The Tale Never Ends

v8 Chapter 16: Lost

I was wondering, the gang riders had screamed and rushed to Bianjiafen. Somehow, I always find something strange in the following situation.

Thinking about it for a long time, I realized that Bianjia grave has more than the tomb of Bian Dazhu alone, the entire Bianjia grave is already a large-scale tomb group! And the group of people who came out of the whistle was no longer a Qing dynasty hair style or a Qing dynasty dress!

I reflected it in an instant, and in the daze moment, I was fast forward again, and it is now the night when the Bianjia grave was robbed in 1934!

Sure enough, the gang whistle and move quickly. In a blink of an eye, three people in a house next to the cemetery have been tied to the tree and put their heads in a black cloth bag. These people have a clear division of labor. Some people have begun to put a rope with the thickness of the arm It was on the top of the tree and lit. For a while, the special smell of wormwood spread, and then I saw a person shoot three shots at me in the sky! Then he began directing others to dig graves. Seen from the air, the actions of these people were extremely orderly, and the entire Bianjia grave was dug up into the sky in a moment!

Although I know this, I do not know why there is a very uneasy feeling in my heart at this time. This kind of uneasiness makes me feel strange!

At this moment, I suddenly heard a clamoring voice yelling: "Brother, found it!" All the people were shocked by the words, and they were all surrounded. This sentence is also called the uneasy and grand in my heart, and it fell on the ground involuntarily!

I saw that those people took the coffin out of the pit and set it aside. I clearly saw that the coffin was the coffin with the big ribbon on which I sat just now! It's just that the coffin is decaying, and there is a large hole in one side of the coffin. But at this time my attention was not on the coffin, but on the tomb!

At this time, a big man jumped into the pit, then pulled out a dagger from his boots, and pestle at the bottom of the pit, then got up and shouted, "This is it!" Several people heard the sound Jumped, holding a shovel and other guys in his hands. At the same time, a voice came from behind everyone: "Come on! Don't touch the bad things!" Just a moment, I saw the big man jumped out of the tomb with a sheathed sword in his hand!

While seeing the sword, my heart instantly accelerated, and the uneasy feeling rushed to the Lingtai again! Is that the dragon sword?

Was thinking in his heart that the Dragon Sword had been handed over to a bearded man riding a horse. The bearded man took the sword and held his hand on the hilt without hesitation! Somehow, the moment he held the hilt in his hand, a strong sense of disgust hit my heart, and at the same time my head hurt for no reason! That kind of headache can be described as a splitting headache, and my consciousness is starting to blur!

In a trance, I saw that the beard pulled out the Dragon Sword, and the sword body of the Dragon Sword radiated a dazzling light under the torch. When this light hit me, I felt an extremely strong repulsion hit, and my body flew away in the distance as if it was blown away by the wind!

I was pushed by this, and I felt that all the internal organs and the internal organs were broken and the pain was ordinary. The original screaming suddenly turned into a painful moan, and I lost consciousness.

I do n’t know how long it took when I regained consciousness again. I was kicked by someone kicking me.

Opened his eyes, the first thing I saw was a foot kicking me. The man saw that I opened my eyes and turned and left. I was hazy, and I instantly remembered that my current state would never be seen and touched by anyone! How did this person see me and wake me up! ?

I quickly got up and caught up with the pain in my body. The man in front was wearing a yellow tunic suit, leggings, and a big brim hat was buckled on his head. I was shocked. From the back view and walking posture, this person is familiar! I ran two more steps in front of this person, and I saw that this person was not someone else but the sixth man in a national police uniform!

The scene in front of me surprised me for a while, but the sixth man just woken me up, but now he turned a blind eye to me! I tentatively shouted, "Six Lords?" But at this time I concluded that Sixth Master must know my existence, otherwise his actions just now could not be explained!

However, in such a stunned time, Liu Ye has disappeared into my sight. I wanted to catch up again, but then I thought about it, every time this happens, the time must have changed.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but stopped again, and couldn't help laughing. At this moment, suddenly, there was a "slap" sound overhead, and I didn't know what was passing through the air. Looking up, I saw a meteor-like spot across the sky in the clear sky. I was taken aback, and then I saw that the meteor seemed to be conscious, and he jumped in the sky!

The meteor lingered in the sky for a long time, and finally fell in a direction in the distance.

I am not sure, so I suddenly felt that the sunrise and sunset around me started to run rapidly again, and at the same time, many meteors descended from the sky, and then flew along the trajectory of the return village river as before. In the end, they all stumbled down.

I was so confused, I didn't know why. After watching for a long time, the rotation speed of the sun and the moon was normal again, and I don't know how long it has passed. At this time, I saw a meteor flying towards the north, and finally disappeared behind the mountain of Beishan. At this time, there were no more meteors in the sky, and I looked down and saw a child standing in front of me!

This kid turned his back to me and looked up to see the disappearing direction of the northern meteor. After the shooting star disappeared, the child shook his head and sighed, then turned his head to look at me.

At this glance, I could see goose bumps layer by layer! Although I don't know the child's appearance, I am very familiar with the look! The child's eyes clearly belonged to Liu Ye!

I understand at a glance, this child is the sixth man after reincarnation! So, are all the meteors you just saw,

Although I am not sure, but I am sure that the last meteor is the concubine of Liu Ye! Because I still remember clearly the first time I saw Liuye, just for Beishan! And that meteor just fell on Beishan!

Thinking of this, I subconsciously shouted at the child: "Liu Ye?" Liu Ye, the children's version, heard me this time and turned to look at me again. But at this time, a child appeared on the earth bag in the distance. He didn't know what he said in the direction of Sixth Lord. The child looked as old as the sixth man should be. He looked back in which direction, and then ran towards the child on the earth bag without looking back, and then disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I subconsciously chased in the direction where the six lords ran. However, before I ran two steps, it suddenly became dark, and suddenly it became dark again.

I was angry in my heart, stomping my foot in place and cursing impatiently in my mouth: "Fuck!" Off the ground. I frowned slightly, and said what was called, but shook my head helplessly and got up again.

But I didn't expect that I suddenly felt a sense of dizziness after getting up this time, and it was another "stump" that didn't stand and fell to the ground again. I scolded the sentence girl impatiently, shook my head, and said, "What's wrong with me? Why did I suddenly feel dizzy?" Could it be that the swordman who had been slashing the dragon sword was beaten back and injured? However, after trying hard for a while, I found that not only was there no injury, but the body that was in severe pain did not know when it would not hurt.

Was already wondering, and suddenly there was a feeling of turning around, but this time, even the water on the river was shaking, and the trees not far away were shaking too!

Almost at the same time, the sky in the distance suddenly flashed a strange blue light silently! Then the whole sky was covered with that strange color, accompanied by the tremor of the earth, just like the end!