The Tale Never Ends

v5 Chapter 3: The young horseman

At the moment, I was very entangled in the doorway. Do you say that I really slept with this little white flower, or knocked on the door of Chong Xi and asked them to sleep? If I said to Xiao Baihua: "Look, it's all right, let's sleep together." Uh, I can't beat her. If she gets angry, I guess I can't beat the female bandit alone.

So, I had no choice but to stare at Xiao Baihua to see what she was doing. But I underestimated the concentration of this little white flower, and I looked at her with wide eyes for two minutes, but my face turned red first. Finally, Xiao Baihua opened his mouth first: "What's wrong, being a young man? Why don't you open the door?" My face was full of pain: "No, in this one, you live or I live." The face should say: "Of course you live!" I froze and asked subconsciously, "What about you?" I regretted the question, because I clearly saw Xiao Baihua's blush It seems that this big sister knows that I want to be crooked. I saw Xiao Baihua said a little embarrassedly: "I'm watching outside. You can rest at ease. I used to be the vigil of the house when the village was not very peaceful." I said that you gave my godmother a vigil You live in an outhouse, how can you stand in the corridor in my sleeping room?

I clenched my teeth and stomped my feet, saying that I would have no skin and no face! So I dared to say to Xiaobaihua: "Go inside, too, or our elders will live inside and let you stand outside as a girl, where will my face go." One night is better than beating! With that, I swiped the door card and pushed open the door, grabbed the hand of the little white flower and walked inside.

However, after entering the room, I realized that people like me have a popular and exact common name-Turtle! There is a room called "Presidential Suite"! I didn't know until I entered the house. It turns out that the old Zhao gave us the presidential suite, which is bigger than my home, and it is very luxurious. When I last came, the old Zhao gave us the hotel. This is not the battle. It seems that this The old kid posted recently! Uh, it's far away. It is said that the living room of this presidential suite is larger than the whole area of ​​my house, and it is divided into two bedrooms.

I was embarrassed with Xiaobaihua. After finding their own bedroom like two turtles, I really didn't sleep much overnight. First of all, there is a beautiful young woman living next door. Secondly, this woman is still a horse bandit, and living with me is so embarrassing, how can I fall asleep.

Get out of the room and say that this presidential suite is indeed luxurious, and all kinds of eating and drinking equipment are available. I took a bottle of wine from the wine rack that I didn't recognize the name at all and opened it. After taking a sip of the wine in the glass, a leather-like scent filled the mouth, but to be honest, the taste of this wine is leather, which makes people feel strange. But I can understand with my heel that this wine must be a very luxurious one, so no matter how blame I still swallow it. Put down the wine glass, this high-end wine is really unbearable, and I can't sleep again. I have nothing to do and go back to the bedroom to sit on the bed and practice my dad to teach me how to practice Qi.

Actually staying for a long time, I only slept when the sky was dark. Less than two hours later, my room door was knocked by the little white flower, but I had no choice but to get up under the dark circles. After washing, I went out of the room with Xiaobaihua. When I came to the lobby downstairs, Chong Xi, Lin Feng, and the boss were already waiting for me in the lobby. I saw Xiaobaihua walking side by side, and I looked tired. The men smiled and nodded secretly. I almost vomited blood!

Because we were in a hurry this time, boss Zhao didn't succumb to us too much. After handing over the car keys to us, he said he had asked someone to drive the car to the door of the hotel and then left. I looked at the car key in my hand and said that it seems that this surnamed Zhao really has a brain. He should have checked the car we drove last time, so he knew that we took the cross-country race, so this time we gave The car is a landrover.

It was already afternoon when I drove to Wulan Manor. Since I saw the big sign of Wulan Manor, my heart was too anxious. I trot all the way into the villa and went straight to the godmother ’s room. Pushing the door in, I saw the room full of people standing by the godmother's bed, and the godmother in the bed was now closed with eyes closed like earth, and the soul of the godmother was not in the body, lying on the bed. It's just a leather bag.

You must know that the soul will die long after the soul is gone. This kind of vicious trick is really not something that ordinary people can do! Looking at the godmother's closed brows, the anger in my heart ignited like a fire, shaking and asking everyone in the room, "Where is that person!" Everyone in the room was silent, and apparently no one knew that Where is the person. I took the cigarette from my pocket and lit it. He smoked a cigarette and tried to calm himself down. After a while, he asked again: "Where was the rope that tied the grandson?"

As soon as the voice fell, someone came in carrying a thick hemp rope, and I took the rope, and the other hand took out the gourd from the close pocket, opened the gourd cover, and walked around the rope in a circle. There was a whistle outside the house, and Eagle Spirit responded.

After hovering in the air for a while, Eagle Spirit flew straight out in a direction to the east. Because my heart was very angry, my face was not good-looking. The people present at me also knew that my head might be in a bad situation. At the moment, everyone rushed out and rode on a horse to look for the man with me. revenge. For a moment, the sound of the gun was loaded in the hands of the hundred or so people in the manor house. Xiao Baihua led a horse for me and signaled me to mount it. Lin Feng and Chong Xi were already on the horse. No one said nonsense throughout the journey. At this moment, I seemed to feel that I really became the young master of this bandit, but now it is not hypocritical, I turned my horse and rushed out of the manor first. Everyone behind me also followed behind me, heading in the direction where the Eastern Eagle Spirit was flying. There was only a sound of horseshoes and whistling.

Eagle Spirit is flying in a straight line, but this place is grassland, so we are not struggling to follow up, but we did n’t see Eagle Spirit stopping in the afternoon, I was secretly stunned, this grandson is running far enough. ! It was more than five o'clock in the evening, and the sky was almost dark. The little white flower called me immediately behind me, and I turned around and threw a cloth bag. I raised my hand and opened it to see some dried meat and horse milk. When I saw what I ate, I remembered that I had n’t got enough water, not only me, but my brother and Xiao Baihua, who were so tired, did n’t eat anything. Coupled with the late weather, the cold began to strike from all sides. There was a trace of guilt in my heart, but I immediately reminded myself that now is not the time for hypocrisy.

I ate some food immediately and drank some wine, and then I felt a hint of warmth rising. After eating and drinking, I went up tiredly. The body of a city man like me, who ran on horseback for an afternoon, really couldn't bear it. But I didn't mean to stop. None of the hundred or so people behind me grieved. As a leader, what qualifications do I have to grieve?

Was speechless all the way, and continued to run for more than an hour. In the night, I saw Eagle Spirit finally stopped at a building in the distance and began to hover. I was so happy in my heart that it was this! At the moment, I raised my whip and pointed at the blurry building in the front night. Xiao Baihua nodded knowingly, pulled out a gun from his waist and slammed into the air. Then all the people behind him The female generals all seemed to receive orders and whistle to speed up their horsepower and rush towards the front.

It was only when I approached the building that I could see clearly. It turned out that it was a group of yurts composed of many yurts, and more than a dozen horses were tied to the outside. More than a dozen people sat around a large campfire outside the yurt, singing and dancing, and hanging on the outer fence was a large sign written in Mongolian text, which looked like a mobile hotel on the grassland.

Eagle Spirit hovered in the air, and a hundred or so people immediately surrounded it here. I turned over and dismounted again with a whistle, and the spirit of the wolf came out in response. At the same time, the left hand rolled up several handprints with one hand. The sword on his back carried the sheath like alive and was held in my hand. My heart says I care whether you are a hotel or someone else, let the master know what you are!