The Tale Never Ends

v4 Chapter 4: Grass and trees are soldiers

The two double-decker buses coming from far away did not come from other places, it was the car that pulled ghosts out of the prefecture! I realized that the fool felt the advent of the car, and then he cried and shouted at the black cat, reluctantly. This ghost is already stupid, and he has much less attachment to the world than normal people. For him, this cat may be his only attachment. Now his only unfulfilled wish for Fanchen has been ended, and this "direct to the underworld" has come.

In fact, many ghosts must have impermanence to be able to get to the capital. This is also the reason. If it is a dead soul who has already wished, then it will directly follow the bus and no longer need so many complicated procedures. Now that the fool's wish was gone, the bus found him automatically. At this time, the bus had stopped in front of us. As soon as the door opened, the two ghosts came down from the car.

The two ghosts met me, first for a moment! Immediately nodded toward me, it should be seen that I am Mr. Yin Yang, said the friendship between peers. I also nodded toward the two ghosts with a friendly smile. There is no need for the difference between the two ghosts. After setting up the fool, he took the car, and then the bus started to disappear in my vision.

It was already four o'clock in the morning when I returned to the Internet cafe. As soon as I went upstairs, I noticed that an unusual breath came out of the Internet cafe. Immediately I found out, how did the Internet cafe turn off the lights? Could it be that the little webmaster feels too bored, so he came home from work early? I go, my phone is still in her hand! But then I found something wrong. A slight "dada" sound came from behind the bar of the Internet cafe. The sound was very regular. Obviously something was hiding behind the bar at this time! Immediately I lowered my pace and recruited six wolf spirits silently, and walked toward the bar counter. Because my first reaction at this time is that the people of the gossip religion are coming, then the little webmaster may have been in trouble!

However, I have dealt with the Eight Diagrams for many times, and I am already a soldier. If I encounter something a little wrong, I will think that it is caused by the Eight Diagrams. But this time I was wrong. Wolf spirits are different from ordinary souls and can be seen by ordinary people at night. Just as the six pairs of wolf eyes of wolf spirits walked behind the bar, an extremely sharp and miserable sound came under the bar Screaming: "Ah!" When I heard it, wasn't that the little webmaster? I quickly recovered Wolf Spirit and rushed to the bar before I saw it. It turned out that the little network administrator was curling up in the chair behind the bar at the moment. The series of "Dada Dada" sounds that I heard just now was the sound of her shaking in the chair.

I walked up with a black line on my face and lifted her to ask: "What nerves are you doing here? How did the Internet cafe turn off the lights?" The little webmaster said tremblingly: "Brother Yan, you can count back! After a while, I felt a cool breeze blowing in from outside the door, and then the entire Internet cafe 'clicked' and the power went out, and then I felt that someone came in from outside the door, but did anyone see it! " I realized that it was really a power outage, and the computer where I just sat was turned off. I turned my head subconsciously and looked at the meter on the other side of the wall, and found that the meter was still blinking, and there was no power outage! This time I really "chirped" in my heart! The heart said that it seems that there was something coming in this time when I was away! Immediately, I recruited the Wolf Spirit again. The six Wolf Spirits began to tour around me, and then walked towards the position where I had just left, slowly pacing past, and at the same time screamed out loudly. ! I whispered, "Damn, it really is!"

At this time, the small webmaster was stupid and pulled my sleeve and asked: "Yan brother, when did these six big dogs come up?" I was not in a mood to control her, but left my hand with two hands hanging behind him. Knotted, and at the same time meditating on the exit tactics in my heart, I heard a sound of breaking the sky from far to near. "Wow" crashed through the window and flew into my hand in an instant. The little webmaster no longer shouted at all, and looked at me in horror, covering his mouth. I am already familiar with this trick of "sword", but I did not expect to come in handy at this time! I walked slowly toward the seat I used to hold with a sword. The large Internet cafe was dark, and the six wolves were all around, but they didn't dare to come near. My heart says that it seems that the owner who came back is not easy!

As I approached step by step, I gradually saw the back of the position where I was sitting, and now I was standing with two ghosts! In two more steps, I saw the two ghosts standing on one side straight behind the chair. After two more steps, I could clearly see that the two ghosts were staring straight at the wolf spirit in front of them, but they did not make a defensive posture.

