The Tale Never Ends

v2 Chapter 11: Blame

I smiled and explained, "Uncle Liu! What we did was not what everyone imagined. It seems that Laozi is the best in the world. It shows that it is necessary to distinguish between right and wrong, and will not be merciful to the evil spirits who are evil. But from the situation of Brother Shanzi, he is a female ghost and has a lot of resentment. If you have received her or beat her up, it is not without this ability, but it is contrary to the purpose of our museum, and she still distinguishes between right and wrong. She has not been out of the pig farm for so many years. There must be a special reason. I will send her back there first, and then slowly find out the truth and then think about measures to deal with! "Mr. Liu immediately raised his finger! Okay, let's go! President Liu's car is in front, and Chong Xi and I drove behind, and Lin Linfeng was on duty at home.

Went to the village, found the village cadres, led by the village cadres, and reached the gate of the pig farm, this is a high hill in a depression, the surrounding terrain is relatively low, slightly water, not deep. I looked at the surroundings and asked the village cadres, why are there no kenaf and red sorghum crops in this depression? The village cadres replied: "This is a catfish pit. It often accumulates water in summer and is blistered for eight years in ten years. I have a small number of people here and few people in good places. Who wants this place to break? I heard this name , Busy asking: "This is called catfish wa, could it be that it used to be a" hill "? "The village cadre was surprised!" How do you know? "I need to explain to the audience here that the word" Qiuzi "in Wuwu does not refer to highlands, but a coffin under special circumstances! In the old society, most areas in Wuwu were low-lying, called" Xiawazi "locally. In the rainy season, Xiawazi was flooded with water, and the cemetery could not be buried. However, it was summer and the weather was hot, and dead people could not stop sending. At that time, four wooden stakes were laid in the water and the coffin was placed on it. It ’s called “Qiuzi”, when the water goes down, and then bury it. But after this person dies, he will corpse and smell bad, blood and cadaver oil will run down the coffin and flow into the water. , So "Qiuzi" often becomes the gathering place of catfish!

At this point, Mr. Liu saw the place, got out of the car, and said to me: "Shen Yan! Now that I know this, no matter whether the pig farm can't be opened, I will pay for it, take the ghost, take it After the ghosts from Shanzi drove back to the pig farm, they still bothered you to sell their energy, and resolved this matter, so as to avoid the ghosts killing one side, how much money do you want, the men just talked! "I waved and said," First Please come out with ghosts on him, and I will go in and see after I finish it! "I heard that I was going to have a look, the village cadres changed their face and color at that time, I did not care, took out rune paper, paper money, lit, and then Speaking of mantra, I saw Shanzi standing tall, foaming in his mouth, and fell to the ground. I gave him a pulse, the pulse was peaceful, and the ghost had left! Turned around and told Mr. Liu: "Make a rest in the car!" Then, I said to the village cadres: "Just now you heard Mr. Liu said, even if the pig farm is no longer open, you won't treat it. The rent paid is going to go back. You can tell me the truth! "The cadres of the village burst into red and white, and embarrassedly told what happened to the pig farm that year.

It turned out that the pig farm was managed by an old bachelor. The village only sent an additional member to help when the sows gave birth. The old bachelor was responsible for 24/7. There is no cultivated land around here. Close to the cemetery, so few people usually come. But later, people often saw a mad woman come in and out, so everyone knows that she is a mad woman, because every time she comes, she sings all the way, no one knows exactly what she sang. Just biting the tree beard along the way, no one knows why! Everyone knows what they have done when they go in and out of the place where the old bachelor lives. At the end of the 1970s, the land was divided into households. This land was the lifeblood of the peasants. Although there are many land here, the land is different in thickness. Piece. At that time, every day a large group of people followed the division. But this old bachelor didn't come, and no one went to him, he couldn't care about his own affairs! Later, when it was divided into a piece of land nearby, an old farmer who hit the ground (measured the land) thought of drinking in the yard, and when he came out, he twisted out and walked out like a woman, singing a song, And it ’s a female voice. On the way back, when he met Yang Shubei, he bite one by one, and everyone was terrified. Check with the barefoot doctor at the time and say that you are insane and crazy. The old man's children were not very filial. After he became ill, he had no place to live and no one was in charge of him. It didn't take long for someone to discover that he was dead in a ditch. Since then, this pig farm has become a forbidden place, and everyone says that it is "violent"! Since then, no one has come in again. When Shanzi wanted to rent, several village committees combined, far afraid of water, near ghosts, maybe someone who didn't know in the distance came, it would be fine, who knows ...

