The Tale Never Ends

v8 Chapter 5: Late night crisis

The crackling sound of the bonfire masked the other sounds in the tomb. The three people at the edge of the bonfire obviously thought about each other, and did not notice the strange sound in the tomb.

I know that this situation is not a joke! Although I haven't encountered this kind of thing before, I have never eaten pork before and have seen a pig run! We haven't seen "Tomb Raider Notes", we haven't seen "Ghost Blowing Lamp", nor have we seen "Kowloon Sky Coffin"! According to common sense, this is the sign of "Zongzi"! Although only the zombies in Lin Zhengying ’s version would yell “ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh with with with the zombie screaming, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Big Dasi is now facing away from the coffin, about three meters away from the coffin. The whole burial chamber is not too big, and that kind of voice echoed on the back of Bian Dashou's head, but he didn't know it! While I was feeling tight in my heart, I suddenly heard the voice of a person outside the tomb suddenly sounded, "I am dropping grandma!"

This voice is extremely miserable, like a ghost. The three Bian Dashou were awakened by the sound at the same time. Then the three of them got up and walked outside. Jia Huan walked and shouted outside: "What's wrong? What's going on?" I also hurried out of the tomb, and I saw that a buddy was pointing his pants at the cliff above his head. Everyone looked up at the cliff, and the moonlight just shone on the cliff. Under the reflection of the moonlight, a row of burly figures stood densely on the cliff, and with the moonlight on his back, he could not see what it was. But you can know it by imagination, there will be nothing else, it must be the snow mandrill! In front of the moonlight, I can't see the front of the snow mandrill. I can only see a pair of eyes with blue-gray light in the silhouette of the silhouette.

But somehow, although there are a lot of snow mandrills, they are not attacking in the direction of the crowd, but just watching on the top of the cliff like a vulture waiting for a dead body. At this time, the gourd in the pocket shook twice. I took the gourd out of my pocket, only to hear the sound of Lin Mandula coming from the gourd: "Master, those snow mands will not come here, they dare not enter this tomb!" I was shocked. How to forget Lin Mang! He is also a mandrill! Then I asked: "How do you know they dare not come in?" Lin Xiao said for a moment, "Although it is not the same race, but it is also the same kind. I can understand their voices, they are now calculating, these people Once you leave the tomb area, you will eat it all! "

I said "Oh?" And asked, "Tuzi, how much do you know about these snow mands?" The name "Tu Zi" is what I usually call Lin Manduan. . Lin Mandold pondered again, and then replied: "We have many types of mandrills, but there are only few left now. Lin Mands and Snow Mands are different. Our bodies are thin and small, but we can pass through jungles and rivers and lakes. But Snow Mands are different. Different, snow mandrills are born with snow, and snow is no mandrills. But snow mandrills are like our mandrills. Such a vast land of dragon veins cannot be entered without being led by the righteous men. It ’s just that this is not a place where there is snow all the year round. I do n’t know how this snow mand appears here. "

I nodded and said, "That is to say, as long as there is no consent of the people who speak, these snow mands dare not enter this cemetery, right?" Lin Mant said firmly: "Yes, not only them. If not, I can't get in because of the host's protection! "I nodded, and then walked to the frightened crowd, patted the shoulders of Dashou gently, and then dragged the right hand of Dashou. Therefore, the technique was reapplied, and "Dragon Vein Eye, Demon Fear" was written in Bian Dashou's palm again.

Obei this time quickly recognized the words I wrote, and he was relieved. Seeing him understand, I did not stay much, but quickly returned to the tomb. There may be a master in the tomb!

Following my footsteps, the three people Bian Dashou entered the tomb again, and sat back to the campfire again. I was standing next to the coffin at this time. The sound insulation of the wooden coffin was not good. Through the coffin board, I could hear some chilling sounds inside! It seems that I heard correctly that the master in this coffin got popular after the tomb was dug up and was dead! You have to know that this is where the Dragon's Eye is, this place is dead! That's not a joke. If you don't do it, you'll jump out of the coffin!

