The Tempestuous Consort – Wilfully Pampered by the Beastly Highness

Chapter 927: Shen Yunya poisoned Xi Jin

Biquge, the fastest update of the fierce concubine: the beastly lord, be the latest chapter!

Time passed by a little bit. Seeing that the quarter of an hour was about to pass, Ruier could not calm down anymore. For her, Qige and Miss were very important people, one was a young girl and one was a life-saving benefactor.

She looked up angrily and looked at the quiet tea, as if she didn't have Feng Tianlan, she was more anxious.

"It's a quarter of an hour, do you think about it?" Feng Tianlan put down the tea cup in his hand and looked at Ruier coolly.

"I ..." Ruier hesitated.

"Water Margin, order to go and make dumplings ..."

Ruier anxiously interrupted Feng Tianlan's words, shaking her voice, "I promise you."

Qige, that has been dependent on each other since she remembered, and the three golds in her arms hurt her heart. In these years, she has not been stable. She is always afraid that her mother will find Qige's existence and then kill him.

Moreover, although she had no father and mother since she was a child, Qige has taught her that people cannot do things contrary to conscience. When she did such a thing, she was really sorry for her conscience and Qige.

"As long as you get things done, your little lover will be fine." Feng Tianlan chuckled and chuckled. She hadn't killed the innocent yet. Although she had revenge, she had her own bottom line.

"What do you want me to do?" Ruier clenched her fists, she had no choice.

"After I died that year, how did Shen Yunya handle my body?" Feng Tianlan looked at Ruier coldly and asked coldly.

Ruier lowered her head and bit her lower lip, and it took a while to say, "I only know that your mother has hidden your body, but I don't know the exact location."

"What did she hide the corpse?" Feng Tianlan's eyes were colder, hiding, and showing off to her corpse when she was fine?

"My mother didn't say, and I don't know where to hide."

Feng Tianlan raised her eyebrows and stared coldly. Ruier, who was so handsome, looked at, "How much did you participate in that year?"

"From beginning to end." Rui Er did not deny that she always felt that Feng Tianlan's eyes could not lie in front of her as if she could see through.

Feng Tianlan looked at her coldly, "Shen Yunya has done all these years, tell what you know."

Ruier bit her lip, thinking about what she could say and what she couldn't say, but Feng Tianlan's cold eyes looked at her with horror, as if in front of her, she looked like nothing.

Thinking of Qige's situation, Ruier hesitated for a while, then began to talk about these three years.

"The dumplings that the prince ate at that time were not only your meat, but also a confusing elixir ..."

"Easy elixir?" Feng Tianlan wondered what this elixir was. She hadn't heard of it. Unfortunately, Liuli wasn't there, or she could ask Liuli what the medicine was.

"Even if you take this elixir, your temperament will change greatly, you will lose your mind, and you will become dependent on the person you see at first sight. You will always take her first, and you will be full of trust in that person's words."

Feng Tianlan looked at Ruier in amazement. This was Xi Jin's sudden change of temper. No matter what Shen Yunya said, she would believe, and once there was something, she liked to discuss with Shen Yunya, wasn't it because she died?

"How could she practise this insidious medicine?" Feng Tianlan's eyes were even colder, and she couldn't believe it. Shen Yunya even prescribed this medicine to Xi Jin.

"At that time, the mother-in-law was trying to make this medicine. She wanted the prince to see her at first glance, and she liked her, but she didn't know what the reason was, she failed in the prince, and she obviously succeeded in the medicinal ginger. "