The Tale Never Ends

v8 Chapter 4: Climbing the tomb

It seems that the way I want to get out of this formation should be the way I think about it, so I walked to the side of the confused side Dashou.

At this time, Bian Dashou was already very difficult, and he was neither going back nor going back. I smiled bitterly for a moment, and then thought about reaching out and grabbing a hand from Bian Dashou. Bian Dashou was shocked by such a catch! Then he looked around, but he couldn't see the person holding his hand. Jia Huan and Li Cheng beside him also saw this scene, and they all looked at Bian Dashou with doubt. Jia Huan moved forward and asked, "Sir, what's the matter?"

Bianbian was even more puzzled, looking at his raised hand out of nowhere, at a loss. I stretched out the other hand to spread out Bian Dashou's hand, and then stretched out a finger to mark the eight words "without heart, no way to open" in his palm.

Bianbian looked at his palm with his eyebrows tightly, as if to realize what I wrote, and suddenly he realized after a while! Then he told Jia Huan: "Tell everyone, close your eyes and go straight, don't open your eyes anyway! Just consider the direction of the **** down the foot until you walk out of this forest!" Although Jia Huan was puzzled, the master couldn't help but talk , So the original words were communicated to everyone. Everyone was even more puzzled after hearing it, but before anyone could raise any doubt, Bian Dashou walked towards the front.

It's still a bit of a brain to think about Da Shou here. He wanted to come up with what I thought of, and had long guessed whether this would be a certain formation. After all, if it is a ghost hitting a wall, I am afraid that there is no ghost hitting a wall in this world, and everyone knows the law of Qiankun, so it is not within his consideration. Until I gave the hint, Bian Dashou should have fully understood it, at least in terms of the joy on his face.

Sure enough, as I thought, everyone walked with their eyes closed for about half an hour, and they could already see the steep mountain wall in front of them! Seeing that it had come out of the puzzle, a stone in my heart also fell to the ground. It seems that my guess was right. So I stepped forward and patted Bian Dashou's shoulder. Bian Dashou was taken aback by this shot. I opened my eyes subconsciously and looked at the mountain wall not far in front of me. Then I turned and greeted everyone: "Let everyone open their eyes! Let's go Out!"

Everyone opened their eyes one after another, and everyone was relieved. Then someone sat on the snow and said: "We finally came out!" Bian Dashou called Li Cheng and asked, "How far?" Li Cheng should say, Back to: "Go back to Master, you will come from this cliff." Bian Dashou looked up at the cliff in front of him, and nodded, "We're going up from here!" The people behind replied extremely reluctantly: " Yes"

I looked up and looked at the cliff. It was quite steep. Although it was not straight up and down, the snow on the cliff was thick and covered with dry vines. Although this cliff is not high, the top of the cliff should look like a relatively flat place, but there is basically no one here, let alone climbed up. Bian Dashou and others also made troubles, Li Cheng said at this time: "Adults don't worry, although the cliff looks steep, but it has a lot of protrusions, it is not a problem to climb." Bian Dashou nodded, first step towards Climbed up the steep wall.

The steepness of this cliff is just a **** where people can't walk up with both feet. They must use both hands and feet to climb up. All the people present were in their prime. Although they had traveled all the way in the snow, they were still physically strong enough to climb. It took a moment for the big sack to reach the top of the cliff.

I saw that Bian Dashou had already reached the top, so I was too lazy to control the life and death of the man, and immediately stepped on my feet and flew up. While Da Bian was still coming up one by one on the cliff, I looked around the cliff.

The cliff is very flat, and the wall is still forward, as if the whole rock was cut in half. The whole terrain is completely surrounded by a trend, and the trees are hidden and hidden. The rocky soil layer is mixed on the front of the mountain wall, and the irregular caves of large and small like caves can be clearly seen. Of course, these caves have already been filled. If you want to come here, it should be the tomb of Chen Yixuan. What surprised me a little was that the tombs were all excavated caves, but they didn't have the kind of buildings like the underground palace and tomb gate I imagined. The concealment of these tombs will never be found if it is not so deliberately sought.