Fortunately, the nails on the coffin were not decaying, and they were nailed to the lid of the coffin. However, after a long time, this wooden coffin has decayed, and this time, when the tomb is opened and air is poured into it, the coffin will obviously decay faster.

I lie on the lid of the coffin and listened to it. The sound made by the man in the coffin was still very weak, not as sharp and powerful as I thought. This was the bottom of my mind, and then pinched a sword finger, reached for the fingertip of the sword on the flame of the campfire, and then used the finger to quickly draw a "scorpion charm" on the coffin lid.

I don't use the town corpse symbol in general, er, I haven't actually used it at all. I have used it once before, but that time the corpse was posted by a living person, that is, when I was just in contact with the gossip teaching, so in theory, I am not sure whether it is good or not. But it is better than nothing. Just in case, the coffins in the six tombs were all painted with corpse charms.

Although the town corpse was painted on the coffin, it did not stop the voices of Limen. During this time, everyone should have heard the strange sounds, but everyone did n’t mention it. Ancient people were superstitious, and these people should all know what was in the coffin, but no one dared to say it. It wasn't until the first morning light in the morning that the moans in the coffin stopped abruptly. Maybe it was Lawton along the way, maybe the tense nerves were relieved in the sleep, and everyone was sleeping like a dead pig. Even Bian Dashou didn't mean to wake up. I walked to Bian Dashou's helplessly and patted him twice.

Bianbei opened his eyes cautiously, but saw nothing. Standing up and looking around, he saw two black charcoal words "work" beside the campfire charcoal in front of him. Bian Dashou was sober from his sleepy eyes and pushed Jia Huan on the other side.

Bian Dashou also knows that although he ca n’t see it, there is someone who is protecting him, but because he does n’t know the details, he still has n’t let anyone see the two words I wrote. Too.

When the sun rose, everyone started the work of "digging graves and digging graves". I stood on the side boringly and watched these people dig out the graves one by one, and then dig one by one in disappointment.

At about noon, a villager suddenly shouted, "Adult! I found it!" I looked in that direction and saw that the man was holding a black bowl with mud in his hand. Shouting in the direction of the cogwheel. Bian Dashou and others saw that the Black Bowl all rushed up. At this time, Li Cheng took the Black Bowl and looked around for a while, then nodded and said, "Yes, this is the bowl! Li Shouzhong's coffin is in this tomb!" Bian Da Suddenly overjoyed, he greeted the tomb dug into the Black Bowl with his finger: "Dig!" Everyone was excited when they heard the news, and all of them had enough energy to dig, and the days of fear and fear finally came to an end. I also want to see what kind of master Li Shouzhong is.

The villagers shouted the slogan "One! Two! One! Two!" They dug hard at the fill on the tomb door, but Bian Dasui narrowed her eyes thoughtfully. I know what he is thinking. From the beginning to the end, I have not seen the sword that cuts the dragon in Bian Dashou's hand. He was thinking, after the tomb was opened, the Dragon Sword was not in his hand, and there might be some danger.

But I was not nervous in my heart. Li Zicheng's family is a poor family. Even a decent palace cannot be built, so there must be no organ traps. To speak dangerously, Li Zicheng's old man Li Shouzhong suddenly jumped out of the corpse from the inside is considered dangerous, but even if it pops out, there is no danger in the presence of me. I laughed while thinking, took out a cigarette and lit it up.

Just after the cigarette was smoked, he heard the villagers shouting: "Dig through! Dig through!" Bian Dashou was amazed and woke up from contemplation. Then he waved in with Jia Huan and others grave. I also stamped out the smoke and followed Bian Dashou into the tomb, adjusted to the dim light inside, and the scene in front of me surprised me!

I saw that the tomb is like any other tomb. There is a fairly new coffin in the tomb, but a huge elm tree grows on the coffin!