mountain. It depends entirely on the face of God. It is a year when there are often poor harvests. The days are very tight. Song and his wife were sick and had no money to ask Langzhong. They died at a young age, and only had a young couple. In the past two years, it has been better for catching up to adulthood, but the shortcoming is that Liu has never been pregnant. Some mother-in-law in the village made an idea, saying that it is better to ask for a sign or make a wish at the mother temple outside the mountain. Song San took a donkey and sent Liu to make a wish outside the mountain. Unexpectedly, it caused a disaster!

Song San rushed the donkey to take Liu to the Niangniang Temple to make a wish. On the way back, the situation changed suddenly, and there was nowhere to hide from the rain. Looking around and seeing a mountain temple not far away, he took the donkey to the mountain temple to hide the rain. Seeing that there was no sign of rain stopping, the two felt a little sleepy and fell asleep.

When he woke up, Liu's clothes were scattered and the hairline was scattered, which seemed a bit wrong. Song San'er asked Liu's, Liu also felt in a trance, as if being thinned. Asked if she could see who was doing it, Liu replied: "I am in a trance, it seems that I am the mountain **** in this temple!" Song San was suddenly angry, pointing at the mountain **** mud tires and cursing: "You dare to tire, how dare you commit adultery Min girl !? "He said, waving the donkey whip to beat the statue fiercely, and stopped when he was tired. If you get angry, you can get a mud tire. No matter how you hit the mountain god, I ’m afraid it wo n’t hurt. When the rain stopped, I went home.

After returning home, Song San couldn't swallow this breath and couldn't sleep at night. It took a long time to sleep in a trance.

Song Sanzheng was sleepy when a mountain breeze blew past and the doors and windows opened. Song San found that his body couldn't move, and three people entered the house in a trance. A tall man was followed by two little ghosts, cursing in his mouth: "Bold Song San, who dared to whip Lord Benshan, will certainly make you suffer two more sins!" After all, the quilt lifted itself, Liu Shi's clothes were gone. The tall man looked at Song San: "Put this pickled shelf out of the house!" Two little ghosts floated Song San outside and stopped at the eaves

The bird chirped early the next morning, and the three people went. Song San's body was restored, and he was so angry that his three corpses jumped and smoked. But there is no choice but to do anything. Entering the house to see Liu's, it is just now possible to move, like a serious illness. I had to comfort Liu with good words and take care of my body. After Song San went out, Liu wanted to commit suicide to bring a cantilever beam. But who knows how to catch it up and down a few times. In desperation, it's really impossible to survive, not to die, so weep alone!