The Tale Never Ends

v5 Chapter 11: Goddess

As I heard that I was not my mother's birth, the old goblin showed a happy expression, as if a stone had fallen to the ground, and threw the scabbard over. I took the scabbard and returned it to the back of the sword. Seeing the performance of me and Xiaobaihua, the old demon said enviously: "Look at your multiple feelings, your father is a dead wood bump!"

"Where's the wood lump's son? Let's see!" With the voice, Hula pulled in a few people, holding a guy in his hand. The old goblin looked at them and was busy blocking those people and us, " Why should I show you my playthings! Did you show me the money? "I said to you, my mother, I became a plaything, I still don't know who I want to play! Looking at the few people who came in, I knew a man and a woman, and I knew a woman, not now, but I knew her as a child!

Although the woman is not ugly, her chin is a little special. I ca n’t describe it. In short, the chin gives me a feeling I do n’t like instinctively! That was when I was young, my family had not lived in Wuzhen City, and I lived in a small town.

One day before dinner, my mother asked me to buy a bottle of sauce. The bazaar is not far from home, and there are sold on the edge of the vegetable market. I took the money and ran to the market. Today, the auntie is selling an aunt, holding a bicycle, and a wooden board is placed on the back seat. A bottle of sauce is placed on the wooden board. I handed over the money and said, "Buy a bottle of sauce!" "The woman I recognized in front of me today! She gave me the sauce and found me 5 dollars. The banknote was new. I said, "How good is the new money! Mom will definitely praise after reading it!" She ran home with the sauce, and her mother took the sauce. Take the money back again! Huh? Mom turned over and looked at the money and said, it was fake! The current merchants are so arrogant that even children cheat!

My parents didn't go to the vendor, but I was very angry! Humph! Dare to lie to me and turn the stall over for you! I took fake money and ran back to the market. The man had picked up the sauce and the board on the car and pushed the car forward. I was chasing behind and shouted: "Liar! Stop! Pay my money!" It is strange to say that the woman did not ride The car was pushed, but it was just a few steps away! I kept chasing, she kept walking, and gradually left the town. At the intersection ahead, she parked the car under a big tree next to the cornfield and turned back to me and said, "Children! What's the money? Go to the aunt's house to get it?" He said, reaching for me!

Snapped! A big mouth slapped the woman's face, and she beat her up at that time, it was mother! My mother was standing between her and me, pointing at her and saying, "Where is the cheap! Dare to kidnap my son!" The woman smiled roguely: "I didn't kidnap, he chased me!" Scolded: "Shameless! You are pushing the car fast or slow, have been tempting him, and dare to talk eloquently!" "Don't talk nonsense! Start directly, there are so many bits and pieces!" With the sound, the cornfield next to it rattled A few times, a man came out, with a hat that did n’t follow, now I ’m growing up, knowing that it ’s a crown, the woman quickly leaned next to him, very respectful, and my mother hugged me tightly and drank : "Bull nose, what do you want to do?"

The man grinned: "I want the little baby in your arms!" The voice just fell, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the air. A sword fell from the sky, inserted directly into the person's body from top to bottom, only one was exposed. The sword is exposed above the head. Now I want to think that the sword is narrower than my Shiyan sword, and there are many lines like feather patterns on the sword, which look natural.

At this time, I saw my dad appearing out of thin air. With a wave of his hand, the sword was pulled out of the man's head and returned to his dad's hand. The man disappeared instantly, leaving only a pool of blood on the ground. The woman knelt on the ground in horror, knocked her head like pounding garlic, and shouted, "Shang Xian Rao Ming, never dare again!" Dad stepped forward with a sword, and I ran over and kicked, "Bad aunt ! Loose my money! "The woman drew the money from her pocket on the ground. I looked at my mother's face, picked up a 5 piece from the inside, and threw the 5 pieces of counterfeit money into the pile of money. My parents glanced at each other, and my mother hugged me: "My son is sensible and reasonable!" At the same time, he rushed at the woman: "You might as well be a child!" Then she said to her father: "She did not come easily. Just spare him a life! "Dad taught her something and let her go. But the chin left a deep impression on me, so I recognized it at a glance today.

I stepped forward and said to the woman in a cruel way: "A bad aunt who lied to me for 5 yuan. I want to abduct the young man today?" The goods first froze, and then said to the person next to him: "Yes, yes This is Muronghai ’s son, and the master died in his father ’s hand! "The other several immediately looked at me with a fierce expression.

I chuckled, pulled out the long sword from my back, and read the mantra in my mouth. The woman shouted, "No! Run!" He turned and ran away, and the pieces of material that came with him rushed out, My long sword dang clung to their original position, and then I pulled the sword from the ground and chased it out. All the goods were prototyped, and the bushes escaped.

I returned to the cave and said to Xiaobaihua: "A group of dogs fled the bushes, and slow down, I will give them to you as a bib! Hum!"

When the old monster heard me say Saogou, she clearly showed an unpleasant look and asked me, "Where is your home?" I replied, "No end!" She obviously said a little unexpectedly, "How come there is no end?" Why isn't it Inner Mongolia? "But then the woman looked at her in a sudden enlightenment, and said to herself," Yes! Why am I so stupid! "Immediately, he looked up and asked unconsciously:" That What's your mother's name? "I asked her again when I saw her, and I didn't want to hide her, so I said:" My mother's name is Murong Jinghong. "The woman was nagging. I don't even know what my mother's name is. Although I know, my parents never mentioned my mother's name. I did n’t know until a long time ago that my mother did n’t call Murong Jinghong at all. The name was renewed by my dad when registering the ID card. The old name of my mom was also said to be by my dad, but it was very Sloppy is not a person's name, so he was replaced by his father when he registered his identity.

Speak back to the present. The old monster squatted down on the ground, although it looks young, but after all, a hundred-year-old old goblin, the loss of hundreds of years of infatuation is more painful than the godmother's decades of hard work! Thinking of this, I shrugged and walked over to pat the elf ’s shoulder and said, “Actually, do n’t be too sad. My mother told me before leaving, in fact, my father ’s and my mother ’s marriage affair were completely fake, they were just In order to create a decent home for me. "The old monster listened to me, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, and asked:" So, I still have a chance? "

I smiled and shook my head: "Forget it, my mother and my father haven't shaken my father for many years, do you think you can do it?" The old goblin was poured again by my pot of cold water Lied down. At this time, my father ’s influence on me was reflected. Looking at the old monster ’s negative appearance, I was really uncomfortable and tight, so I patted her on the shoulder again and said, “Although you and my father are impossible, but If you do n’t dislike it, how would you recognize me as a righteous son? From then on you will be my godmother. ”The old monster immediately raised her head and looked at me in a daze for a while before she burst into tears. The ground hugged me and wept bitterly.

I smiled bitterly again, and said, "Dad, daddy, how much of a romantic debt are you waiting for me to wipe your butt." I previously recognized a godmother this time and had to recognize a godmother, my God!

The goddess cried for a long time, and suddenly let go of me and grabbed my hand and Xiaobaihua's hand, and said with great excitement: "Good boy, since that's the case, mother will set up a cave for the two of you" I quickly called She stopped because I saw Xiao Baihua's face was already red. "Mother! You'll wait a moment! Why the cave room, you are a little jumpy. Now is not the time to talk about this! Let's talk about what is going on first, what is the situation now!" I was busy Diverting the topic, the heart said how my godmother resembled a mental illness, a hammer in the east and a stick in the west.

Fortunately, the goddess is an animal, not so clever. Seeing me digress, the attention is drawn away. I scratched my head and asked, "There are only three of us. Where have my two brothers and several other girls gone?"