The Tale Never Ends

v9 Chapter 11: Touch the tiger ass

"For what?" Everyone spoke in unison. I smiled and said: "Zhang Zhigui's brain is not very easy to use. It can make Zhang Zhigui do such a thing to spoof us, indicating that someone encouraged Zhang Zhigui to let him lie to us."

Lin Feng scratched his head and asked me: "Who the **** are you?" Zheng Shuang stood up from Mazha with a thigh and said, "That's what happened!" Everyone looked at Zheng Shuang again and asked, "You know it is What's going on? "Zheng Shuang nodded and said:" I also heard what Brother Yan said just before I fully understood. Zhang Zhigui really had a hard time, so Yan Brother said he couldn't just stand by! Zhang Zhigui's purpose is to trick you into Yishui. Do something unknown, but this Zhang Zhigui did it because he was deceived by others. And the person who deceived him must be someone he trusts very much, even those around him. From this perspective of thinking Consider that Zhang Zhigui ’s current situation is indeed very dangerous. There is a person with unintentional intentions hidden around him. I heard you said that Zhang Zhigui ’s fight against another cult organization is similar to our previous fight against the Bagua religion. So this is hidden beside Zhang Zhigui The person is probably the cult person! "

I snapped my fingers and said, "Yes, that's what I meant." Lin Feng looked at me and Zheng Shuang stupefiedly, and said after a while: "You two are Detective Conan !?" The clothing corner said confidently: "What Conan, I am the Chinese version of Sherlock Holmes, OK!" I smirked: "Then I am the spirit world Conan Doyle!" Zheng Shuang was stunned by me, and then Turned around and said: "Brother Yan, don't take you to chat like this!"

Now that we understand Zhang Zhigui's intention to write a letter, we are not in a hurry to go to Yishui. Seeing that one afternoon passed, my stomach started to quarrel to eat. I looked at my watch and it was more than six o'clock in the afternoon. I asked everyone: "It's time to eat, what are we going to eat at night? I treat them, and it's a guilt for the missing for the past few days." The elder sister jumped up from the sofa and said: Hot Pot!"

At the request of my elder sister, we came to a self-service rotating hot pot restaurant. For non-human beings like elders, her food intake is the most suitable for this kind of buffet. You have to know that with the amount of meals of the elder sister, the trickle is usually for a night, which is enough to eat all the other seven of us. Yuanyuan and Xiaoyu didn't say that they only lost money by eating self-service. Chongxi and Xiaobaihua were still able to barely pay back. Lin Feng and Zheng Shuang were not as good as Xiao Baihua. So I can only rely on my elder sister to eat back the cost.

Faced with a dazzling array of ingredients, the elder sister looked dazzled. After all, in her eyes, meat is meat, never thinking of meat divided into beef, sheep, tenderloin and ham. Although she has stepped into human society, her understanding of society is still at the level of a preschool child. In other words, the elder sister is no different from a three-year-old kid who can be abducted with a burger.

A man at the next table was walking towards our table with a rogue. From the position where he sits, you can see the face of the elder sister. The appearance of the elder sister has already been said before, so it is self-evident why this guy came over. This man is cold and his shirt is naked. Although the weather is warm in the hot pot restaurant, the real reason for his shirtless is not to be hot but to show the skin and shrimp on his body.

I saw this Pi Pi shrimp walked to the elder sister with a rogue step, leaned down and smiled: "Sister, I haven't seen you before. Can you leave a WeChat?" He asked, "What is WeChat?" The little hooligan thought that the elder sister said this intentionally, and was unwilling to add his WeChat. Looking at our table again, men and women, all lowered their heads and did not speak, only Zheng Shuang looked up at him with his head raised. So he thought that everyone at our table was afraid, only Zheng Shuang was a bit of a bone. So the little hooligan deliberately shook his shoulder and showed Zheng Shuang the shrimp on his body as a threat.

