The Tale Never Ends

v7 Chapter 3: Zhangjiajiazhu

Yan is a curious baby in a certain sense, but also a swearing version. As Yan asked, both Lu Bugong and Zhang Zhigui's curiosity were hooked, and they all looked at me.

I smiled and did n’t rush to answer. Instead, I raised the wine cup again and paid a lap, and then smoked again. Then I said, "I do n’t know if Uncle Xie told you before. Not my biological father, and of course my mother is not my biological mother. "The people on the table were confused by my words, and Lu Bu Gong was stunned. : "Brother Yan, are you also a humanoid figure made by foxes?"

"Cough!" I choked with a cigarette, almost choked me to death. The heart said that Lu Bu Gong was stunned, why would he want to be crooked? However, Yan and Zhang Zhigui even made an expression of sudden enlightenment. Obviously, they already put me in the non-human column in their hearts.

Xiao Baihua covered her mouth and snickered, and did not speak. Chong Xi and Lin Feng both smoked and laughed, and did not speak. Zhang Zhizhi was so overwhelmed that he finally thought he was wrong. I chuckled and said, "I'm an out-of-the-box person, genuine. But my parents are not." Yan both exaggeratedly raised his mouth, "Ah !?" I smiled and shook my head: "Don't be so surprised. My dad was really a human before, but according to himself, he hasn't known how long he has become an immortal. And my mom, who is also an immortal body, is not a mortal cultivation immortal, It's a fairy fairy built by the white fox. So, in the eyes of the fox in this world, my mother is naturally their living ancestor, and I became the so-called 'little grandfather'. "

After finishing my words, I saw Zhang Zhigui and the three of them breathing coolly, opening their eyes, looking surprised. Also, although the three of them are also capable persons, it seems that it is really not easy to accept the so-called fairy and fairy. The three were silent for a while, and they were almost drinking. I also opened the chatterbox and said, "Actually, I have some guesses about my life experience recently." As I said, I picked up the Yanyan sword from the table , Pulling out the sword, revealing the word "Shiyan" above the sword, and then continued: "My dad once said that he and my mom encountered a serious injury when they traveled with me more than 20 years ago. Tall and old, the old man holds the sword on my back. "

Zhang Zhigui heard me say this, and interrupted my words: "Brother Yan Yan, the younger is a sparse learner, but he has also seen the description of the word" Bai Yan "in his collection of classics. The five great emperors, namely the Eastern Green Emperor, the Western White Emperor, the Southern Yan Emperor, the Northern Emperor Xuan Emperor, and the Chinese Yellow Emperor, each had a God-given sword in their hands, named after each emperor ’s symbolic color. He took the lead and said: "Xi Qing, Shi Bai, Shi Yan, Xi Xuan and Huang Huang." Zhang Zhigui opened his mouth and nodded again.

However, the conversation between me has shocked the others present. Both Yan and Lu Bugong almost stared out of their eyes. At this time, Zhang Zhigui hesitated and said to me: "Brother Yan Yan, if the younger brother guesses well, then Brother Yan Yan is likely to be the ancient Emperor Yan Nong. Descendants. "In fact, I have already thought of this, and now nodded to indicate that I already have this kind of guessing.

At this time, Zhang Zhigui also took a sip of wine, only to say: "There are some descriptions of these five Excaliburs in the scriptures in my family. The other three great emperors don't talk about it, they only talk about Yanhuang and Huangdi. It is said that Yanhuang and Huangdi have double swords. The Battle of Jibi and Chiyou, the leader of the Jiuli tribe, and finally Shi Yan and Huang Shuangjian cut down Chi You's first class. Is it that Brother Xi Yan's sword is just like this? Passed Shi Yanjian to him, indicating that they could watch at will.

After Zhang Zhigui took over the Yanyan sword, the three began to sigh a lot of this simple yet domineering long sword. I do n’t understand archaeology, and I ca n’t see the age of the Shiyan sword, but obviously Lu Bu Gong knows this. Rubong picked up the Yanyan sword and looked at it for a long while. Then he nodded toward the people on the table, indicating that Zhang Zhigui's view should be reliable.

Actually, I knew and thought of all these things, so I was not surprised. The three of Zhang Zhigui marveled at the wave after wave, and the old gluttons saw that we were chatting fiercely, and they listened silently without interrupting. Later, when I thought about this scene, I realized that the old man must know my life experience, and I didn't speak because I was afraid of many words. Want to come, I am still young at this time!

