The Tale Never Ends

v5 Chapter 15: real identity

Thoughts sounded like a thunderstorm in my heart. What is it that my dad was inseparable from that white fox three hundred years ago, and who was inseparable from my dad 300 years later? Is it still necessary to ask, the person who is inseparable from my dad is my mother now!

What does this mean? It was a fox who was inseparable from my dad three hundred years ago, and now my mother is still inseparable from my dad! That being said, the white fox is my mother! ? How can this be? ! Everyone else in the room was shocked by the words of the goddess. Chong Xi and Lin Feng dropped their chins on the ground. They did n’t dare to say what they thought in their faces, but they all thought of it. Too.

Although I do n’t want to admit it, I can remember when my dad told me that he was going to destroy gossip. My mom said that he missed his life on the part of the weasel and her, and I was thinking, I What kind of mother is the same as a weasel. When I was young, as long as I called the fox "Sao Dog", my mother would hit me in the mouth, now I want to come

Not only that, in retrospect, there are really many holes in my mother's body, but I didn't think about it! I asked my parents long ago, where did my uncle come from? At that time, my mother said that my grandmother, that is, my mother's mother had a distant nephew, that is, my uncle. On weekdays, the third uncle called my mother a cousin, but the third uncle could not tell where his cousin came from. Think now

This shock is much bigger for me than the previous one! I recalled what my mother said to me on the roof of Wulan Manor a few days ago. I really do n’t have a taste in my heart. I do n’t even know how I feel at this time!

However, I really am not a **** person, just like the last time I learned that I am not my parents ’birth, I soon felt that these things did not seem to matter, why did my dad not soar. , The important thing is that I did not drag him down. It does n’t matter if my mom is a man or a demon. What ’s important is that she and my dad still love me! Thinking of this, my complexion finally eased. Lin Feng and others saw that my face eased down, and then the topic began to cross and asked the goddess: "What, this time, the people who attacked us, do you know what their origins are?"

The goddess nodded and said, "Those people, I know where their nest is. I will take you to find them tomorrow. As for their details, I don't know very well. I only know a few. Although it is already outside the customs, it is not under the control of the five types of immortals in Liaoning. All those who practice here are independent. The sect of those people is actually the sect of the sect of my sister. But these few In the past 100 years, because all the masters and powerful brothers and sisters have been killed, these years have faltered and fled everywhere. In recent years, this person has suddenly reached the grassland, and this was only noticeable to me. "

I nodded my head, and I understood that it seemed that my dad had killed their master, and these silly monsters were so grieved for it. That was the reason that the woman used fake money to deceive me in an attempt to abduct me for revenge .

It turned out that in order to find my dad, the goddess had traveled more than half of China, and he hadn't run less in these three hundred years. But I know my father's temperament. If he doesn't want you to find it, you won't find it even if you break your head. So the goddess had no results after searching for three hundred years. Until one day, the goddess listened to some initiates on the grassland and said that one summer he saw a fairy with a sword flying across the clouds from the sky. The goddess immediately realized that it was my father, Murong Hai, and asked the fellow practitioner where he saw the fairy at that time, so the fellow practitioner told him about the land of the vast grassland in northern Serbia. In the next few decades, the goddess looked like a fool on the grassland, but unfortunately she knew where to go, my dad was not there, but at the end.

It is precisely because the goddess has been staying in this grassland for decades, so it can be said that he is very familiar with it. The group of monsters Yu Dang was noticed by the goddess just after coming here, but the animal is an animal after all. At that time, the mother only thought that these people were abominable, but she did not expect that the purpose of these people here was to set up such a trap for me.

The goddess called us and her party back to her cave house. We tied the horse outside the cave and walked into the cave.

It turns out that there was no cave in the cave of the goddess. Before, Xiaobaihua and I just stayed at the outermost layer of the cave, and there is still a lot of world inside the cave! Although all of them are made of stone, the stones in this cave are obviously carved. The stone bed in the stone house is readily available. And there is not only a goddess alone in this hole, there are still many little girls, of course, they are naturally some low-profile little fox spirits, and they ca n’t even hide their tails.

Walked into the cave, the goddess said to the gang of foxes: "This is my son." The gang of foxes hurried forward and claimed to call me "Young Master". Although the words were spoken in human language, they kept putting their noses beside me to speak and listen to them, and they had already betrayed their identity as wild animals. Then the goddess pulled the little white flower and said to the group of little foxes: "This is my daughter-in-law!" The group of little foxes were clever, and opened their mouths and called, "Young grandma!" This little white flower called, and his face was flushed .

The matter in front of me was solved, but the soul of the godmother still didn't chase it back, which made me feel a bit sleepy. Xiaobaihua lying beside me was tossing and turning like pancakes. I turned and patted her to signal her to rest early, after all Tomorrow I have to hurry up, and I have to say that tomorrow I have to fight. But even if I said that, it was hard for me to fall asleep, and I kept thinking about how to save the godmother tomorrow.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but when I woke up the next day, it was already noon. When I woke up and went out, I realized that everyone was waiting for me, and even the boy at Chong Xi had already got up. The women who came with me would cover their mouths and laugh when they saw me out. I said to you that you laughed, and laughed to death.

Came out of the cave door, and the goddess took us to find the group of people. The goddess and Xiaobaihua rode a horse. It seemed that the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law was really harmonious. No, we walked about a dozen kilometers on horseback to the foot of a mountain. I couldn't see anything at all from a distance. Only after I got close did I find that the trees in front of the mountain had been cut down and surrounded by a wooden fence into a square. As the tree was cut down, a cave under the mountain was clearly revealed. Near the entrance of the cave, there is a fence of Caimen, and there are also guards on the left and right of Caimen.

Xiao Baihua leaned close to me and said, "Unfortunately, there is a tree in front of me, otherwise I can lead the sisters back to the side first, and wait for your silent pistol to kill two outposts, we can rush in!" Chong Xi heard it and poke Let me say, "You still have a silent pistol, why don't you tell me earlier, let me see what!" Chong Xi is usually interested in guns. What are the structure, rate of fire, advantages and disadvantages of guns? He, door clear! No wonder the last time I dealt with a few robbers at the godmother, the gun was so skillful! I pulled out the gourd and said in a sly way: "This is myself, hey! Isn't it in your famous gun file!" Then, I turned back and said to Xiaobaihua, "My bullet will turn, you take your sisters and go round, Just go and give me a gesture! "

Xiaobaihua turned back and made a gesture with the sisters, a group of girls opened the stab in front of the rifle, holding the gun, and touched the side of the door! It was almost in front of the door. Xiao Baihua made a v-shaped gesture. I pulled the gourd mouth and faced the two sentries in front of the door. At the same time, the two sentries were hit like bullets. The white flowers hurriedly jumped out from behind the tree and rushed towards the gate!