The Tale Never Ends

v3 Chapter 17: Negative truth

I heard this woman talking vividly, but in fact she was completely unbelief, so she said: "Your story is really unacceptable, do you still want to say that my gourd was the one from that year?"

No, the woman nodded and said, "I am Ulan! This group of horse bandits was also organized by me. After my brother died, I went to the semi-cultivated area to contract the farm. Over the years, I recruited A person ’s public identity is a farmer, and he usually has his own industry and planting industry, but secretly it is a horse bandit. For those men who have abandoned their wives and children, like your father, you see a penalty! You say you can do justice, now You give me a word! "

I just said "Oh" and said, "Wait for me to call and ask about the situation!" Then, I dialed my dad's phone. Actually, I didn't believe my dad would do anything to take care. And from the words of this aunt, I heard that my dad didn't seem to do anything to her, not to mention that in the earliest version I heard, my dad and my mom seemed to have at least 60 years of emotional history!

I called Dad's phone and told him what happened to me. Dad explained a few words on the phone. When I finished the phone call, I said to her: "You think my dad shouldn't go, right?" The woman replied: "Yes! My brother is dead, there is only one of his relatives in this world, he doesn't care about me, I ran away. I was a young girl, facing the world, I felt that I had no way to commit suicide a few times! "I asked:" You said that he is the only one in the world. This means that my father agreed to marry you? " She replied: "My brother told me that he has promised to marry me. Our name is Fuqin Fulgen. He will be recruited as my son-in-law in the future!" I replied: "Do you know that this is your brother's coaxing for illness?" You're happy, for the time being to lie to you as an expedient measure, my dad never promised him! Otherwise, this person cannot be my dad! "I lit a cigarette and asked her:" Do you want to know , When you were sick, there was no third person present. What did my dad do? "She asked her eyes in an instant:" What did you do? "

At that time, my dad pressed on her, took out the gourd, and said to the innocent soul of the upper body: "I know you are the injustice, what can you say to me, if I make trouble, I will use this gourd to **** your away Soul, go to refine the elixir! "She paused and said:" You get up! I tell you the truth! "After my dad got up, she choked back and said:" I was originally sent to the educated youth because the ingredients are not good He was raped by Bayin Chaolu while grazing, and I tried my best to resist. He was insulted after he was strangled with a whip, and the body was eaten by a wolf! No one knew it at that time, but it was a general production accident as a production team. I dealt with it. After I died, my soul was gone, and I swear revenge, so I got on her sister ’s body. I meant to defeat her body. I did n’t want him to send two female members to see it. I could n’t succeed. You are here! I know you have great skills, please give me justice! "My dad said to her at the time:" Justice was presided over by someone. After a few days, Bayin Chaolu will be eaten by wolves, but he My sister did n’t recruit you, as the saying goes The head, the debt is the master ', you should not be on his sister's body! I promise you, you will see him eaten by the wolf after a few days, and then send you to reincarnate, don't make trouble again, now come to the gourd Right! "

It was like this that my dad put that wronged soul into the gourd. On that stormy night, my dad released her wronged soul. After the ghost saw the enemy's death, he was sent to Huangquan Road by my dad. Speaking of this, I flicked the ashes and said: "However, what you don't know is that at that time, there was an earthquake in Tangshan in 1976, and countless injustices were facing management. My father was invited to serve as the manager of Mr. Yang Yinyang at the time. He hurried away and had a mission. And as far as I know, my parents were married in 1976, how can I betray you! He was a negative person, but he did n’t know that if he agreed with you, he was negative! "In fact, in the earliest version I learned, some people said that my parents were together at least sixty years ago!

Ulan heard this and sat down decadently, his expression dull! I wanted to say something, but I opened my mouth and didn't say anything! After a while, he said, "No! How old are you this year!" I blinked and didn't understand what she meant, and subconsciously replied: "Twenty-two" Wulan asked again: "How old are your parents !?" I shook He shook his head and said, "I don't know how big it is." Obviously Wulan thought I was perfunctory, so he said sharply: "Your father was your age, and this year you are twenty-two. You were born ?! "In fact, countless people have asked me this question, the teacher has asked it before going to school. I opened my hands and smiled helplessly, then took out my phone and opened the album and handed it to Ulan, saying: "I took it last week." Ulan took a look at the phone and was stunned, and then exclaimed, "Ah!" And almost threw out my phone.

