The Third Reich

Chapter 1768: Jet interceptor bomber

"One hundred kilometers, enter the bombing route." Captain William shouted in the sky.

In the blue sea, we can already see the white sprays on the distant sea. In front of each spray, there is a warship sailing. The entire formation is so huge on the sea.

Hundreds of warships!

The distance of one hundred kilometers seems to be far away, but they must enter the bombing route now and cannot easily change it.

Quite simply, the VB-1 bombs they carry can only be adjusted left and right. When the bomb falls, it can turn left and right, and cannot change back and forth. It is impossible to adjust the distance.

From the point of view of the radio channel, it has increased to 47, which is almost the same as the later VB-3, but its body can only be adjusted left and right. It is most suitable for bombing long targets. If you bomb warships, you must go far. Just keep a good route.

It's similar to dropping a free-fall bomb.

As last time, each bomber carried only one VB-1 bomb, 1,000 pounds, half a ton, and the remaining pylons of the B-29, which had a load capacity of ten tons, were still loaded with other free-falling bodies. Bomb.

If it were not for a dive attack, the hit rate of free-fall bombs would be very low. Fortunately, the German fleet is densely formed, and the sea is densely packed. If the carpet bombing continues, it may be blind cats and dead mice, which will have additional results. At the same time, a large number of bombs went down to conceal the real attack killer among them.

William took a deep and nervous breath. In the pressurized cockpit, it seemed as if the oxygen content was declining, giving him a feeling of holding his breath. His eyes were fixed on it. From now on, the plane will listen to him. Commanded.

This plane is a long-term plane, and Major General Kenneth is on it. At this moment, he was sitting in the position of the co-pilot, looking at the sky in the distance, and suddenly, he saw a place several kilometers higher than his own and appeared. A piece of shining.

There is at least 14,000 meters, what kind of plane is it at such a high altitude?

This thought flashed in his mind for a moment, and Major General Kenneth knew that the situation was not good.

Throughout this era, there are very few planes that can fly above 14,000 meters. It can even be said that only a few reconnaissance planes can fly, but the ones that come in front are one piece, definitely fighter jets!

A fighter jet that can fly to 14 thousand is scary to think about. What a terrible existence would it be?

"Attention, there is a group of fighter jets right ahead. Shrink the formation and prepare for self-defense." Major General Kenneth shouted loudly on the radio.

At this moment, those bright spots are more flickering, the height is constantly decreasing, and the opponent starts to dive!

Flying in the forefront was Novotny, an experienced flying veteran, who saw the huge bomber formation from a distance. From the appearance, it was very similar to his own Junker-290, but the aircraft There is no unique black cross on the wing, only a red five-star. Needless to say, it must be an American bomber!

Sure enough, they came to attack, even they did not hesitate to go around in a circle?

"Attention, ready to attack, Musketeers formation." Novotny shouted over the radio.

The musketeers formation is a new tactic they have recently created. When the ancient musketeers were shooting, they lined up in two rows, squatting in the front and standing in the back. Then they raised their guns and fired together.

The current jets, after receiving Novotny’s order, quickly changed their formation, and soon they became two rows, with a height of less than five meters up and down, and a distance of only 20 meters in the back. One row, in the gap of the previous row.

From a distance, it looks like two long barrages blocking the approach of each other's fleet. At this time, the two sides are flying head-on.

24 jets, two rows in front and back, soon they dropped to a height of 10,000 meters, on the same level as the opponent, about 100 meters higher than the opponent, their movements were neat and uniform, all of them were experienced veterans. .

"Attention, the speed is reduced to four hundred." Nowotny continued to issue new orders.

Now, the two sides are flying head-to-head, and the relative speed is very high. If you want to increase the hit rate, you must reduce this relative speed. Stormbirds can fly as fast as 1,000 kilometers per hour, and now, 400 is almost the slowest speed they can fly at high altitudes.

The distance between the two sides is still shrinking sharply. The B-29 bomber formation is rapidly shrinking. The front 444 bomber group is arranged in a dense formation and continues to fly forward. They must break through the interception line of the opponent. .

Major General Kenneth felt a little bad.

From him, he can clearly see the opponent’s aircraft. The lack of propellers is the biggest feature. At the same time, the nose has a big opening. Obviously, this is a German jet fighter, a rather mysterious aircraft. Type, with unmatched performance.

If you are the other it should be swooping down from high altitude. Only in this way can you find your own weakness. Due to the elevation angle of the cannon, the firepower in the back of the aircraft will always be the weakest. The formation is to form crossfire and make up for the defensive defects of the ninety-degree angle.

But now, the opponent did not take advantage of their altitude to dive, instead they lined up a straight interception formation in front. Are they planning to use aerial artillery when they are approaching?

how can that be!

The relative speed of the two parties is very fast. When they are close to the cannon, they only have a short firing distance, and then they will cross relatively. In this way, the other party has to turn around and chase back. During this time, oneself has been able to It's within the bombing distance, and bombs can be thrown at high altitudes tens of kilometers away.

Could it be that the other party has any weird new weapons?

Major General Kenneth thought of this, and his heart sank. I am afraid this judgment is correct, because the Germans have never lacked new weapons. They can always come up with some weird weapons.

However, no matter what new weapons the other party has, one's own side must continue to bite the bullet and move forward. There is no second choice.

This is the fate of the bomber.

At this time, William, the navigator and bombardier in front, also saw the interceptor aircraft that appeared ahead. His eyes briefly turned from the bombing sight. Because he was in the lowest position, he could see under the opponent’s wing from here. On the side, when he saw the stuff hanging there, William couldn't help but exclaimed: "They have rockets!"

The range of the cannon is also too close. It is not dangerous to shoot at the time of flight, but the rocket is different. It is a face-to-face weapon!

If you don’t believe me, ask the ground troops, what are they most afraid of? It's something called the Cyric organ, and now, the opposite is this kind of thing!