The Tale Never Ends

v8 Chapter 6: Li Shouzhong

Seeing this scene in front of me, I suddenly remembered that the old man Chen Yixuan did say in the story that an elm tree grew on Li Shouzhong's tomb. But I never thought that this elm tree actually grew on the coffin!

I saw this tree as if it were a living person sitting on a coffin. The roots of the tree meandered around the entire coffin and then extended into the soil under the coffin. You know, this is a dark tomb, this elm tree can grow so luxuriantly, even the entire tomb can't accommodate this elm tree! I opened my spiritual eyes and looked towards the elm tree. Under the spiritual eyes, the elm tree was filled with a strong anger and mixed with this dragon vein. The branches and leaves of the elm tree were lush, but the whole body showed a color between black and purple. When someone reached out and touched, the branches and leaves of the elm tree were still shaking and dodge like living things. Looking at the trunk of the elm tree, the shape is weird and crooked, and the trunk of the tree is staggered, and there is a kind of weirdness that can't be said.

Seeing this tree growing in this place, and seeing it still move, the first reaction in my heart turned out to be the nine-headed snake cypress in The Tomb Robber's Notes, but then I thought about this tree is not a cypress tree, It's elm. The elm tree is happy and has strange appearance, so since ancient times, many legendary monsters have been elm trees. Seeing this strange elm tree in front of me, it wasn't just me. Bian Dashou and all the others were stunned on the spot. At this time, Jia Huan whispered to Da Dashou: "Master, how is this good?"

Bian Dashou relieved himself from the shock, and he could not pay attention for a while. At this time, the doubt in my heart was raised, and I said that there was no reason why Dayu could not see that this elm tree was the root of the dragon veins. This elm tree was growing in the eyes of the dragon veins to absorb the essence of the dragon veins. Then as long as the tree is destroyed, I can think of it without using the spirit eyes, can't I really think of this? At the same time, I also began to wonder, here is the big sword is the user of the dragon sword. I have seen him in the cloud before, how did it become like a mortal?

Bianbian pondered for a long time, and finally decided to say in general: "Cut!" Jia Huan waved towards the people behind him, and all the villagers took out the axe behind their waist and rushed towards the strange elm. However, the elm tree seemed to have life, and it started to tremble.

Everyone saw the branches and leaves of the elm tree tremble, and they were so scared that they didn't dare to go any further. Bian Dashou didn't know what to do when he saw this scene beside me. I frowned and pushed from behind him. Bian Dazhu was pushed by me like this, staggering forward, and then subconsciously looked behind him, but saw nothing. He immediately understood that I meant to let him cut. Bian Dazhu groaned slightly, but nodded slightly at the invisible person behind him, then turned and walked towards the elm.

Grabbed an axe in one's hand, and Bian Dashe walked under the elm tree without hesitation, lifted the axe and cut it on the trunk of the elm tree! This cut is not small, it is not small, the whole elm canopy began to twitch quickly after it was cut, as if suffering a terrible pain! At the same time as the first cut of the trunk by Bian Dashou, the spirit of the dragon veins and the anger in the cut of the trunk in the spirit eyes poured out, as if the bucket was cut!

Then the big dagger lifted the axe again, and the cut that had been cut was a few inches deeper. The air of the dragon veins in the tree was flowing like a spring, and disappeared in an instant. At the same time, the tree began to wither quickly from the branches, and the tree began to wither gradually as the edge of the satin was cut at once. Others saw that nothing happened to their master's tree, and they all stepped forward to raise their axes.

After a while, the whole elm tree was cut off by the waist while everyone shouted! With a click, the trunk leaned backward and fell. From the stump that was cut off, a huge flood of dragon veins burst forth! Almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, the entire stump and the fallen trunk withered, and eventually turned into an ashes-like thing left in place.

The big scorpion ordered people to clean up the dead tree roots, and then saw a bit of new and old wooden coffin placed there. Bian Dashou waved his hand and said, "Open the coffin!" At this time I know that if according to the description of Chen Yixuan, then the following is the white snake that emerged after opening the coffin.