I waved my hand and said, "Okay, I understand, you wait, I'll go in and see." The village official panicked, and President Liu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Relax! Do you know who this is? It is the famous son of Murong Hai who opened the Yin Yang Museum. He is not afraid of ghosts, and ghosts are afraid of him! "

I went in and turned around. After I came out, I slapped the ghost grass sticking to my trousers and said to the village cadres: "It's a big deal, report it!" A few people were all surprised! I lit a cigarette and took a sip, saying: "There are three bodies, to be precise four, because one of them is a pregnant woman, and there are unborn babies in the belly, all of which have turned into bones!"

The village cadres took out their mobile phones to report the crime, and I said to Mr. Liu, "There is no special situation. Brother Shanzi should be awake. You can take him back to rest. Here I will support. When the police are here, I have to do something. If you go in like this, you might be possessed by the crazy woman! "

President Liu shook hands with me and said, "It's hard for you, please ask you to drink another day!" I promised: "Okay! Good!" President Liu was sent to the car, and President Liu beckoned and left.

I told the village cadres to call and ask the village to send a table, a pot of boiling water and a set of tea set.

The village cadres really worked. In less than 20 minutes, a three-jumper drove up, put on a round table, and put on a tea set. I took out the tea made by my dad from the car, poured it in the pot, and washed it Boiling water, waiting for the arrival of the police. After about another 20 minutes, the police car screamed all the way and drove over! I told the village cadres to let them drink their saliva before going in. A leader asked the village cadres some information, and everyone went into the pig farm together. As soon as she entered, a policewoman turned and walked away, and the other policemen called her: "Hi! What are you doing?" The policewoman shook her body like she didn't see him, sang a song, and then went out, when the man saw him Her eyes were wrong, and she hurried to hold her back. She said, "Don't go back!" The policeman who pulled him yelled at his colleagues. This is good. Everyone hasn't entered yet, but changed to busy work. Everyone hulled out and pulled her to the shade of the tree, and the female bite by pulling a branch! It looks very mysterious!

I was busy asking the cadres of the village at that time, just let them drink water, did she drink it? The village cadres said they didn't pay attention. At that moment, the leading policeman looked at me and asked, "Who are you?" The village cadre hurried over, pulled him aside, and chatted with him a few times. Yes, came over and said to me: "Where are you?" I answered: "Dechang Metaphysics Museum!" He looked at the evil policewoman and asked me: "You know our profession, can't believe these Yes, but for this patient, can you do it without burning incense and burning paper, using conventional methods? "I replied:" I have prepared tea for you in advance, she does not drink, I also consider the problem of influence, no publicity, helpless This evil spirit does not make a face. In that case, you tell the policemen not to talk nonsense, I will pierce it with a needle. "He nodded in agreement. I walked over, took out the silver needle, and asked the police officers to raise her hand, and a needle was stuck in her hand, muttering in my mouth: "Dare you dare to mess up with me again, I will hit you!" The policewoman was agitated and softened, foaming in her mouth.

The police officer asked the policewoman to take the policewoman into the police car. I went in with them to check. There were three bones in it. Two knives, a sharp knife and a kitchen knife were found on the ground. They have been severely corroded, and at first glance it has been many years. The policemen were still busy working there, taking pictures, and I said to the leading police officer: "The village cadres have already told you the specific situation just now, and I have nothing to do with it. If there are any problems, please come to the Dechang Museum Find me! "After two steps, he turned back and said to him:" Remember, let your brethren go back and eat some fruit or honey, otherwise they will be constipated! "Said, without looking back, opened the door and drove away .

The car moved, and Chong Xi made a noise, yawning: "Where is this?" Halo! This product went to sleep all the way, did not wake up just now, he just woke up now, he can sleep!

Back to the museum, Lin Feng busy asked me about the situation. I hadn't answered it yet. The phone rang. It was Mr. Liu who called. "Wai Yan, are you still on the pig farm?" I replied: "I have returned to the museum and the police have taken over!" Mr. Liu said: "Okay! Shanzi is sober, how many of your brothers are you going to ask? Could you appreciate the light? "Chong Xi said immediately," Yes! Where? "Chong Xi's ears are really sharp. I took the phone and had no time to answer. He asked me on the opposite side first. "You are waiting in the pavilion, let's go and go together!"