After approaching, I saw the two ghosts but was on the spot. After a while, I recovered the wolf spirit and asked them: "The two officials are on business?" I said to myself! After a long time, these two are not cults, what a terrible difference! When the two ghosts asked me to ask this question, they looked at me suspiciously and asked, "You are." I hurriedly arched my hand and reported myself. After the two ghosts learned that I was a husband, they also had a little respect on their faces. Only then did I say: "Whether Mr. Shi Yan has seen a wandering soul, and the wandering soul seems to be not very easy to use." I realized that these two ghosts were also with the "Underworld Direct", and realized that The ghost's yin circulated here, so come here to squat a little bit! I told the two ghosts about the passing of the incident and told them that the silly ghost had been sent to the "Netherworld", and then the two ghosts turned around and walked away.

As soon as the two ghosts went out, the entire Internet cafe lit up again. The little network manager fell into his chair and sighed: "I will never be on the night shift again!" I took a sip of the cold coffee and then sat on the bar and said to the little network manager: " It ’s okay, do n’t be so scared, okay? It ’s just that I ’ve met a shadowy ghost, and it ’s a good insight! ”I did n’t intend to let anyone know so much about ghosts and gods, but since I let this little webmaster Catch up, then there is no way to simply tell her.

After this night, I did n’t even want to continue playing the game. Looking at the watch, it was already 5 o'clock in the morning, and I was about to pack up and go back to Xuanxue Hall to sleep, but the small network manager took hold of me and said, "Brother Yan! Don't go! You'll stay with me later and it will be six in the morning. I do n’t dare to do it alone. ”I smiled bitterly, but had to stay with the small network administrator for an hour, then drove back to Xuanxueguan to sleep.

After returning to Xuanxueguan, I saw six of them flying around the house. I unloaded my things and threw them on the sofa, and fell asleep. Although I know that cults will not be reconciled and will certainly seek revenge, they do not know where they are or when they will come. So the days are still the same as usual, but I have a few more frequent visitors in my metaphysics hall on weekdays, that is, a few of them. These female ghosts, General Manager Zhang also suspected that they were making troubles, so they discussed with Aunt Fen to allow them to come out and go to the Metaphysics Hall, but only if they were not allowed to fool or scare others. The few days when Lin Feng and Chong Xi were away from home, they all came to me for trouble.

Back to the dinner table, after Lin Feng and Chong Xi listened to me talking endlessly, they were all surprised by the filming, and they both felt that such a ghostly thing is a rare thing! Why didn't you meet it yourself! I chuckled and said, "Don't worry, this kind of thing you two will have to wait for a few decades!" Chong Xi didn't hear what I said, and nodded. Lin Feng took a picture of Chong Xi and smiled and said to me: "We don't want to be born on the same day and same month in the same year, but we must also die on the same day and same month in the same year! After a few decades, we all saw the yin difference together, and your kid could not shoot "Chong Xi only reacted to this:" I rely on, it turns out that your kid is cursing us to die! I shit! "

One afternoon a few days later, the village cadre with the surname Kang came again. We thought his old lady's illness had relapsed. But a chat, no. It was because he had a cousin. Someone in the family was sick, but the road was a little far away. There were more than a hundred miles from the mountainous area in the north. We asked if we could go to the clinic. It is said that I had found a few gods who jumped before, but they all failed to get rid of money, so they found us. We first paid a deposit of 2,000. We saw this and agreed to go after discussing it.

Wuxin and the neighboring counties are narrow strip administrative regions. In the past, they belonged to a county. In history, they belonged to each other. The characteristic is that the north belongs to the mountain area. The patient is in the northern mountains. Lin Feng drove at the moment, took me and Chong Xi, led by the Kang Village official, and drove towards the mountainous township of the patient. Although the two counties are close to each other, the style of the houses in the northern mountainous area is different from the endless. Most of them are bungalows, and the roof is often hung with some things. The car drove into a farm, did not observe anything carefully, like a pig farm. After passing through the farm, there is a courtyard behind. There are not more than a dozen rooms in this yard, like the dormitory of the farm, with the canteen in the middle, and the car parked in front of the canteen. Officer Kang Cun got out of the car and walked into a room, then someone greeted him. This man is not very old, claiming to be the surname of Wang, with a smile on his face, please invite us in