Sighed in my heart, and I also opened my spirit eyes, wanting to see how the gas flow is going here. My eyebrows were wrinkled when my eyes opened! The air of the dragon vein in my eyes flows from west to east like a river. However, there is no reason why there is a kind of hostility in this dragon vein. It was the kind of hostility I felt before, but just standing here and looking at it, the hostility was especially strong.

A strange sensation rose in my heart, and I lifted up in the air and opened the spirit eyes and looked down. It was then discovered that when the entire section of Dragon Vessel Qi arrived here, a strange cyclone was formed above the tomb of the cave, and that impulsive gas was drawn into the cyclone from all directions and mixed in the Dragon Vessel Aura. As a whole, when the Dragon Vessel walked here, it made several turns at the location of this tomb, and then it continued to meander towards the east. However, the air of the dragon vein coming out of this cyclone is completely integrated with the hostile energy in the cyclone!

After a long time, I talked about it with my dad, and my dad told me that Li Zicheng's anger in the dragon vein was the proof of his cruelty. The Dragon Vessel will be affected by all the venom of the Dragon Vein users, which is why the Dragon Vein will decay, absorbing all kinds of corrupt gases brought by the users all year round, and the original pure Dragon Vein will gradually become cloudy and finally dry up. This anger is actually produced by Li Ziwei, and the cyclone is where the dragon veins are located. The qi of the dragon veins is mixed with that qi, and the whole dragon becomes a fierce dragon, bloodthirsty. According to my dad, Xiang Yu's dragon veins were like this, but Xiang Yu was much heavier and more aggressive than Li Zicheng's, and gradually suppressed the spirit of the dragon veins. In the end, Xiang Yu had to be cut off.

Was far away, and said back to the entrance of Li Zicheng's family tomb. In my heart, I watched with anxiety as everyone climbed the cliff. Bian Dazhu recruited Li Cheng and asked, "Which of these tombs is the tomb of Li Shouzhong, the father of the rogue?" Li Cheng stepped forward: "Master At that time, when there was a burial, there were three holes. Li Jia chose one of them to bury. The hole was dim with a black bowl palm light. When filling the hole, the black bowl was filled in the hole together, as long as the black bowl was dug out I found it. "

Bianbian nodded and waved her hand: "Do it!" With the order, the people behind could only lift the shovel no longer

Although the hole excavated in the tomb was on the ground, the tomb was excavated downward, so the more the digging began, the more it began to go down. After the digging, only someone inside called out, "Adult, there is no black bowl!" Deep, it must have been inside the tomb, and the sound came out dull. Bian Dashou ordered again, the next one!

In this way, a group of people dug up six graves and found no black bowl. At this time the moon was already overhead, and it was very late. Bian Dashou saw the sky was too late, and there was heavy snow, and he had no choice but to order to rest in the tomb already dug.

Everyone, like the amnesty, was all spread out, and then one by one entered the tombs that had been dug out, and a moment later, there was light in the tombs.

I stood in the mountains surrounded by four sides, looking at the inexplicable feeling in the heart of the rolling trees on the mountains. I always felt that there was something strange in the mountains above the tomb, but it was hard to see clearly because it was snowing again at night. I shrugged helplessly, flew again, and stood at the height of the mountain, so that I was bathed in the endless stream of long qi. A wonderful feeling suddenly came from all directions. I can't describe that feeling. If I had to describe it, it would be like a fish entering the sea! This dragon vein is really not covered. Mountains and rivers are in the sky and underground, and all the essence is in it. I even felt in a trance the cosmic flood, mountains and rivers, birds and animals, people coming and going! I can't describe this magical feeling in words, just like being integrated with the dragon vein.

But this is just a moment, and then I felt a sense of rejection from the dragon veins. It seems that this dragon vein does not welcome me. Maybe only Li Zizi can be accepted by this dragon vein.

Tragically returned to the entrance of the tomb, and searched among the six tombs, only to find the crypt where Bian Dashou was located. Among these tombs, only Bian Dashou, Jia Huan, and Li Cheng were sitting at the campfire without saying a word, and the entire tomb was so quiet that only the crackling sound of the campfire.

However, in the sound of this campfire burst, I seem to hear some extremely tiny "Ahaha"