Seeing no one at our table, he said nothing. He just ate on his own, and the little rogue began to be proud again. He leaned down and grabbed the elder sister's shoulder and said, "Sister, it's okay not to leave WeChat, you see." He said, he pointed to the building opposite the window and said, "I have a VIP in the hotel opposite, and we have a good night Chat? "

His words, the elder sister basically did not understand. I looked up at the little hooligan's sly expression, looked down at the little hooligan's hand on his shoulder, blinked twice and asked me, "Brother, who is he?" I looked up and answered with a smile: "No Know. "The elder nodded thoughtfully and asked again:" What did he just mean? "I said profoundly:" Old lady, have you ever heard of a word called 'teasing'? "

The rogue listened to me, and was anxious. A shot at the table said: "Hey! You guys are kind! Do you know that you are dead?" He said, and all the people in the room laughed out loudly. The elder sister didn't even care about the hooligans, after all, wild animals and people are different. Didn't you laugh when you saw the teddy dog ​​day? But the little hooligan was angry when he saw everyone present at him as a joke! I picked up the half-drinked beer bottle on our table and knocked it on the corner of the table, knocked off the bottom of the bottle and shook off the beer foam in the bottle, pointed at my head and said: "Little boy, you have to do it today Lie down for me "

Didn't wait for him to finish, "banging". The elder kicked the little hooligan out with a kick, and kicked back directly to his table. Even the people brought the table to the store wall. The same gangsters who were drinking at the same table with him were unlucky.

The elder sister stood up coolly and said in a cold tone: "I can't understand what you are talking about, and I don't need to understand. But you can't bully my younger brother! Hurry up, otherwise I will ask you Xiaoming! "At the same time, Qing Lan Jian has also appeared in the hands of the elder sister.

The hooligans got up from the ground. The guy who had molested the elder sister was violently thunderous, too late to think about the sword from the elder sister's hand. Shouted: "Sao ladies, I will kill you today! Brother a few, go!" The elder sister no longer has to spend much time talking about her. I quickly reached out and grabbed my elder sister's sword, and then turned to look at Xiao Baihua and said, "Good wife, smooth them."

Other diners in the hot pot restaurant also got up and looked here, but the battle of rogue fights is no longer common, so everyone on the scene forgot to take out their mobile phones to record videos. Xiao Baihua smiled at me, then got up and switched to bandit mode in the surprised and frightened eyes of the diners

The rogues who were still clamoring suddenly turned into screams. Seeing that all the little hooligans couldn't get up on the ground, Xiao Baihua smiled with satisfaction and changed back to the mode of a good wife, and sat back beside me. A few hooligans saw the wicked women who beat them, and the guy who had previously molested the elder sister hurriedly took out her mobile phone and dialed the number. I thought he would say "Big Brother, I was beaten!" Or "Call brothers to help!" And so on after the call was connected. Unexpectedly, after the phone was connected, the little rogue's words made me laugh. "Hey! Police! I was beaten at the buffet hot pot opposite the county hospital"

He was still interrupted without saying anything. He grabbed his mobile phone in one hand and put it in his ear: "Ah, it's okay. It's me, Zheng Shuang. This group of silly x hit the gun, yes Help the bastard. "After finishing, Zheng Shuang threw the phone on the ground regardless of whether the phone was hung or not. "Slap", the fruit phone was shattered. Before waiting for the little hooligan to say anything badly, Zheng Shuang took out the police officer's card from his pocket and opened it on the face of the little hooligan: "The captain of the criminal police team without end." The certificate was terrified! Zheng Shuang chuckled and said, "Dare to touch the tiger's buttocks so much as you should feel, you are the first."

The hooligan looked at me with tears and said, "You are all police !?" Chong Xi walked in front of the hooligan with a smile, deliberately stepped on the broken mobile phone and grinded hard: "Brother , You usually do n’t watch TV. ”(We have basically made a name on Endless TV, but anyone who watches TV twice will not be strange to us)

Such a trouble, we can no longer eat hot pot quietly in the hot pot restaurant. Even if we think, it is estimated that the owner of the hot pot restaurant will not agree. So a few of us got up and walked toward the door. As soon as I pushed the door, I ran into a person's nose.