The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 388: Tu Xiupei's End 2

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Tu Xiupei only felt that she was going crazy. There were hundreds of people watching outside the realm, and she was tortured by so many men inside, which was even more humiliating than when in prison.

"She is possessed by the monster and **** on the man's energy." Someone shouted loudly.

"Phoenix girl becomes demon girl, will I die Nan Xiao?"

"So is she a phoenix or a demon, is she saved or not?"

"I can't save it if I want to save it. I don't see a demon gas blocking us. Feng Nu's figure is so good. I really want to touch it."

"So I want to touch it, and when the demon dissipates, let the demon girl do it for you."

"I can come with Feng Nu once, and I am willing to die."


There were all kinds of voices outside the enchantment. Women and children were ordered to go home to hide, while most men ran to see the scene of the scene. A few men with self-discipline left the town.

Tu Xiupei didn't know how long it took. Men came one after another, but she didn't know how tired or painful, but she became more and more mental, like a person on the verge of death, and suddenly took a panacea.

But the man was tired again and again. The people who had been congested and excited gradually lost their vitality, and then died one by one as if they were inhaled.

Outside the circle, there are still many people watching, looking at the man who is dying, and looking at the more charming, more beautiful Tu Xiupei, all affirmed that she is a fox, she is a demon girl, and she is the demon girl that scourges the country and the people.

Panic pervaded the heads of the crowd. They were guarding this enchantment, thinking that they would find an opportunity to kill Tu Xiupei, the demon girl.

Qi Shujie came here six or seven times during this period, and he had long lost everything, but he still wanted to be congested there. Some sober, he asked Tu Xiupei fiercely, and was just pushed away by another man when he was done. Faintly sat on the ground.

"Pe ... Peer." Qi Shujie looked up at Tu Xiupei, who was scented with aroma. She was tortured by a man, and the expression on her face was enjoyable, but those beautiful apricot eyes were full of despair. .


As the man yelled comfortably, he slammed, fell to the side, lost his breath, and his wide eyes were somewhat seeping, but the expression on his face was satisfied.

Qi Shujie watched another man go up, and Tu Xiupei was forced to torture again and again like a wooden man.

This weird picture made Qi Shujie more awake. He is a senior Lingzong. After venting, he becomes more awake. Looking at this scene at this time makes him soberly aware that this scene is not superficially simple.

I haven't figured it out, somewhere is congested again, shouting to rush to the only woman, Tu Xiupei!

Qi Shujie bit his tongue, and the pain made him awake again. After seeing another man dying, he looked at the congested place. After a while, he was afraid that if he got on, would the next dead person be him?

Tu Xiupei looked at Qi Shujie's direction and smiled strangely. He smiled even more with blood.

Sober Qi Shujie didn't dare to go up, but he couldn't help but want to step forward, watching another man go up, and soon died on Tu Xiupei's body, shocking his body.

This is a goblin who **** on the spirit of a man!

"Brother." Tu Xiupei voiced charmingly, sitting up slowly, ticking her fingers at Qi Shujie and smiling, "You're the one, come soon."