Actually, the photo on the phone was taken by my father and my mother bored last week. The photo is a selfie of my father on his left shoulder and his phone on his left shoulder. The three of us can't see the age gap at all. My mother even looks younger than me. No wonder Ulan reacts so much. Think about forty years later, my dad is not fading, but Ulan is already a middle-aged woman. I felt that her heart was undecided and she stepped forward and said comfortably: "Aunt Wulan, don't be surprised. In the version I know, my parents were like this at least sixty years ago. I also asked them When did you know how old you were, they always confused me, and when you met, my dad did n’t answer, but my mom ’s answer was 'from beginning to end!' Wulan fell down. , No longer speak.

I extinguished the cigarette, and after a while I asked her: "I deceived us to Inner Mongolia this time, did you plan it from the beginning?" She replied: "No, it's just a girl I know who is close, with a surname Zhang The police are in love and learned from him. At that time, the only son of this prestigious Murong Hai, who was coming here recently and got your accurate itinerary, I planned this bag grab operation, but I just wanted to You call in and ask about your father! After all, it has been a knot for me for so many years! "

Is saying that Lin Feng is coming, with a few embarrassed "woman bandits", all with swollen noses and blue faces, I say to heart, don't you say you didn't hit others? With a smile, he shook his head and asked Lin Feng what happened. Lin Feng told me that after I chased, he chased this on the left. Because she was worried that the fog was too serious, she ran away and lost her goal, so she shook her head and tied her feet. With a "pop", a dog fell and shit, Lin Feng stepped forward and stepped on her. At this time, her associates came up later, these people actually had guns, they took off under Lin Feng's whip as soon as they took them out, and then the gun came to Lin Feng's hand! When Lin Feng asked the situation, he brought them to me! I heartly say that you are really easy!

After a while, Cong Xi also came. The goods will be more tidy, and I don't know where to get a chair, tie the pole, and make it into a sliding rod, so that the four women are carrying it! These four "woman bandits" are even more embarrassed, it seems that they have not suffered less!

It turned out that Chong Xi was chasing the one on the right, and was simply not chasing it hard. This boy with five short statures couldn't run fast and could not catch up. So I'm not in a hurry to catch up, but just lick my fingers there!

The four female gangsters on the right road quickly met around several bends. After the meeting, I was about to leave and walked under a tree in the wilderness. A man turned out behind the tree. In the first block, the long-yin yin and yang said with a strange voice: "Bold! Thieves gallbladder! Big run child eggs! Dare to grab your grandfather's bag! Expect to punish hail (slightly punished), the next death penalty!" As soon as the voice fell, I heard "pop" several big-eared posts slapping these female gangsters. Several female gangsters were beaten to tears, but they couldn't see anyone! The four female bandits pulled out their pistols angrily, but just after they were pulled out, the guns were taken off as if they were snatched away, and one of them was dragged forward and staggered forward! Almost fell! Four guns in a blink of an eye volleyed to the front of Chong Xi, did not fall, and hung in the air! I picked it up on Chong Xi, and it was dismantled in a few clicks. The parts were thrown to the ground, and my nose hummed: "Huh! What a shit! The rifling is old!" The gun was thrown into the ground like it was thrown! Then fold down a wicker from the tree behind him and said in his mouth, "Do you four let me give loose muscles and bones? Or let me give loose muscles and bones? Do you still let me pinch loose muscles and bones?" Said "Pappa" pumping chaos!

The few female bandits could not hide, but they couldn't get out of their legs if they wanted to run. "Don't fight, don't dare!" I laughed as I listened. These elder sisters were chased by Chong Xi and P4, but it was really **** mold!