The Tale Never Ends

v8 Chapter 1: Lin Haixue

Because of the increasing number of mysteries I have come into contact with, I had no choice but to ask my father about his past and the relationship between him and the Dragon Sword, but my father did not want to tell me.

After my deduction, the only person who knew these things except my parents was Liuye. For this reason, I began to look for Liuye's whereabouts. The process of chasing Six Lords has been ups and downs, but in the end I found the Sixth Lord, but it seems that the Sixth Lord is not willing to answer my questions.

Finally, Liu Ye decided to let me witness everything I wanted to know. Then I was traversed by Liu Ye to the end of the Ming Dynasty.

Here, I saw Bian Dashou, the owner of the Dragon Sword, and also saw the old dad and old lady in the late Ming Dynasty. And here, I followed the footsteps of Bian Dashou to the place where Li Zicheng's father and grandfather were buried. What can be confirmed is that Sanfengzi Mountain, which is buried in the bones, is indeed a dragon vein treasure cave. I am even able to feel the dragon spirit and domineering of this dragon vein below the mountain, and there is still a trace of anger mixed Among the dragon spirits.

When Dabian reached the foot of Sanfengzi Mountain, it suddenly snowed heavily. Originally, the mountain road was rugged and steep. Two feet of snow covered the entire mountain. The helpless nearly a hundred people had to give up the horses and hike up the mountain. Only since ascending Sanfengzi Mountain has the real danger come!

I followed the last team of Bian Dashou from the foot of the mountain and walked for less than an hour. Suddenly I heard a few strange roars from somewhere. It was like a man shouting in a dumb voice, and howling like a beast. This sound has an unusually bad hunch in my ears, not to mention the nearly hundred ordinary people in front of me. Among these people, only 30 archers with bows and backs were of good quality, and immediately pulled out the arrows behind them to alert them. However, the other sixty numbers are ordinary villagers, who have seen such a strange scene. The heavy snowfall has already disturbed the hearts of these villagers, and these villagers suddenly became confused when they heard howling! Some people started to retreat from the villagers: "Master, let's wait until tomorrow when the snow stops, and then go up the mountain! You can see that the sky is dark, the snow is so heavy, and the mountain is still unknown.

However, Bian Dashou was unmoved, but waved his hand: "Go ahead!" I walked behind the team with a sullen face, and my heart began to drum secretly. You know, I have never heard the voice just now. If there is any monster in the woods in front of me, even if Da Bian is a god, I might not be able to go back to heaven.

You may ask, since Bian Dashou can take the clouds and ride the fog, it must be a fairy, no doubt, then what dangers can stop him? Hey, this is the point. Although Dashou has the immortal law here, how can he resist this danger from the will of God? How can he be able to resist the danger of the fall of heaven? Sun Wukong is not powerful? It's been lying under Wuzhi Mountain for five hundred years, isn't it?

Therefore, Bian Dashou is also difficult to ride a tiger at this time. He should understand in his heart that if he logically cuts off Chongzhen's Daming Dragon Vessel, it is estimated that not only will there be no obstacles, but also it may occupy the right place. But his current behavior is not the case, but he is doing the opposite. How can this not be obstructed.

I smirked at the end of the team and said to myself what I do with you!

The other people in the team did not dare to disobey the order, and could only continue to walk toward the mountain with a scalp. Further forward, there is a forest, the trees are thick and rugged, and everyone's speed becomes quite slow. Also because of the slowdown in speed, the big guys also started to have the opportunity to look around.

Just as everyone looked around, deep and shallow, suddenly a person shouted in the crowd: "Look! What is that !?" Everyone looked at this person, who was middle-aged The villager, with a long-handled shovel in his hand, was pointing a direction in the distance in the distance with his eyes wide open.

Everyone else looked in the direction of his finger, it did n’t matter, everyone was exclaimed! Then someone asked Bian Dazhu in a trembling voice: "Sir! What is that !?"

