The Tale Never Ends

v3 Chapter 10: Blood Rune

Originally I thought Lin Feng was an honest man. After all, so many female students in the National Academy had never seen Lin Feng hook up with anyone, but this time Lin Feng refreshed my impression of him, and even engaged with Chong Xi ’s old classmate Yuan Yuan Together.

I accidentally discovered that Lin Feng and Yuanyuan were also in the same restaurant when they had dinner with Chong Xi, and they did not find me and Chong Xi, so we began to overhear their conversation and laughed aside. In the end, after they found us, Yuan Yuan asked me if Lin Feng said that the monster thing was true. I gave the acquiescence, and then Yuan Yuan asked again why she had never seen a monster. And my answer is: "How can you be sure that all you see must be people?"

In fact, this is the case. People often say that seeing is believing, but this sentence is based on the premise of "ears and ears are virtual", not that everything is seeing is believing. Yuanyuan said that she didn't believe it without seeing it. I was a little helpless, and Lin Feng wanted to show it in front of his sweetheart, so he cast a begging look at me. I smiled helplessly and then said, "It's okay to show it to you, but after reading it, you can't say anything, can you hear it?" Yuan Yuan nodded immediately and said that everything listened to us. Then I took out a pair of glasses from my pocket and handed it to Yuanyuan: "Bring this and go with us." Yuanyuan took the glasses and asked, "Is this a mirror?" I smiled helplessly and didn't answer.

I took them to the central square. It was just over eight o'clock in the evening. After dinner, many people gathered in the central square. There were children on roller skates, some people running around the square, and a group of old ladies and old ladies lined up to twist the Yangge on the square. I pointed at the Yangge team and said to Yuanyuan: "Look at the last person in the Yangge team standing at the end of the team." Yuanyuan looked in which direction, then widened her eyes and took off her glasses. He rubbed his eyes and looked at it again, then put on his glasses and looked at it again.

At the end of the Yangge team, a half-old man with his mouth rolling in his eyes, with a wry smile on his face, followed the Yangge team shaking his head and wandering around in a very cheerful manner. Yuan Yuan looked at the score through his glasses, and the last person behind the team was obviously a big mouse with a height of one person, and his tail was wagging behind him and followed the music, and it seemed very intoxicating.

At this time, Lin Feng smiled beside Yuanyuan and said, "Is there a reply?" That Yuanyuan nodded with glasses, glaring and nodded, indicating that he believed. I took the glasses off Yuan Yuan's face and said to her: "This kind of thing is not allowed to talk nonsense, otherwise it will cause trouble." Yuan Yuan nodded heavily, saying that she would not talk nonsense. They walked around the square again, and the four chatted. Although Lin Feng felt embarrassed about our two light bulbs, Yuan Yuan did not think so, but had a very enjoyable conversation.

During the period, Yuan Yuan asked us if we could all see the goblin, but only I nodded and said, "If I only see it, then only I can actually see it without borrowing external force. But if you can see if you can detect it, If anyone is a monster or a person, we can do it. "After I finished speaking, I saw Lin Feng and Chong Xi both smiling at the same time, and then I said," You are an ordinary person, so you can't see it. It's normal, but the three of us are different. I'm a natural spirit eye, I can see it at a glance if there is demon spirit, so I rely on this. "So, I pointed to my own eyes.

Yuanyuan looked at Lin Feng again, only to see Lin Feng pointed to his head and said, "The monster is an animal, so the movement is different from that of human beings. I am a martial arts practitioner and I am extremely sensitive to movements, so It ’s easy to tell whether it ’s a human being or not. ”Yuan Yuan finally looked at Chong Xi and said,“ I did n’t know before, 'Round Potato', you still have this ability! ”Chong Xi glanced at her and said,“ You are a potato. ” "!" Yuan Yuan smiled and said, "Then Yuan Chongxi, what are you relying on?" Chong Xi pointed her nose blankly and said, "Rely on this!"

