The Tale Never Ends

v4 Chapter 9: Dog jump wall

A week later, Zheng Shuang came to report on the progress and told us: "The black hand behind the scenes is really black. The few criminal suspects who were caught were all dead. The death method was the same. No traces could be found. The forensic doctor could not find the reason. Experts judged that behind the scenes, the black hand had given this group of people chronic poisons. After this incident, they silenced their mouths silently! "I said heartily that Lin Feng did it, as early as expected, in broad daylight It ’s not possible to be framed. I dare to chase and siege your grandfather with a knife. When you chase with a knife, you have already written out your life. It ’s good that your grandfather is not waiting at Wangxiangtai! Zheng Shuang went on to say, "We have investigated which inmates Wang Wangsan had released, and the scope has been roughly determined, and we are still in the process of arranging. It will take some time to thoroughly determine who it is. We wait patiently, as soon as there is news , I will inform you immediately! "

Just like that, a few days later Zheng Shuang called and said that the last time the classmate came to thank him and asked us to eat. After meeting, it was polite to say that you should have been invited, and you didn't want to have a case on hand, and held it back. While we were drinking, we talked about the last time. Zheng Shuang asked the classmate: "What kind of case has it stalled?" The classmate said: "In a theft case, the gold and silver jewelry counters in the mall were stolen. The strange thing is, The door was not opened, and no one was found in the surveillance. The gold and silver jewelry was looted by someone! It is really strange that no clues can be found now! "

Zheng Shuang pointed at the three of us with chopsticks and said, "If I say that these three are experts in criminal cases, do you believe it?" The classmate stood up in surprise and asked suspiciously: "I only know that three of them are extremely metaphysical. Profound attainment, but do not want to be a master in criminal cases, disrespect! Disrespect! "I quickly politely," Don't dare to be, don't dare to be! "Zheng Shuang said to the classmate," Several strange cases I deal with here are all The result of the three people helping each other! "The classmate suddenly realized," No wonder you are mixing so smoothly, there are experts behind you, celebrities are helping! "Then they looked at us and said," I don't know this case, three people. Can you help? This, "I said jokingly," This has to ask us this buddy! "I said, pointing to Chong Xi!

This kid only cares about eating, and when he sees him, he raises his head, "Ah? What?" I lie next to his ear and whispered: "Do you think this theft is related to the cult we are looking for!" Chong Xi "Oh "Sound, and asked the policeman:" Report me the time and location of the accident! Don't forget to tell me the direction! "After the other party told him the relevant information, the kid lifted his fingers for a while, counted for a while, and rushed at me Nodding, I quickly said to Zheng Shuang's classmate, "Police Officer Zhu, we can help to see if this matter can be solved. I'm not entirely sure!"

This student named Zheng Shuang is named Zhu Jun. We drove to Zhu Jun together, and I asked if I could see the surveillance video of the stolen mall. Zhu Jun took me to the mall ’s surveillance room. In front of the table was a surveillance wall and n TV screens showing different parts of the mall. Monitoring screen. I said to the staff in the mall, call up the video of the night, let us take a closer look, a young guy, skilled operation, the screen instantly switched to the screen of the night. I searched carefully on the screen, and Zhu Jun said to me: "We have seen it several times, and no clues have been found!" I waved my hand, indicating that he should not bother.

In theory, my soul cannot see the soul in the surveillance video, because he was the live video taken by the camera at the time, however, the live record is not comprehensive, we know that now we use AC power, the frequency is 50 Hz, that is to say, the AC power we use changes its direction 50 times per second, which means that the monitoring is actually recording the image at that time intermittently, recording 50 frames per second If something happens in the gap of 50 frames, it cannot be recorded. It's like you shaking something under a fluorescent lamp, you will see an intermittent connected image! But at present, except for the high speed of bullets, we rarely have more than one-fiftieth of a second, so the surveillance video is approximately equal to the actual situation at that time. I carefully reviewed the video, not to suspect that the thieves have such a speed, it is almost impossible! The problem is, Zhu Jun they may ignore the tiny details. Sure enough, in the video in the middle of the night, I saw the problem! I chuckled softly and "oh". Although it is very subtle, it still leaves traces!

