The Tale Never Ends

v7 Chapter 16: Falling down?

The words of Wushu stunned me, what do I say in my heart? Turned her head to look at Xiaobaihua, she was looking at me with a look that she wanted to hear from me. Even the dumb brother of Wushu ’s son was looking at me and wanted to hear what it was. Fame.

After thinking for a long time, I said, "Uncle Wu, I really don't know this. To be honest, yesterday I saw the flower being injured, and I roared out in my heart, but it was roared in my ears. Just a throat! Why is Longyin said? "Unexpectedly, I said that Wushu even frowned, letting go of the wine and thinking about it. I looked puzzled and turned to look at the dumb brother, who was also gesticulating with his hands, and his mouth was "Oula Oula" chattering. Looking at Xiaobaihua again, Xiaobaihua was surprised, as if I didn't know what I did.

I asked her: "What expression do you have? You didn't know what I did last night?" Xiao Baihua nodded and said, "Of course I know! Last night, I was almost kicked to death by a ghost horse, and then You fed me the medicine, and then you said "here, Xiao Baihua's voice was slightly lower, and I asked impatiently:" What's wrong with me? "Xiao Baihua was taken aback by my questioning. And said: "Then you yelled, but the sound of the roar was not human voice! Not only this time, in fact, there have been such things before, I thought you knew it all. I always thought it was you The magic! "

I was shocked for a moment, and then asked: "Which time?" Xiao Baihua said firmly: "The first time was when I caught a black dog (Harinau Chinese meaning black dog) in the hospital in that small county. At that time, you also made such a sound to the ghosts in the hospital. There was also the time when Huang Luling and I confronted the Lu brothers a while ago. You also made that sound. Today I heard Wushu say When I get up, I also think that the sound is really like the sound of a dragon. Although I have n’t heard the sound of a dragon, I feel like it! "

It turned out that the last time I rescued the godmother, a roar in my heart in the small county hospital was just a roar in my ears, but it was a dragon in the ears of others, and it was really present. Even people and ghosts were shocked. The second time on the slopes of the Huangtuling Mountains, Xiao Baihua and Lu Bugong were already struggling to cross each other. When I saw the swords facing each other, I also shouted anxiously, and the same time, Long Yin shocked the two. .

Thinking of this, I turned to Wushu: "Wushu, my dad did explain to me the method of" Jianglong Fuhu "before, but I never got involved. Did you say that I did it unintentionally this time Is this 'Jianlong Fuhu'? "Wu Shu was awakened by my words, woke up from contemplation, and then answered:" Well! It is possible! Father Tiger has no dogs, I see, that's the case! " Laughing, looking very happy, as if his son had a good time.

Drinking and chatting, Wushu asked me: "When is my nephew, when will you get married?" I looked at Xiaobaihua, who was shy and turned her head away. I smiled and said, "Five Uncle, this marriage period, I'm afraid it won't work in the near future. I have to resolve some things right now. You also know that the time of the robbery is approaching. Many Xiaoxian want to take advantage of Daxian's robbery. At the time of being confused, and the large number of people who are thinking about it, I am afraid that I have to be busy for a while. "Wushu heroic smiled and patted my shoulder with a wretched smile:" Ha ha ha! Okay! Heart is a good guy! "Then, he touched my wine glass, and he filled it again.

In fact, I came to the Soul Valley this time. In addition to the New Year, there is one more thing I want to ask Shang Lao and Zhu Lao. At this time, I saw the wine and drank almost. Then I asked: "Five Uncle, there is a thing I I also want to ask you to see if you know. "Wushu put down the wine" Oh? "Then he looked at me and motioned me to say.

"That ’s it, I learned some things from what I encountered during this time. That ’s the relationship between my dad and the dragon sword that was lost decades ago. I heard that he was entrusted to protect him. Dragon Sword, is that true? "I asked calmly.