Yuanyuan glared at Chong Xi and laughed and said, "Are you a dog? Still relying on the nose!" Chong Xi shouted angrily: "You know how to fart! Go and go, while I see you, I will not bother others!" We laughed a lot, and I explained: "Chong Xi is one of the rare wizards in the fortune-telling profession, otherwise his master can't accept such a nerd as a disciple. You know, Chong Xi is proficient in 'numerology' and 'phase art' And there are three craftsmen of "Bushu", which is rare in the world. Among them, "Xiangshu" not only refers to the face, but also includes "Xianyin", "Xiangse" and "Xianwei", etc. Different flavors, Chung Xi can clearly smell the clues from them. Of course, we are talking about sniffing from the nose, but it is not ordinary smell! "That Yuanyuan suddenly realized" Oh ".

While we were walking around the square boringly, my phone rang. When I opened it, it was a WeChat message sent by Zheng Shuang. Lin Feng and Chong Xi heard that Zheng Shuang sent them all together to see, Yuan Yuan also squeezed in to join in the excitement. I clicked on the voice, and only listened to Zheng Shuang's voice: "Brother Yan, I have a situation here! One of my police school classmates just sent a photo in the circle of friends, asked if anyone knew, said It was discovered in the criminal gang Lao Nest during the past few days! "This voice was just broadcast, and a photo was sent below. I clicked on the photo, and the photo was taken on a piece of yellow paper with a strange rune drawn on it with red paint. Lin Feng asked: "This is Zhang Fu." Zhong Xi narrowed his eyes and said, "This is not an ordinary rune. The red one above is not cinnabar, but human blood!" Yuan Yuan asked, "That rune What was it painted on? ”Lin Feng said:“ This must ask Shi Yan, he is a master of painting symbols. ”Then everyone turned their eyes to me, but I shook my head and said,“ I have never seen this symbol. , I ca n’t see what it is for. But what is certain is that this is not a good thing! "

The sudden appearance of this symbol disrupted our actions. Lin Feng had to bid farewell to Yuanyuan, and the three of us returned to Xuanxueguan. Immediately after returning to Xuanxueguan, I called Zheng Shuang and asked for detailed information. Zheng Shuang said on the phone: "This is the case. The classmate I saw in the circle of friends just sent out to ask everyone who knows what this is. This person is my classmate in the police school. After graduation It was assigned to Inner Mongolia. I asked him about the details. He said that he was also a large criminal gang for child trafficking. I wondered if this would be related to the cult case we cracked. "

I nodded and agreed, but then I found out that he was making a phone call, and he could not see it when he nodded, so he yelled at the phone again. When Zheng Shuang heard me affirmatively over the phone, he could n’t sit still and said, “What role does this character actually play? And, they still do n’t know that the child trafficking case is related to a cult. I am now Just call that over there and unite the police there to investigate across the provinces! "I narrowed my eyes and said to the phone," Wait first, this matter will not be announced for the time being. If we handle the case across provinces with great fanfare , It's inevitable that the snake will be frightened. In this way, I will show this symbol to my dad, ask him about the function of this symbol, and then make a plan to investigate in secret. "

Hung up the phone, I drove home all night, intending to ask my dad the use of this symbol. When I opened the door, I saw my dad and mom lying on the sofa as usual to watch TV. After I entered the house, my dad didn't even look at it. I said, "That thing is used to control the infant spirit. I used to have this on the altars where the infant spirits were installed before they were opened. "I was shocked in my heart and said that I rely on it. It turns out that this symbol is for this purpose! If that is the case, is n’t that really the cult?

The next morning, Zheng Shuang came to my house to knock on the door early in the morning. It turned out that this grandson went to the Metaphysics Museum to find me, but I couldn't find it. After learning that I was at home, I asked Lin Feng for my address and ran to knock on my door.

It was my mom who opened the door, only listening to my mom asking, "Yeah, comrade police, what's up?" The bad thing is to love to show off your youth, and always like to use this to make people embarrassed.) Obviously Zheng Shuang is a trick, embarrassed outside the door, incoherent: "Uh, hello. I am a brother of Yan , Uh, is this the Yan family? Er, may I ask "Zheng Shuang hasn't met my parents formally, so I don't know my parents have grown like this, obviously this kid came to me but it was a beautiful girl to open The door of the house makes this girl want to be in a hurry, but how can he know that this beautiful girl is my old lady!