Lin Feng suddenly thought of something at this time, and asked Yan Ji both: "Little Yan, I haven't figured out something." Yan Ji turned his head and asked, "What's the matter, Brother Lin?" Shen Yin thought about what to say, so he asked, "While the black dogs and people are your paper men in the sullen air, right?" Yan nodded, and Lin Feng asked again: "Other paper men The paper dogs have no substance, and even if my whip hits it, it will be scattered as if there is no contact, but we encountered a black tiger on the way back to the top of the mountain, but the black tiger has a substance. The black tiger picked me up with a mandarin duck leg, but it didn't hurt at all. If it was placed on the previous paper man, it would disperse. What's the matter with the black tiger? "

After Lin Feng's words came out, Xiao Baihua also echoed the question: "Yes, there is the black horse that Lu Ge rode, obviously there is also a physical, not a simple smoke." Yan listened to Lin Feng and Xiao Baihua asked He turned around and smiled at Lu Bu Gong, then said: "To talk about this, this is the fit skill that I and Lao Lu came up with some time ago! How is it, is it OK?"

It turns out that the black tiger and the black horse are indeed the means that Yan is both, but it is not like the paper man paper horse we have seen before, just a single piece of paper, but a paper tie. Yan Yan said that some time ago he was inspired by Bai Xisi's burning paper pie and paper pie horse, and he and Lu Bu Gong developed this peculiar paper pie. First, Lubu shared the wood to build a skeleton, and then Yan Yan wrapped the paper with his unique secret technique, so as to produce a slap-sized object. After this thing was opened, Yan then burned it with a secret method, and then he could burn out the paper horse and paper tiger with the entity.

Seeing this, you may be wondering why it is useful for the two of them to burn. Here we still have to explain. First of all, Yan is both. As we mentioned earlier, this kid is half a ghost, so from person to thing, he is half yin and half yang. people. The paper people he made were able to come true in the spirit world as soon as he burned them. The Lu Bu Gong, itself is a family of carpenters. But according to himself, he did n’t learn carpenter from an early age, but after graduating from college, after returning to his home to live in his home, he dreamed every night that an old man taught him how to do carpenter work. Too. However, it is because of this that his hair is getting whiter day by day, until the carpenter learns it alive, and his hair is white. Some people speculate that the old man in Lu Bu Gong's dream will be the grandpa of the carpenters, Lu Ban, and the old man of the Lu Bu Gong family also said that it is said that their Lu carpenter's craftsmanship really came from Lu Ban.

You should know that carpenters generally use some Yin and Yang methods. In addition, the work of the carpenter of Lu Bu Gong is different from that of ordinary people. There is no such thing as a nail in the old man's craftsmanship in the dream. It is the Luban lock of Yishui'er. The officials may not know that this Luban lock is not the kind of building block we bought in the supermarket. In fact, the traditional Luban lock is everywhere, and this Luban lock is said, and it also has a metaphysical doorway in it. Therefore, the so-called "combination skills" of Lu Bugong and Yan can produce such a wonderful effect.

Then Zhang Zhigui talked to us about his recent situation. It turned out that Zhigui had already dealt with the mysterious organization, on the day Zhang Zhigui's grandfather first seven.

In the previous article, we said that the Zhang family had some hatred with the organization. After returning to the family this time, the grandfather gave him all the secrets of the family before he died, including the leader of the organization when his grandfather was young. There was a fight, and the chance happened to break the leader's law, causing him to be hit hard. That's why, the organization stuck to Zhang Zhigui like a dog skin plaster, and was about to kill Zhang Zhigui in order to make Zhang's family out.

After the head of the organization learned that Zhang Zhigui's grandfather was dead, he planned to arrest Zhang Zhigui's grandfather's soul for revenge. However, they did not expect that the three rookies were not only the Yishui Sanjie in the first seven days, but also Xie Bingyi among the endless three. Although the Zhang family of Yishui was caught flat-footed, it still came back in front of Xie Bingyi, Lu and Yan.

But this was a moment of calm, and it was not long before Zhang Zhigui was found by a dry weasel.

Talked here, and talked back to a big dogfight on the hillside for a few days. In retrospect, Zhang Zhigui was first hit by Xiaobaihua, and then he was arrested three times or two, and I asked with some doubt: "I said Zhigui, I remember that you have a good skill, how can you not be in front of Xiaobaihua?" No power to return your hand? "It's not that I gave Zhang Zhigui a face, but in my memory, Zhang Zhigui is indeed capable, and not a powerless one.

However, Zhang Zhigui heard me ask this question, and even smiled bitterly, pointing to his nose and saying, "Ashamed!"