I turned around and said to Zhu Jun, let's take a look. The backyard of the shopping mall is surrounded by a wall. Behind the wall is a scrap car yard. Next to the scrap car yard is a small forest. The trees are not high. Several rows of small willow trees seem to be the unused vacant land and trees between the scrap car yard and land. The weeds have traces of being trampled on, but they didn't lead to the surrounding wall. This may be the reason, which didn't attract Zhu Jun's attention! Because the police do not think that the criminals use things like animals to commit crimes! I searched through the bushes carefully and saw a cigarette butt. I opened the gourd, shook the gourd mouth at the cigarette butt, and then stood up and waved, beckoning Zhu Jun to follow us. After getting in the car, I told Zhu Jun to take someone to follow us from behind. Lin Feng drove, carrying me and Chong Xi, I let out the cat black, and drove to the suburbs.

Zhu Jun did n’t know what we were doing, a row of police cars screamed at the back and followed! This time there was a lot of excitement, and the car drove directly to the door of a farmer, and the front and back doors were blocked! Zhu Jun was much more arbitrary than Zheng Shuang, and kicked the door and rushed in. It took a while for the kung fu, even the dirty lead, to be brought out from inside. When I saw the lead, my eyes were dull and my heart was broken! Quickly took out the gourd and sprayed two sips. It didn't work at all. Obviously it was silly for a long time, and the clue was broken!

Zhu Jun conducted an investigation with the village committee. The family was originally a fool. The surname is Han, and the person is called Han. His parents are already dead. Just such a stupid stick. Usually he has to take care of his life in the village. The committee is dumbfounded! It's unbelievable!

After confirming by the victim, there are a lot of lost things, they are all here! Although the details were unclear, Zhu Jun was very excited when the things were found. How to write the report was Zhu Jun's business. But the three of us were not happy. This thief was too cunning. Not only did he use the evil spirits to steal, but after he succeeded, he even controlled a fool to pick up the goods. It is estimated that he did not allow the stolen goods to change hands twice.

In terms of difficulty, it is not difficult to control a fool like the upper body to do things for himself. But it is too difficult to find out the clue through this!

At this moment, I received a call from Zheng Shuang and found out who the third inmate of Wang Sang was. He was currently arranging all the monitors to see where he had appeared. I told Zheng Shuang to take that Wang Sang. The prisoner ’s information was also passed on to Zhu Jun, both of whom were arranging the lines. He wanted to carry out the theft and control the fool. Before that, he would have appeared around the fool.

After returning, the three of us and Zheng Shuang analyzed the situation again. The other party's partisan, whose fund-raising party was knocked out by us, must be financially trapped, so we will organize the theft! This is a dog jumping wall! Based on this analysis, they will take further action! In addition, Zheng Shuang told me that the inmate of the third oldest king was Li Dechao, nicknamed Li Shanbao! He is a man from the Northeast. He was scammed by a group! And show us the picture, Lin Feng jumped at the look at the picture! This person has contacted him not long ago! Last time I almost played against Lin Feng at the market, and Lin Feng got rid of that 1 million from where it came from! Hearing this, I couldn't help laughing, and several people were laughed at by me!

I explained to them a few: "You think about this cult organization's fundraising mechanism. The third, fourth, and fifth of the ancestors were all killed by us. The conspiracy lured us into Inner Mongolia and borrowed a knife to kill people. To achieve the goal, we were killed by three family businesses, and Zheng Tong and Zhu Sha hemorrhoids were reported to the mourning leader. He came back to conspiracy and planned to burn us to death, but failed, and we also killed n crab feet. , I finally cheated another 1 million, and was beaten up by Lin Ge, and got a point! In desperation, the upper body is a fool, stealing some gold and silver jewelry, but before he can get it, he was stolen by us together with Zhu Jun! Now behind the scenes The main messenger, it was a blessing that he did not give out cerebral thrombosis! "Everyone heard it and laughed.

Speaking of which, a sudden flash of light flashed in my mind, and I turned to look at Lin Feng. Everyone followed me to Lin Feng without knowing their heads. Lin Feng looked at us with a big face and glared at him with emotion. Mai mai