Sure enough, at the moment when the lid of the coffin was pushed open, a white shadow shot straight from the coffin and almost rushed to the top of the tomb. Then, the white shadow fell and fell back into the coffin again, and everyone saw that the white shadow turned out to be a white snake more than a foot long!

It is also unclear to say that it is a white snake, because the head of this snake is really like the story, it has turned into a dragon! I saw the half-dragon and half-snake's mouth spit out bright red snake letters from time to time. Sure enough, the dragon hadn't been completely transformed, and the snake's nature was still there! At this time, Bian Dashou changed the image of previous wastes, and reached out and grabbed the half-dragon and half-snake in the coffin in his hand! Only then did I see that the two eyes of this half-dragon and half-snake were really different. The left eye looks like a torch, glancing vigorously at all the people in front of it, while the right eye looks only in one direction, just like ordinary snake eyes.

Bei Dawei waved his hand, and Jia Huan handed over a brocade box. Bian Dashou reached out and stuffed the white snake into the brocade box and locked it, then exhaled. However, I did not have the tone of Panasonic at this time, because things were really like what Chen Yixuan said, when I accidentally looked down at the coffin, I was seeing the corpses in the coffin at a speed visible to the naked eye. Black hair quickly grew! I said to my mother, what a black zombie!

At this time, some other people also saw the changes in the corpse in the coffin and screamed: "Great adult! Look!" Said, pointing to the coffin. Bian Dashou looked down and was shocked! The corpse in the coffin that had been rotten and invisible, now grew long black hair! Just like a beast, there is no hairless place from head to toe! Bian Dashou said in horror: "Hurry! Take it out and burn!"

The villagers looked at each other, and no one moved. One was fear, and the other was disgusting. The corpse water and carrion in the coffin turned into a pile of stench. At this time Jia Huan urged: "What are you still doing? Hurry!" At this time, a villager whispered to the people around her: "Let's get this dead body out quickly. I heard that the long black hair is about to get up! Later, we all have to let the zombies bite to death! "As he said, the two villagers stretched out their arms and sleeves towards the coffin.

Just when the hands of the two of them reached into the coffin, they suddenly became so bad! I saw that the black-haired corpse in the coffin suddenly moved. The original stiff body made a "click and click" motion, and grabbed the hand reaching into the coffin! The villager was so scared that he fell to the ground with a cry, and pulled out his arm while falling. But whoever wanted it, the black-haired hand grabbed his arm like pliers. He twitched back with such a hand, and even sat up with the black-haired zombie lying in the coffin!

Almost instantly, I heard the horrified howling of everyone present! I saw that the big black-haired zombie in the coffin was covered with black hair. There were two rows of fangs vaguely visible under the black hair. There was no eyeball in the eyes of a pair of black holes! Through the chill of the sensation, there was a "click" sound in the throat of the black-haired zombie that was more unpleasant than the teeth of the mouse!

Everything happened between electric flint. I saw that the black-haired zombie raised his head and opened his mouth, and he was on the forearm holding the man! The man was frightened at first, and the scream that hadn't ended was turned into a scream in an instant! At the same time I saw where the man was bitten, and a trace of black veins began to spread towards the arm! Bian Dashou was so swift and quick that he lifted the axe in his hand that he had not put down. He only heard a "click" and the man's forearm broke. Then the villager who had his arm cut off kicked his leg and passed out.

At this time, all the people in the tomb screamed and rushed out of the cave, leaving only Bian Dashou and the villager who was cut off and collapsed!

Turned his head to look at the black-haired zombie sitting in the coffin, I don't know when he had stood up! The broken hand holding the man's broken hand in the black claws is still nibbling, and at this time the broken amputated hand has been completely blackened and rotten, and black blood is still dripping down with the nibbling! Bian Dashou's face was blue and he was about to turn and run away. The black-haired zombie standing in the coffin seemed to be irritated. He roared "vomiting" as if he had smoked twenty cigarettes and then picked up his voice. Bian Dashou turned his head subconsciously, and saw a dark shadow passing over the head with this fishy wind, and the black-haired zombie "popped" fell to the entrance of the tomb, blocking Bian Dashou's way!