Wu Shu heard this, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes, but his expression on his face did not change and said, "Well, you Wu Shu really don't know! The big fairy like your Lao Tzu is not something we can know about scattered fairy Let me talk about it with your dad when it was seven or six years! "I nodded, and I was right. However, I can still understand from Wu Shu's eyes, some words Wu Shu did not say. But people do n’t want to say, and I ca n’t ask more.

Perhaps Uncle Wu saw the look on my face lost and smiled and said, "Your Uncle Wu doesn't know, maybe your third uncle can know a little bit? Minger went to ask your third uncle, he went south and north earlier. , Well informed! "

It seems that I won't say anything from Wushu's mouth, so I didn't continue to ask questions, but the words changed sharply: "Oh, Wushu. Last time Qiang Niang said, I want you to teach me a trick In fact, I am also very curious. You have the ability to walk away. "Wu Shu smiled and said:" Your father has the ability to "fall leaves and autumn wind", you still use Wu Shu to shrink away? "I smiled bitterly:" Uncle Wu, you don't know. I also asked my dad, but he said let me practice swords, if the swordsmanship is not good, you can talk about nothing! "Then, I pinched my right hand. There was one sword in the left hand, and the Yan Yan sword came out of the sheath with a “sweep”, and the volley circled around and hovered over my left hand.

This trick makes Wushu wonder: "Yeah, kid. Your understanding is not a mortal! The simple method of imperial swords, ordinary people can't understand it! Yes, Wushu will tell you about this today. Shrinking doorway! "After hearing this, I sat upright unconsciously.

Only listened to Wu Shu said: "This shrinking walk is a wonderful way to manipulate the heavens and the earth"

Five Uncles said that it is the distribution of the earth and the earth. There are 88 directions, each of which has a specific name and order. All that is required to do this retreat is to freely change these positions. We often say "reverse the Yin and Yang and reverse the world," which is the essence of this retreat. There are yin and yang in this world, and there is also yin and yang in your body, and your legs are naturally divided into yin and yang. Being able to skillfully control these yin and yang positions is to shrink away. To give a simple example, we walk on a wavy ground, each of my feet is on a undulating high point, and each of your feet is in a concave place, so invisible I will be Faster than you. Shrinking the ground is similar to this. Changing the azimuth route you want to walk does not change the person walking, but invisibly changes the path you take.

I understand all these theories, but the eighty-eight positions that Uncle Wu mentioned, and which position and which position are reversed, which several positions will produce what effect, and which positions are yin and which are yang, Which of the several orientations will change the yin and yang, etc. It really sounds like I have a big head!

Wu Shu's explanation is indeed very detailed, but I really have no patience to listen down. So he scratched his head and interrupted Wushu: "Five Uncle, this method of shrinking away is too complicated, and I don't understand it at this time!" Wu Shu laughed: "Haha, also blame Wu Shu Long talk! Anyway, as long as your kid remembers, there is heaven and earth, and heaven and earth. As long as you can master this heaven and earth, you can control everything, and everything in the world is in the palm of your hand! "

However, Wu Shu told me that his whole life was only a glimpse of the mysterious place of Qiankun on this earth, and he could not fully penetrate the Yin and Yang of the universe. Compared with my dad, Wushu's ability has become a pediatrics completely. I asked him what to say. Uncle Wu smiled bitterly and squinted his small eyes. He remembered thinking about the past.

Wushu told me about the competition between him and my dad. Although I had known it for a long time, Wushu did not interrupt me when he spoke. Uncle Wu rubbed his face while rubbing his mouth and said, "Don't say anything else, your old lady's slap is really true." .

Then Uncle Wu said: "After the earthquake was resolved, I thought about going back to the Valley of Souls, and I wonder how your dad won me. Your dad didn't touch the ground at that time. Although I had the final say on the earth, But he couldn't trap him. But I just couldn't figure it out, since he didn't touch the ground, why am I trapped by him? "

When Wushu said this, a sincere admiration appeared on his face. Then he drank and said, "I just wandered around in the Valley of Mystery, and I thought about it while wandering. How did you Laozi do it? After twenty years passed, I finally figured it out!"