I also looked in the direction of the man's finger and saw that there were more than a few white figures in the shadow of the woods in the distance. If it weren't for those snow-white figures moving quickly, no one could find them in the snow that was more than two feet deep. My heart is also shocked! What the **** is this? Could it be the legendary snowman? It was wrong to think about it, the snowman should be a legend on the Kunlun Mountain, how can I not reach Shaanxi!

Although Dawei Bian didn't have a trace of fear at this time, he could also see from his bluish complexion that Dacheng was indeed afraid. Bian Dashou waved his hand and said, "Archer!" Those people with bows and arrows and arrow pots quickly prepared for battle. Ten people stood in a row in three rows, and the front row squatted. At the beginning, the middle row and the back row staggered apart, all filled with bow strings and prepared!

The figure deep in the woods was still moving quickly, and I could see the appearance of those things in an instant. Those things are tall and sturdy, with white hair, and green-faced fangs with a pair of huge claws, but they are on four feet. Like a person but not a person, like a monkey but without a tail, but hunched one by one but still poked his butt. Crowds rushed towards Bian Dafang in a fierce manner!

At this time, some people in the crowd shouted in horror: "Snow Mandrill! It's Snow Mandrill! Run!" All of a sudden, everyone was afraid, although I don't know what Snow Mandrill is, but from these people From the state of panic, I'm afraid it's a disaster! The people behind them began to run away, and the thirty archers in the front row also began to lose their attention. Some of them had already retreated, but how could he not dare to go back and escape.

At this juncture, I do n’t know who among the archers, because of the fright, the arrow is out of hand, and the arrow bursts out of the air! All of a sudden, everyone looked at Bian Dazhu at a loss. Bian Dashou looked ashen at this time, but instead of panicking, he fixed his eyes on the snow mandell rushing forward.

The arrow was unbiased, and it was shot on the snow in front of a snow mandrel. When the snow mandell saw something coming, he subconsciously braked. This time, the snow at the foot of the snow mandrel was tumbling quickly like an earthquake, as if it suddenly exploded on the calm water. The snow mandrill stopped in front of the arrow that plunged into the snow and looked at it. He stretched out the huge claw and pulled out the arrow to pinch it in his hand to look up. The arrow was in his hand, similar to a toothpick, and after a while, the snow mand held the arrow and looked at it for a while, and then gave out a haunting laugh. Then there was another huge roar, pulling the leg and rushing in the direction of Bian Dashou waiting for you!

Only this time, the current snow mand didn't run on all fours, but stood upright and his feet took a heavy step and rushed over! For a moment, the snow on the ground flew, and the other snow mands behind him also stood upright after approaching the crowd. They ran forward while waving their hammers on their chests with their claws. It was really like a gorilla demonstration!

This time, anyone can see that this is ready to attack! Regardless of whether the master ordered it, the archers all released arrows towards the snow mand that rushed over! For a while, the sound of "swooshing" continued from ear to ear, but the arrow shot on the snow mand didn't even penetrate the fur at all, and could not cause any harm to the snow mand!

Archers saw this situation, they were all terrified! Throw down the bows in the hands one by one, throw away the helmets and abandon the armor! Bian Dashou's face also changed color at this time, but he did not turn away because of his identity. My heart says you are so stubborn! Seeing the people around Bian Dashou immediately exited the woods, only I stood behind him. I hurried to Bian Dashou's side. At this time, the snow mandrel had also rushed to the front of Bian Dashou. The current snow mand raised his paws and "frightened" five huge claws and nails appeared, After watching the head of Da Bian photographed, I moved!

What I didn't expect was that, at this very moment, Bian Dashou even closed his eyes without changing his face! Waiting for death!

I was dumbfounded! Xin said what the **** is going on!

But it was too late to think about it. I lifted a foot and kicked on the **** of Bian Dashou. Bian Dashou fell into the snow with a smoldering "pop" sound, and the paw of the snow mandrel "banged". When it was empty, the snow was half a person tall!